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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Maybe orange or green will be easier on your eyes.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    I'm fine with expansions. If everyone agrees feel free to add any themes/rides you want to use from it.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    You can start without the border owned already if you want, I won't be home for the next ~4 hours. Very soon you will be able to buy that land in-game by the way, just fixed an issue with the fencing this morning.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    We can being now I think. I'll shuffle the list to make the order of who may begin random. List of players: Broxzier, Dan, Philmon11, jensj12, CAVIAR, Wuis, CoasterMaster, ziscor Shuffled: @jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, CoasterMaster, Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor @imlegos Are you in as well?
  5. This is indeed not the place to ask, but try running the develop version of the game instead. 0.0.3 is outdated.
  6. Hallo und willkommen auf dieser Website! (I'm not German, just know it a little bit) As RuneLaenen already said, you can help by translating the in-game strings. There are new ones added all the time, so translators are always needed.
  7. Oh, that was unexpected. I did not know paths had any influence on the ride rating, and that's quite a big one. Oh well
  8. @jensj12: Did you try it in a empty map, without any other coaster of this type? Otherwise there is a 25% excitement penalty.
  9. I meant to participate, but was very busy the past few weeks! Here's my submission: Jensj Contest 1.td6
  10. I am unable to reproduce this crash, or maybe I am doing something wrong. Can you be more specific about the steps to follow for this crash to occur?
  11. That sounds like a lot of changes just to prevent players from misusing the system. Let them cheat if they want to, it's a lot of effort to do this every month. This whole 'problem' can also be solved by paying staff right away when you hire them.
  12. First lower the ground where you want to build a path. Diagonal land for the corners, where you want to place the triangular shaped path piece. Then fill it with whole path pieces Disable clearance checks and place the corner pieces at the same height as the ground After that you will have to build an invisible path above it, or a regular one, and hide it with a corrupt map element, but that would be more work. I hope this helps.
  13. The litter bins fill up slower now, it has been merged in the develop branch:
  14. Those are some amazing looking parks!
  15. While they are basically recoloured paths, except for that noise one perhaps, there are quite a few that I do really like. Especially the very last one, the green dirt path. That one would probably look good in jungle areas.
  16. After having played in that park for some time it did not return for me. Do you remember what you did before it returned?
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    It's attached right here: Just to warn you, keeping the rating high will be extremely difficult. Perhaps you'll have to reassign all handymen's patrol areas for it to be somewhat stable. It's also part of a bug though, since litter bins get filled far too fast.
  18. Remove unhappy/leaving guests - good idea, I can imagine this is helpful when guests got stuck somewhere and take forever to leave. Set time - Definitely. I don't know if this will cause issues with ride ages though. Park Value and ride ratings - No. I think this is wrong, even as a cheat. They are merely there to let you know how good your park or ride is, they do not have an impact on the game itself. I know the same thing can be said about park rating, for which there is a cheat already. The only reason for having this cheat is to reach the park's objective, but there's also this button that lets you win a scenario instantly.
  19. This has been discussed before, and in general the devs do not agree with this. It's not like by paying a handymen more, they suddenly get attracted to places where there's litter on the paths, there's no way of knowing that when it's around a corner. Mechanics get a phone call to let them know where to go, handymen have no way of knowing it. What would be helpful though is that they stop randomly walking around, and instead try to really patrol an area. But this is something that's been worked on, as they now randomly walk around.
  20. There's unexported custom scenery in there, so I can't open the park, but it should be fixed if you increase and then decrease the map. It's to do with the first 14 map elements being corrupt for some reason, at least that was the case a while ago with some other parks. I don't know what's causing it, any information about this will be helpful.
  21. It would still be exciting, maybe not to you, but certainly if it's a new ride. No matter what type a new ride is, there's always a hype in the beginning, this even goes for very childish events in a park. Besides, the game can not easily include completely new types of attractions, the types are set, just different skins. So to make it more realistic, I suggest new rides have a popularity boost instead of making old rides boring in the long run. Edit: I think it's worth making a issue over at Github, I'd like to know what the other developers think of it.
  22. Note that setting it beyond 16 will cause compatibility issues with other players who do not have that version, and also with RCT2 itself.
  23. This bug is known and there is a fix for it already, which comes together with an in-game save dialog for this, so no more native windows. I don't know when you can expect this to be in the development version of the game, so if you use this a lot you might be better off using the stable version for now.
  24. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

  25. From the first post I understood a cart like this: Which can just drive over the paths, or perhaps on a new type of path that's only for staff.
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