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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. After looking at it for a bit I see that their happiness only drops while the car is not moving, and only for those who are angry. Also during the ride and after exiting their happiness did not increase at all. I'll make it an issue at GitHub now.
  2. Broxzier

    Coszie Park

    Using the tile inspector you can remove the default entrance almost completely, only leaving the path piece of it. Then you can build on these tiles yourself to make it look good.
  3. One year ago I heard about the project from someone in a game developers thread on the FacePunch forums - not the same one ziscor linked. I jumped right in, the idea of working on my first favourite game was just amazing. I've been pretty active in the community and on the developer side every since with just a few short pauses. I see myself somewhat as a bridge between the two, letting the developers know about issues and experience from the player, and letting the community know about what is currently in development.
  4. @X7123M3-256: Finding all map elements belonging to the selected track piece is the problem - I don't know anything about the track code and how they work, and giving the users only the map elements to work with is not a good idea. I did not say it cannot be done in the tile inspector, I even think it's a good idea to put it there. @imlegos: The ride entrance and exit can be built beforehand. When you change the baseheight of the track, the entrance and exit do not move with it. When you edit the track however, they will disappear and you'll have to place them again, just like with rotated entrances and exits.
  5. @imlegos: Yes, but it's incompatible with saved games.
  6. Broxzier

    Coszie Park

    I like how it went from 24 years to 48 years
  7. Some track pieces, like corners and S-shaped ones, have elements that are only visible from one angle, not from all four. At the currently selected tile, there's one map element that I have increased much higher, but it's not there From this angle however, the track piece is visible. Also notice how how the supports are going through the track. That's the one angle it's right, but from the other it isn't, because not the entire track piece is increased, only the one that is responsible for the supports. To make this easier, the entire track piece should be increased as a whole. If the user wants to have complete control over which pieces should be increased, they can build two tracks, and remove the track elements they don't need. I cannot think of a situation where this would be needed, since that means the it will only be visible from certain angles, and not from others.
  8. Are you on the latest builds? I remember seeing this happen about two months ago, but not anymore. I also still have the park that ziscor posted with the two guests, but couldn't reproduce this behaviour.
  9. That screenshot looks very much like RCT1 now I see it again. Instead of a footpath, I think it's the ground. Same with the ground near the queue line for that coaster, and the buildings in front, which is just raised ground.
  10. Which build are you using? Does it happen to all saved games?
  11. A problem with doing so in the tile inspector is that it works for map elements, and not for entire track pieces. I haven't worked with tracks before, so I have no idea how hard it is to apply it to the entire piece.
  12. Looks like a custom footpath.
  13. Not because there is no exit, but because apparently the path is not connected properly. This can happen when you build with clearance checks disabled for instance.
  14. As jensj said, that won't be necessary. The mechanics will enter through the entrance when there is no exit for that station.
  15. In the second screenshot I see a pirate ship with red text, but you mentioned the wooden coaster, so I assume that's the one you mean. The path looks connected, so the mechanics should be able to walk in. Did you disable clearance by any chance while building the ride, or the paths? Also, there's no need to load a previous save. In the ride status tab you can force the ride to be fixed, next to the find-nearest-mechanic icon.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    That's one big coaster, taking 2:49s.
  17. I don't think that's possible. You can have different cars from different car types on the same track, but not from different tracks. If you would use a side friction car on a looping coaster for example, it doesn't fly off either. Okay, nevermind that, I thought it was going to behave like how the track was designed, but the vehicle code is being used for the crashes of course, not the tracks.
  18. That trailer is so bad, I love it!
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Fixed it - apparently it was because the same tile as where guests spawn also has building rights, and that was invalidating the peep spawn point. I now set the land to unowned, and set the entry points again. The OpenRCT Group Park 3.15-spawnfix.sv6
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    I'll take a look into it. The export-plugin thing has been fixed by IntelOrca by the way, so quicksaving should now also export them. Edit: Well... turns out guests don't spawn at all anymore But only in our park.
  21. Known issue for a long time: Your saved game might help someone find the error, so I'll post it on GitHub.
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    You're pretty cruel to those flowers by them not letting have any rain D: Edit: That's a nice footpath, I didn't have that one yet.
  23. Cool, haven't seen this before.
  24. A desync does not mean there's custom scenery being installed. The easiest way to check if there was, check the console. It should have a message like: INFO[src\object_list.c:404 (object_list_cache_load)]: X object added... updating object list cache A workbench is basically a scenario with a bunch of custom scenery and sometimes rides in it. Opening these parks installs the custom content on your computer automatically. The error you're getting about having the wrong version means that the server is either running a newer or older build that you are.
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