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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. 0.0.5 is still a few months away though, it will take time to have this implemented, and even more time to reach the stable builds.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    I built a pirate swing ride, called Fabulous Pirate, and improved the castle near the entrance. Other fixes around the park: Owning all land, except near the entrance. A border is visible there though. There was a lot of vandalism in the park, no idea why, I fixed it and it hasn't happened so far. Changed the patrol areas a little bit, they were way too big for just one handyman, and hired a new one as well. Set all inspection times to 10 minutes. Changed the scenery here and there, mostly fixing walls. Changed the black spots in the paths to grey, I think this looks nicer, but feel free to revert it. Made the monorail have some supports, as it appeared to be floating. (You can make supports invisible by using the tile inspector, and moving the track piece under the surface element in the list). Placed a few more benches and bins, mostly near the Water Rush. Built a information kiosk, and a toilet. Claimed: - Queue: @CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier Missed: CoasterMaster The OpenRCT Group Park 3.04.sv6
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    @CoasterMaster (and everyone else of course) Litter bins now take now much longer to fill up, so trash will be less of a problem now.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Claiming the park now!
  5. This will be solved when accounts are needed, which will be in version 0.0.5.
  6. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    I will claim it tonight, in about 12 hours from now, so if @CAVIAR or anyone from the missed turn list wants to take their turn before me, feel free.
  7. That shouldn't matter, it's still the same hotkey function which will be called to open the console.
  8. @anime5167: It is a known issue, but thanks for letting us know. @Nubbie: Yes.
  9. I disagree. If this would be done for every gameplay tweak, the options menu will become even more cluttered.
  10. They actually are aware of vomit and rubbish one square away from them in all directions. It's what made them sometimes get stuck in corners, but that has been fixed last week.
  11. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Sure, we can dispose of people in the missed turn list that have been there for too long. Ten turns sounds fine to me.
  12. No, just the remakes. They should be included in the downloads, because I have them and never downloaded a pack manually.
  13. Broxzier

    Kick Notes
  14. Broxzier

    Kick Notes

    Good idea, and I don't think really hard to implement either. @ziscor: Then that's just childishness of the host.
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    @jensj12: Don't you have time to take your turn?
  16. Is this really necessary? This is an impolite act, I can imagine them taking offense in this.
  17. Welcome to the forums!
  18. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: WuisLine: Philmon11, CoasterMaster, Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegosMissed: jensj12
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Oh, yeah! If we're going to use monorails, having it above the ground would look good.
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    That corner building looks really good. Pirate theme! The square and the fountains look good, it definitely fits an entrance, and I like how you placed the entrances too! I'd say the cute-like monorails, but we can change that at any time anyway. The dike-like thing looks a little bit odd to me, not rally entrance friendly. Maybe keep the outer two paths as they are, and make the middle one flat.
  21. Those parks look good, but the filters makes them look a bit boring. In my opinion the effects are a bit too extreme.
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Those were hacked custom rides though, scenery, paths and themes should be no problem at all.
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Actually for the previous park we decided we could use custom scenery, and no extension packs, but in the end there still was no custom scenery added at all
  24. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    We can't share the expansion packs, so when we chose to use them this project will only be accessible for those who have them.
  25. Broxzier

    Group Park 3

    Nope, only custom scenery will be exported with a saved game. For expansion content you'll need to have the expansion packs installed.
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