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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    I think most of you will agree that the previous park was a bit too large, so I suggest we'll make this one like 15-20 tiles smaller. For Group Park 7 we started out with a height map, and I'm up for creating another one for this round. I'd try to make it commit to all requests.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Since it's been a while since the last progress in the seventh group park, it's time to start the next: Group Park 8. What's This? If you're already familiar with how the Group Parks work, you can skip to the rules. The OpenRCT2 Group Park is a collaberative park that everyone on these forums can contribute to. Players take turns by claiming the park, building some things, and when done upload the update park here for the next person to work from. To decide who gets to take a turn, we keep track of two lists: A queue and a missed-turn-list; there's information about how they work below. The park itself is a sandbox; there's no goal other than having fun creating a nice park together. When it's your turn to claim the park, you should clearly state so by leaving a comment with the updated queue. Don't forget to do this, because when you haven't said anything after 24 hours, the next player can take their turn instead. Once claimed you have 48 hours to work on the park. When you're done, post a comment on this thread to show what changes you've made. Check out the rules for more details about what you should post exactly. The Player Lists Everyone starts in the queue, which will be shuffled when we begin. The person who is in front of the queue has 24 hours to claim the park, and once claimed 48 hours to work on it. If the person misses their chance to claim the park, they will be moved to the missed-turn-list. The order of this list is, unlike the queue, not important; anyone in this list can claim the park when it's not claimed already, or put themselves back in the queue in front of everyone else, so that they can claim the park next. In case multiple players from the missed-turn list put themselves in front, the person who was first gets to be first. The queue mainly acts as a way of handling who takes turns in a fair manner. If you don't have much spare time but would like to participate anyway, you just have to state so and an exception can be made to allow you to work on it when you do have time. This includes players who are currently in the queue. Everyone can join! Just add yourself to the end of the queue, or state you want to join and wait for someone else to add you. To avoid mistakes, always look for the last update of the queue and copy it before making changes. The Rules This park is NCSO (non-custom scenery objects) - Don't add objects that are not from the vanilla game; adding official expansion pack content is allowed, but note that they won't show up for players that don't have them installed. Be rational - Don't cover a large portion of the map in one turn, or build coasters every turn. Look at what the others are building, and try to blend in. When not approved by the majority of the other players, your changes may be reverted. Respect - Don't alter anything made by others without having their consent. Queue update - When posting the new version of the park, update the queue and tag the person who is in front (type @<username> and select them from the list), so they will be notified (can be difficult on mobile - ask someone to tag them for you). Screenshot - Since the park will be getting a lot of versions, and not everyone will be checking out every version of it, include at least one screenshot of a change you've made Versioning - Increase the version in the filename by one (e.g. from Group Park 8.14 to Group Park 8.15). The number that needs to increase is the one after the 8. part in the filename (8. is because it's the eight group park. The part behind the dot is a separate number). The first 10 versions should contain a leading zero. Hotfixes - Anyone may claim the park when it's not claimed already for hotfixes, but try to keep it claimed for a minimum amount of time. Tag the first person in the queue when finished. Hotfixes do not need to increase the version number, but append something to the end of the filename (e.g. Group Park 8.12-crashfix, or simply Group Park 8.12a). Before We Begin Before we begin we need to agree on a few things: The landscape we go for, the park size, the park name, the themes, and the different areas in the park, perhaps some background lore, and everything else you want to discuss. The first round starts one week from now, on April 27th. I'll post the shuffled queue and the first saved game file then. Let's make this the best group park yet!
  3. The OpenGL renderer makes the black ground flash constantly for me The tiles with hidden surfaces are still messing with the frame buffer. It probably doesn't work as intended on my end. Gonna check out match 2 now
  4. It's nice to hear OpenRCT2 allows for more tricks One of the parks looks very buggy at the edges though (I know there's a glitchless version). I wonder why they decided to hide surface elements with corrupt elements, rather than using black scenery tiles and walls for them?
  5. Not having any problems on my end. Maybe clearing your browser and dns caches helps.
  6. I love these! They are so similar yet different from the original parks.
  7. @RobWhlkRT12P You're just suggesting file extensions, which have not much to do with the file itself. You also state you're aware of objects being json now (which are not really copies of the .DAT* files, just the information from them), yet in your table you use .OBJ. There's much more to it than just coming up with a file extension. Things we want to improve on most is flexibility. json, for example, allows adding new properties later on without breaking earlier versions of the saved games. As long as the code is aware some entries that were introduced later on, it can default-initialize those fields and still load older versions. This allows for further extending the save format along the way, as well as allowing plug-ins for example to store data with the file.
  8. No, I meant the flag that gets set for measuring the track block. It's not being used anywhere outside this function, and it seems to increase a counter that the ride uses to calculate how much of the ride is covered.
  9. Nice small tutorial Deurklink, tricks like these are good to spread around. I want to add a little something, another way to place walls diagonally without going through the tile inspector. First make sure you have cheats enabled, since we're going to disable clearance checks: Once you've build your house, go and disable clearance checks, so you can fill in the empty gaps. Now, use the land tool and raise the tiles inside the building from the corner, with the highest point where you want the fences to be high as well: Do this for all corners Now place the fences to fill up the gaps: Note that this only works in one go when the roofs match the land height. Since surfaces go up and down with steps of 2, while scenery can go up and down with single steps, you may have to fix the height. with the tile inspector and reorder them the way that Deurklink has explained. Don't forget to enable clearance checks again when you're done.
  10. Broxzier

    Drive-In Cinema

    Why of course! What drive-in theater doesn't have a funny looking car selling ice cream?
  11. That does seem to be the case indeed. I'm still not sure how the covered flag is used exactly though.
  12. I can already smell a plug-in that notifies you about ride prices being too low or too high
  13. @jensj12 It does. In case the first check, to see if the vehicle is above the ground, passes, it loops over the tile elements above the first surface element. For large scenery and paths it sets cover_found to true, for small scenery it first checks if the SMALL_SCENERY_FLAG_FULL_TILE flag is set first.
  14. Broxzier

    Drive-In Cinema

    Maybe next time try a different file format that doesn't load as slow, like mp4 or webm. Maybe even just a screenshot. I do like the concept and the mix of cars. Only the tram vehicle looks a bit out of place.
  15. What that wikia page says is wrong. I don't believe 40% of a track has to be covered, so I checked out the code to find out more. Rides have a value that keep track of how much of the track is covered. Directly taken from a comment in the source code: This is a very rough approximation of how much of the ride is undercover. It reaches the maximum value of 7 at about 50% undercover and doesn't increase beyond that. This value gets calculated alongside other measurements by following a vehicle. For each track element (straight piece, corner, drops, etc.) it does a few checks to see if the track element is covered: It's below the surface There's a large scenery item on top of it There's a footpath above it There's scenery above it that uses the full tile If any of those filters match, a track piece is considered covered. The distance doesn't matter, as long as it's later on the list of tile elements. It could even be lower than the track element when the order has been manipulated, and still be considered to be covering the track. When it is, the length of the track piece will be added to the total length of the track that is covered by something. When the measurements are made, guests can begin to complain about not wanting to go on a ride when it's raining. Before they complain, there's a check to see how much of the track is covered. This threshold is fairly low and only requires about 10-15% of the ride to be covered. Note that I don't have any experience with this part of the code, so my findings may not be 100% accurate.
  16. I've seen that station issue happen before. Did you merge the track with another ride before this happened?
  17. I believe the twitch integration is outdated and doesn't work anymore. There was a fork of the project that streamed parks and would even follow the peep sprites of the guests that were named after the viewers on Twitch, called PeepWatch. Custom thoughts are not possible yet, as they are stored as IDs, not as text. Adding new thoughts is not hard, but those cannot be saved in the SV6 format.
  18. The reason this works is because elements are (currently) drawn in order, where elements later in the list will only overwrite the same pixels if their base height is at least the tile's clearance height so far. The tile elements show them in reverse order, because that's more logical (higher elements higher in the list). For the selected tile, it'll: draw the surface draw the car over the surface - its base height equals the surface's clearance height, so it overwrites the pixels draw the path behind the car - it won't overwrite the pixels from the car, because it's base height is lower than the clearance height of the car This trick works with multiple elements on the same tile too.
  19. OpenRCT2 places new objects in your Documents/OpenRCT2/object folder. Removing this folder will clean you of this clutter. Objects that you or vanilla RCT2 placed in your ObjData folders you'd have to sort out manually.
  20. I usually only watch the first few scenes before starting a game, but those do look nice.
  21. The island isn't completely solid And I'm trying to keep blocks that are not visible out.
  22. That means it doesn't run any code from the original executable anymore, which makes it a stand-alone tool. OpenRCT2 still needs the original assets of the game. If those are going to be replaced (which will take a ton of time considering you have to recreate all sprites, music tracks, scenarios, and other assets), then OpenRCT2 wouldn't need the original game files at all. But that's not going to happen anytime soon.
  23. That looks insanely good @RaunchyRussell! I'd never get even near that skill level. Here's something I just finished making in Deurklink's server that I'm somewhat proud of: It's not finished, but it's the basic shape for a floating island.
  24. In that case, a very late welcome!
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