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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    New coaster: Monóchrōmos Some other small things: Fixed footpaths at the exits of Second Run Movie Theater and Twister Roller Coaster 1 Placed foliaged on the empty area between the Log Flume 2 ride and the path Made the small wooden bridge over the river less simplistic Smoothed out the track of the monorail down from the station near Twister Roller Coaster 1 Claimed: - Queue: Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia @Deurklink you're up. @cascadia did you place yourself in the missed turn list deliberately? The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.44.sv6
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: Broxzier Queue: Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53 Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia
  3. I suggest going to the dev chat or github issue that you've created to ask for an estimation, that's where most developers will look.
  4. If you have the full game installed on the computer running Windows XP, you can copy over the files in the Tracks, Saved Games, Landscapes, and Scenarios folders from the installation directory to the track, save, landscape, and scenario folders in your OpenRCT2 directory respectively. Then the pre-designed tracks should be available.
  5. If it worked 4 weeks ago, you can just select the stable build in the launcher. Otherwise you could go through the history of AppVeyor manually to find a build from 4+ weeks ago: Look for commits saying "Merging Localization into develop", which are basically nightly builds. Any other builds may be from pull requests that still had to be merged at that point, and may miss some functionality. Then select your platform (x86 or x64), go to artifacts on the right, and download the zip. Extract the contents into your Docuements/OpenRCT2 folder, and you should be able to play by opening OpenRCT2/bin/
  6. Sounds like you're running a Windows OS that is no longer supported by Microsoft. I'm surprised you were able to run previous versions at all. Most off all I suggest upgrading your OS. If for some reason you really don't want to do that, try downloading an older version of the game that you know worked before, and don't update it (so don't use the launcher). Do you remember which version you were running first?
  7. It seems that some track pieces don't allow wall-doors to be build on top of them, even though when build there with clearance checks disabled they do work fine. This is probably the same in Vanilla RCT2, and should be changed.
  8. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    The guests get stuck because there are paths on the tiles where the entrances and exits of the rides are. The pathfinding algorithm sees a path there that the guests can take, but when the guests actually try to take that path, they get stuck because the ride entrance or exit comes first. I've fixed it by removing the paths under them. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.41-pathing-fix.sv6
  9. Note that since the calculations of rides and values differ from RCT1, the scenario goals may be extremely easy or difficult to reach.
  10. Perhaps your anti-virus is preventing the game from running. It may see one of the required files as a virus. Try temporarily disabling it.
  11. A quick google search told me that error code 0xc0000022 means it requires access to files that it can't open. Try running the game as administrator.
  12. Did it work before? Maybe delete your config.ini file and try running it again.
  13. I think OP meant he doesn't have wifi on his laptop, and posted here using his phone instead. Back on-topic: it all looks very empty now, with the large paths and unfinished buildings, but it does look promising. The locker building looks great.
  14. I mean what gets printed to the console (the black window). If you don't see anythign, try running the game with --verbose to get extra information.
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    During my turn I've disconnected the log flume ride from the central square, moved the nearby toilets to fit better with the paths, made the paths there use diagonal pieces, and placed some foilage around them. My only addition is the bridge that I replaced with a fancier one, modelled after the other semi-big bridge in the park, and opened the road so guests can use it. Claimed: - Queue: Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TCE, TheMightyClem @Deurklink you're up! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.35.sv6
  16. In your Documents/OpenRCT2/bin folder, open the file, and tell us what it prints.
  17. @JarnoVgr @RuneLaenen
  18. Rest assured that there is no virus. Avast has a bad heuristic for finding threads, resulting in many false positive. It looks like you're using Windows 7, which I think has Windows Defender, which you can use instead of Avast. If you want to keep using Avast, you'll have to add OpenRCT2 to a whitelist somewhere in the settings window of Avast.
  19. This issue has just been fixed.
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    Very nice update @RedScope53 Claimed: Broxzier Queue: Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53 Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TCE, TheMightyClem
  21. Hi, thanks for reporting the issue, it has been fixed yesterday, new Linux builds should work again.
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    @TCE If you have made any changes in the park, please post it asap.
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Today I've collected the saved games of all versions and wrote a script to make a giant screenshot of them, and am planning to compile them into a video. In the video I want to give everyone who participated credit, of course, and to be sure I didn't miss anyone, here's the list of names that I currently have (Alphabetic order in case you're wondering, I hate placing myself at top ): Broxzier Cascadia giraty imlegos jensj12 Jochem Przemek qbbq saxman1089 SpiffyJack TheMightyClem Tune WobblyRails Wuis
  24. Where did you get the tr6 files from? If my memory serves right, the extension for track files is td6 instead of tr6.
  25. Broxzier

    Group Park 7

    Please include a screenshot when you've added anything new to the park. Edit: Also make sure you have the option "Export plug-in objects" enabled. I was unable to open your saved game before opening 7.31.
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