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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    @saxman1089 Yes! Only there is a slight problem with the entrance and exit - the guests walk at the height of the original station, rather than at the height of the entrance/exit or vehicle. This should definitely be fixed in the code.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Please forgive me gentlemen! I went 2 hours over the limit. Anyway, here's the new addition: Spinning Stars. It's a small ride with spinning Virginia Reel cars on a circular track. Claimed: - Queue: UTMAN, giraty, Broxzier Missed: Redscope53, Deurklink, Wuis @UTMAN The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.22.sv6
  3. There is no unique height map format for OpenRCT2. Height maps are just images. In the scenario editor, click on Map Generator and go the the heightmap loader tab. There you can load the image and OpenRCT2 will generate a map for you. Keep in mind that RCT2 is limited to a maximum size of around 250x250 per map, so it's adviced to crop and resize the images. Also make sure to keep them square, or a part may be cut off.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Claiming! Claimed: Broxzier Queue: UTMAN, giraty Missed: Redscope53, Deurklink, Wuis
  5. Welcome to the forums!
  6. Broxzier

    Hi Guys

    Welcome! You've probably seen the group parks already, and you're welcome to join in on the fun!
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    I'm gladd you like it.
  8. That sounds like a difference in mass caused it. If it's a hill that the boats would barely get over, it's most likely a boat that didn't make it at all and then a second boat crashed into it. Without a saved game or even a screenshot it's hard to replicate. If you still have the ride in one of your autosaves, please do share it here or on GitHub.
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    I've cleaned up the entrance area somewhat, by adding gladd behind the walls with holes in them, adding fences, adding some foliage, adding a signpost, and a new shortcut path for people to use who are more familiar with the park already. I've also added a small building near the parking lot, whick I will finish later, and sewers underground (they look cool when you use the cut-away view! ) Claimed: - Queue: UTMAN, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: Redscope53, giraty, Deurklink @UTMAN The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.19.sv6
  10. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    That's something I didn't know! Even after 15+ years Istill learn new things about this game Claiming! Claimed: Broxzier Queue: UTMAN, Wuis Missed: Redscope53, giraty, Deurklink
  11. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    I've tested it with two trains, but the difference is minimal. The track duration goes from 1:42 to 1:41 or something. The probelm is mostly that the block brakes are relatively close to each other. The queue waiting time doesn't seem to be so bad though, at only ~6 minutes most of the time.
  12. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Sorry for taking so long. Here are my contributions: I've tidied up the greenery near the paths, mostly adding some flowers and other bushes, and I've added parked cars to the parking lot. Most of them seem to be idots and park halfway on the pavement and stuff. Must be a radical country... Claimed: - Queue: UTMAN, Broxzier Missed: Redscope53, giraty, Wuis, Deurklink The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.16.sv6 @UTMAN You're up
  13. I'm don't know much about the Linux builds I'm afraid. Janisosaur will be the guy for that. On windows, when you run a headless server, it opens the command interface immediately:
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Claimed: Broxzier Queue: UTMAN Missed: Redscope53, giraty, Wuis, Deurklink
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    Over 24 hours have passed, so @Wuis gets moved to the missed turn list. @Deurklink you're next. Claimed: - Queue: Deurklink, Broxzier, UTMAN Missed: Redscope53, giraty, Wuis
  16. I don't think there currently is a way to save from a headless server. Since you can use the in-game command line from console though, it should be possible to add a "save_park" command for that. Feel free to suggest it on GitHub. About the other question: Yes! It is possible to make the server automatically pause when there are no clients connected. In your config.ini file you'll fine an entry called "pause_server_if_no_clients". Just change this value to "true" and it should work.
  17. Yes, you're missing a lot of content. OpenRCT2 provides the object information of the original games, but since you don't have the assets you won't see them. Because of that, parks made by others may appear rather empty to you. I suggest just getting the full game, it's not expensive and you won't be having problems where you can't see things that others can.
  18. Maybe out of fairness, let everyone post a screenshot of the map without any scenery on it.
  19. Currently there is no way of checking for the latest network version through an API that I'm aware of. This is definitely something that we should include though! For now I think it's best to set up a cronjob that checks for NETWORK_STREAM_VERSION in and if it's different from your current network version check if the commit has a build. If you can manage to get the launcher running, you only have to run it and it'll update the binaries, then launch OpenRCT2 with the commands you want again.
  20. What problems? I'm only aware of the number of trains regression from two days ago, but that has been fixed already.
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

    New addition: a basic parking lot I'd name it after my dog, but I've never had a dog, so it has no name really. I've also added some foliage on the beach near the ship and replaced the riggings with a ladder. Claimed: Queue: UTMAN, Wuis, Deurklink, Broxzier Missed: Redscope53, giraty @UTMAN You're up! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.14.sv6
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 8

  23. Don't worry about it, it's not a problem! After having selected an object from the list, it would make sense to have it available right away. Your problem has only brought up this issue again, and at some point this will be improved.
  24. Creating a GitHub account is literally the only thing you see on the homepage and visible on almost all of the other pages... Then once you have an account there's a big button that says "New issue" right here
  25. Maybe try setting up the launcher to use the release build and then select develop again.
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