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Everything posted by jensj12

  1. If you have a ride that uses the same track, it will show up as a vehicle for that ride. Check if you already have any other observation tower. It should list the (number of?) available vehicles at the bottom of the window. Alternatively, click the build button on the news message.
  2. It's not installed properly. Make sure you've followed all the instructions of the installation guide: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/Android
  3. The title and description are part of the object, and can only be replaced by replacing the object. I think you just have to get used to the names they have. On the other hand, many names and descriptions of official objects have been fixed/improved for OpenRCT2. There is an official 'replacement set' of objects, using the original objects for their images. I don't know whether such a structure is possible for non-official objects (probably not).
  4. (Open)RCT2 is a game, not a realistic simulation. Adding realism is not necessarily bad, but it has to fit in the game. The penalty for deadly G-forces could indeed be increased, but one has to think of the blocky structure of the game, sometimes making it impossible to increase the slope gently enough to keep the G's reasonable (especially with vertical drop coaster). Theoretically possible, but requires a lot of work (both guest sprites and swimming logic). After all these years, many players expect peeps to drown and make fun of it. Changing that is very unlikely. In reality, places guests are not allowed to go are well-hidden and/or locked. Guests don't go there, maybe one guest a year (or one in a million). Won't happen (maybe as plugin, if that's possible). Not gonna happen, would require as much work as making a new game.
  5. According to #13524, it should already work (I think, I'm no Mac user).
  6. Ah yes, window scale factor was the word I was looking for. Make sure the drawing engine is set to software (hardware display) or OpenGL for best results (or experiment what works best for you, I have it at 1.25x with software rendering (hardware display)). Putting the scale factor at 2 should be as crisp as the original, regardless of the other settings, but is probably too big.
  7. In the options (first (drawing/rendering) tab), increase the rendering window scale factor. This will enlarge everything, as if you had a lower resolution. If the game looks weird, experiment with the rounding options the display settings or put the scale factor on a whole number.
  8. Putting together individual pieces of walls and roofs is the usual method to construct buildings. Why doesn't that work for you? There's an easier, but more limited method if you have RCT1 linked. You can raise a block of land and paint the land using RCT1's building-themed land types. Have a look at the official scenarios (like haunted harbor) if you need examples.
  9. That's a station/entrance style IIRC, so you can simply select 'invisible' in the theming tab of a ride.
  10. It happens when there’s a new build published, but the build for your platform isn’t ready yet. Especially the windows builds are known to be slow. If you want to play, just close the launcher and launch the game directly (I think it’s located somewhere in documents/OpenRCT2/bin, but I can’t check right now).
  11. There's a very big difference between 'OpenRCT2 doesn't work' and 'I don't see the cheats button'. Please specify more precisely what the problem is (or just enable the cheats button in the options).
  12. There is a new save format, which means some of the parks now have a .park extension rather than .sv6. Manually changing that to .sv6 will break the save.
  13. It's a known bug, see #14478. If you know a way to reliably reproduce the issue, please spread the word so it can be fixed more easily. If you need to get rid of it, just close the ride and reopen it.
  14. In any case both should be from the same version, and only Loopy Landscapes works with OpenRCT2, so you need to copy the LL files over.
  15. You should have at least the files csg1.dat and csg1i.dat in the data directory inside the selected folder ([rct1 folder]/data/csg1[i].dat, not directly inside the selected folder). If you're not sure, please post a screenshot of the contents of both your RCT1 installation folder and the data folder.
  16. I have no idea whether it's possible or not. It's not an official scenario, so don't expect support on that part from the OpenRCT2 team. If you believe it's impossible, contact the author of the scenario. You can try using the ride price manager plugin for optimal pricing, putting down more ATMs/cash machines and filling the empty spots with even more rides (preferable of ride types you don't have yet, as rides you only have one of get a small value boost). If you have a lot of very old rides, you might want to close them for a moment to refurbish them so they'll make a bit more profit in the next months. How much profit do you make currently?
  17. No, you installed RCT2 in a default location so OpenRCT2 could find it without your help.
  18. Ignore my last post. There have been many more reports recently about paths from track designs not connecting properly. You can track the progress at #16276
  19. The game loads properly, but it somehow can't access the object and scenario files from RCT2. Check whether your linked RCT2 installation is complete and the ObjData folder is filled with .DAT files (and similarly for the scenarios folder).
  20. Have you tried deselecting even more objects (if possible)? Still looks like a scrambled image list (which has been made about twice as large yesterday, you already have that update).
  21. Many people are having this problem. There can be two causes: Either it's an expansion ride/stall and you don't have WW/TT installed (previously you wouldn't be allowed to enable those objects or load those parks at all), or you have a lot of objects selected and the game can't handle all the images anymore. The latter also explains the green triangles. The rides and stalls still function correctly and will likely be properly shown again in a future update or when you disable some objects (especially rollercoasters, you might need to restart the game after reducing the number of objects).
  22. I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt to try. There have been similar reports over the years (like #4956) but never have there been any reproducible steps or fixes that I know of.
  23. Check your cheats. You likely have 'disable clearance checks' enabled, allowing you to place stuff anywhere, even if it collides with something. If disabling that cheat doesn't help, please report back.
  24. This issue was fixed yesterday. Update to latest develop build to get the fix.
  25. That is correct. There’s a new save format with a new extension, which is why you don’t see them when saving. You can still load your older saves and continue play with them, but they’ll save to the new format. (Note that you’re saving to the autosave directory there)
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