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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. You can delete your own post, even without being the topic poster
  2. Welcome to the undying Theme Park sim community, enjoy your stay with us, and feel free to take however long of a vacation you want from us, we know you'll probably end up back here anyway.
  3. *Note* New players to the server cannot join when this is active, only players who have joined and gotten a set permission can.
  4. As I said before, you could just post it with a text file that says how the campaign would work, but whatever floats yer boat.
  5. They're not made by the scenario creator. The ORCT2 team made those so that when the game detects a certain list of RCT1 scenarios, they are given their own tabs instead of placed in the "Other" catagory Same goes for the differentiating between RCT2, WW, and TT.
  6. As of currently, custom campaigns are not possible, from a locked sense. One could easily package the scenarios with a "Campaign Mode" text file that lists how it would work.
  7. Fairly similarly to monopoly. The player goes around the board buying the attractions, like Scrambled Eggs (Twist), Roller Coasters (Launched, Wooden) a Launched Freefall, and others, they are not upgrade able though. the player can also buy a handyman or mechanic, which allows the player to bypass certain "Event cards" that handicap the player by making them waste a turn. goal is to have the most money by the end of October (Game starts in march). The player also controls a single guest as their piece. I probably got some things wrong, been awhile since I played it.
  8. I once got one in a goodwill from the RCT1 board game, I do not still have it as I gave it to someone who actually had the game. I think I still have the board game though.
  9. Sorta remember having a similar problem long ago with Kellzwick Lake's Clover Creek Mine Train.
  10. So, pretty much the title, I say "may be fixed" as I am not using the most up-to-date dev version. After relaunching the game, the filters are consistent to what was set when it crashed. Version: e3cf323 Crash files: None created I'm experiencing this with my "Mine Train #47" map. Trying to deselect all unused objects in the scenario. On a different note; maybe add a "Deselect all" button?
  11. Wouldn't it be better to use a car ride or wild mouse to save more space? (when saving)
  12. No worries, no more updates until tomorrow.
  13. 6. http://www.nedesigns.com/screenshot/3564/minetrain-47/ 7. 8.
  14. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Not sure if as long as the old news report post that was done on a previous GP
  15. What build are you using? Save file please? Bout all I can think to ask.
  16. Also, port forwarding is only required for hosts, not clients. You can play MP without PFing, just not host.
  17. Well, it would seem that the Mine Train meme-er is back, again, with yet another mine train project. This time, it's a solo project, with no other players working on it all, though they can give some tips and ideas. Anyway, today is the second day I've worked on this. And so far, I have 5 screens of different parts, taken at different times in developement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Any thoughts on this so far?
  18. I don't think this is physically possible. (That's what Jimmy said)
  19. Here is the same screen, without all the darkness.
  20. @SensualEthiopianPolice The center's pretty easy to see. You sure your brightness isn't just non-existent? Besides, the project was heavily unfinished at the time it was taken, so most the stuff outside and in the shadows is extremely unfinished, you can even just barely see a bit of temporary terrain paint on top right of the shot.
  21. Not quite a "Desktop screen", but I do use it for my desktop... It's a screen cap of Clover Creek from a NED project. The "lighting" was done in post using layers in Paint.net. I've done more of these based on Minecraft and Team Fortress 2, but I posted this since it has a connection to the project. Also, I use it as my ORCT2F page background.
  22. Great, now I REALLY wish I had spent the time yesterday to install updates. The wifi I use away from home blocks the ORCT2 downloads.
  23. He mentioned "working lights" as far as I know the old branch for this is broken. Custom stalls can already do this from what I've seen. Many of the counter/invisible stalls sell multiple objects that weren't used together in even the expansions.
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