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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Show them the amount of people who use this site.
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    @Wuis It appears to specifically be using swinging suspended's helix parts, but I'd assume any helixes would work. (only problem is that there is currently no helix sprites, though custom scenery could work.)
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Kinda like the difference between Minecraft's release and snapshot systems, though less confusing. If you look at the last letter of a snapshot name it'll normally be somethen between 'a' and 'f'. Where as release and patches generally funtion as, say, 1.11 1.11.1 1.11.2
  4. I'm kinda surprised you actually put in effort to click "x", rather then just backspacing it.
  5. Actually, for some odd reason guests find going one direction more exciting then going the other, can't remember if it's left or right atm.
  6. Never seen a file corrupt before. Though, should we switch to a new file format, the files will be openable in ORCT2, but after saving they can only be used in ORCT2
  7. Currently we do have a cheat for renewing all rides, and a pay to renew singular ride thing has been mentioned before.
  8. Place .dat files into mydocuments/openrct2/objects Alternatively, you can place them in the objects folder in your RCT2 directory
  9. We literally went to the exact same person...
  10. @X7123M3-256 Some new guy is asking about your rides it would seem.
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Though, I guess it is also worth mentioning, the sign tile would have to only be along the length and width axis (Can't remember if X/Z or X/Y), as the tile inspector can't remove a tile vertically.
  12. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    So, I went and started messing around with the tile inspector, and I have come back with the results. Take note of the 6Flags signs, Medusa, Nitro, and Goliath are all rendered in a slightly interesting way.
  13. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    It seems to be a seperate sprite per tile for some objects, for instance, the GOLIATH sign.
  14. Options>Enable Cheats Menu Disable Clearance Checks ??? Profit Enable Clearance Checks
  15. I woulden't really say it's abandonware, since Classic sorta brings it back to the frontlines.
  16. 1/4th wall: 4 squares 1/2 wall: 2 squares Wall: 2 rectangles Wall: 1 Rectangle-8 squares Wall: 1 square
  17. Depends which coasters the boost segments are one. I know for a fact Twisters had boosters in RCT1 (Little side note, but who did make the ORCT2 logo?)
  18. Line based placement for fences... Should have been done weeks ago, but complications...
  19. That was more or less the idea anyway, mainly for proper RCT1 import support.
  20. Meh, I'd say the RCT1 logo would make more sense, since Arid Heights is from RCT1
  21. Normally it's the one from Reddit that people use. (Don't have a link atm, but should be able to search like "RCT1 Scenario Recreations" or something)
  22. You need RCT2... RCT1 doesn't work with ORCT2.
  23. I come from the future, in 2047 Broxzier's son will release version 24.9.0 and it will have the new save format. (I hope past me doesn't notice I stole my own account)
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Well, this could be interesting... Might have to get more involved.
  25. Maybe give a proper comparison shot between it and the in-game sprites?
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