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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Rotating the sprite isn't the same as flipping a model... so this would likely just look bad.
  2. If they were reading them, they'd probably question what we're saying...
  3. ...Why? Aren't you technically a competitor?
  4. No.
  5. That's not the right location. Should be the folder containing that folder IIRC
  6. It's more just trying to figure out how to make event based animated scenery, like the doors/portcullis walls. Mainly just for effect really. Though, if this can be found out, I wonder how long it would take for people to make event scenery like RCT3's. Also, looking further up, I noticed some discussion about the cleanliness of the walls. What Tune's doing is clearly more P1 inspired then P2's reconstructed, which had the walls as a more laced-fabric type style then P1's moon surface style. Also also, I noticed that Tune missed the 1 rectangle/8 squares full wall. (4 squares on the long sides of a rectangle)
  7. This IS in the deafult game, though you never specified whether the entire sound plays, or gets cut off when flattening out.
  8. What ideas did you even have? Chances are, ORCT2 is aiming to do the ideas you have already.
  9. Anywhere's fine just need to open it with the file browser since the in-game browser doesn't play nice sometimes.
  10. I shall post some things I tested when I return home.
  11. Doesn't it bring up a thing where you can say "Always trust"
  12. Why not just a number input box with the "add Guests" button next to it. (Alternatively, input box with the "Add Guests" shadowed in it until something is typed and pressing 'Enter' (or 'Return' for Mac) to add said number) Choose exactly the amount you want.
  13. Not bad NCSO work, surprised I haven't seen the name on NEDesigns. Welcome to ORCT2, the game you love is still here, just with some new tricks added to increase enjoyment.
  14. When suddenly random Wikipedia clipping...
  15. ...I'm pretty sure those are elevator pieces, you aren't supposed to be able to use those.
  16. Personally, I don't see a reason why this would be any use.
  17. Keyboard shortcuts for track construction... Gonna have to check that out, I remember the idea being tossed around a while back...
  18. 5 seems to be a more gradual change then what's already in-game (It's just a few pixels from the other tile mixed in with the terrain)
  19. Not sure what you mean by my stuff... Though, on Earl's you just click a DL link, if it's in a zip then just extract the contents to MyDocuments>OpenRCT2>ObjData or something of that sort.
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    But you can mod the path using TI, allowing you to establish the connection manually. Or does that not work?
  21. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Couldn't you use the TI for that @cascadia
  22. People on NED have also already proved it's possible.
  23. deafult. Basically all those buttons have the same features are a File Explorer window.
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Wuis, you changed your image... Why arn't you the PC Dino D:
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