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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Likely occured due to someone disabling the vehicle limits.
  2. I was thinking more of how the ratings are affected. Since it's clear that A.R.T. does affect the ratings.
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    We do have expansion content in this map, so you'd likely want to get a copy of RCT2 Triple Thrill Pack.
  4. Disable Clearance Checks/Tile Inspector.
  5. It was definitely meant as more of a way to clear up people asking how to do things with ORCT2 tools, and could easily be used by more experienced players to add their own discoveries of the tool, for instance what putting in different arbitrary ride types actually does. Currently everyone just uses Crooked House and doesn't question it, however it does reduce ride rating, and it is known other rides can also remove track sprites, but isn't really known how exactly they function. Some plausible topics to address with this idea are Tile Inspector, Arbitrary Ride Types, Sandbox Mode, Object Selection, Cheat and Debug menu overviews, Disable Clearance Checks and Merging, among other things.
  6. He already figured it out, though he didn't bother mentioning it here... for some reason (He was in a private message-chat with me)
  7. So, an idea came to me while reading over someone's questions, and I thought that maybe someone with knowledge on such things could post several topics related to specific features, what they do, and how to use them; for instance, a topic called "Arbitrary Ride Types" which would detail where to find the cheat, how to use it, and (specific to this topic) what different values do to the ride, such as "Crooked House" changing the ride to invisible, and changes rating values. Another one could probably be related to the Tile Inspector and it's many uses and features. Just a thought to give a bit more resources to those looking to build in this game. This could also act as a source of sharing specific information, like the previously mentioned effects of "Arbitrary Ride Type"
  8. ..By research I hope you didn't just mean sending me a message.... Also, didn't occur to me before but what you should do is probably enable "Arbitrary Ride Types" in cheats, and switch to some flat ride (Generally people use Crooked House, but there are others that work).
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Not for river rapids rides. I've seen Grizzly River Run (Disney California Adventure) drained, there's no rails. At most there's a latch on the bottom for it to connect to the lift hill
  10. Depending on what version of the game you have, it could be located in your Atari or Infograms Interactive Program files.
  11. Maybe you could also upload the save.
  12. Why don't we have a "Click to reveal" thing yet??!?!??! I've been asking for it for months!
  13. If you have the park file just put it in MyDocument>OpenRCT2>Saves and then load it in-game and it will install all assets if the creator left it with the option enabled
  14. In conclusion, no. You are not the most popular server. HOWEVER, from what I can tell you are the only server that doesn't require sign-up to play.
  15. @BroxzierWhy not replace the reply/New Topic box with "You can post in Hour:Minute:Second, This is a spam prevention system"
  16. Wouldn't count BB's Discord, since he doesn't run servers AFAIK. Didn't think about checking Mozar or MoT though.
  17. Deffinitely not MPS. Tycoon Paradise has 61 members. (Stats based on Discord)
  18. Options; config scale (first tab)
  19. 2,495 total members 258 most online Current user statistics.
  20. Pretty much every object in the fences tab can do this, as well as a few others (all glass walls can do this, surprisingly)
  21. Pretty sure the joke is that this looks more like it should be in OTTD then RCT2. Though, it really should be Locomotion, not OTTD
  22. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    @UTMANWhy did you post the image through Imgur? ORCT2F has the ability to post images from itself...
  23. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Wonder what happens to emojis when used in ORCT...
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Minecraft 1.10.0 is clearly not the same as Minecraft 1.1.0
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