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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Granted, but Frontier just makes a Planet Coaster mobile instead I wish I had an idea of what to do.
  2. Patrol areas are a micro manager's best friend. (TLM reference not intended)
  3. The amount of troll related drama on this site is too damn high! (have fun YSL)
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    ...Not sure if Planet Coaster reference, or just generic name
  5. Cheats: Disable Operating Limits. Build a dingy slide, you can now modify the lift hill speed to be as high as 255 (IIRC). Have fun. Proper custom ride types will not be possible for the time being, however when that is possible, the community will have much rejoicing.
  6. I got that it's where the failure happened, but I just didn't know what that line was (nor did I really feel like looking it up)...
  7. Just leave it until someone of greater intelligence regarding OpenRCT2 can address this problem. Also, don't bother replying with something along the lines of "ok"
  8. Judging by this report, there was no crash files created, so not gonna bother asking about that. Now it's up to someone who actually understands this to figure out what "Line: 1280" is.
  9. Does a crash report appear when the game crashes? If yes, what does it say A slight bit more info is needed before the problem can be discovered
  10. IIRC, doesn't this scenario bug in some copies of the game, causing the guest insertion point to be in the middle of a wall? or was that a different scenario.
  11. Oasis was a terribly designed scenario; I'd suggest closing the 3 transport rides, and try and make a direct path to the oasis area.
  12. But honestly, what did you guys expect? Mine Trains are my bread and butter. So much so, that I even have an in-community meme regarding them.
  13. Did I mention I have a terrain blocks scenery object group?
  14. *A whistling sound plays distantly as a cloaked figure drops a URL *
  15. Don't be, most people use Chrome anyway.
  16. @xzalek25 Options>Wrench>Allow loading files with incorrect checksums
  17. That only works with Chrome.
  18. imlegos

    A Challenge

    That woulden't be a "Challenge Accepted", that would be a "Challenge Completed"
  19. I don't know if my answer would be as obvious, or less obvious then the one for my christmas gift...
  20. It's not that guests don't ride transport rides; it's that guest don't ride them as transport rides; most guests ride due to proximity, which with the norm of having multiple stations is very commonly near them.
  21. Maybe upload the save so other users can take better looks at the guest interactions.
  22. This honestly sounds like you're mistaking the excitement rating with the ride age. Guest will always want to ride the newest ride in the park. Excitement just allows you to charge more for the ride. Overall, it seems like a you problem...
  23. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Nah, I'll pass this turn.
  24. @jensj12 But just tapping RMouse does nothing. However, right mouse IS used too select banners and signs.
  25. You can also sorta tell it's not a working version as the supports for the path are still in the path type box.
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