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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. No, it would be convertible, however it could not be playable in versions prior to the format change (not sure why you would want to anyway, but whatever)
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Obviously Anaheim traffic. Why would I waste my time at one of the best theme parks in the country, when I can sit in a parked car? /s
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Eh, actually, I'd have Alt down in Cali, so I could probably still do some work.
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Anaheim, Pretty sure most people here knows what that means.
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Well, I sorta was gonna do a Minetrain collab with YSL for this. Though, I'm not gonna really be able to do this until after next week. Going down to SouthCali next week for Mid Winter.
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Objects folder Either one works.
  7. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    If it had supports, then it'd probably depend how strong and deep the supports are. (Though, a support connected to the side of the cliff would probably help aswell)
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Disneyland was built on orchards. That's why the part of Anaheim it's in is called Orange County if I'm not mistaken.
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    I thought lakes weren't fresh water, considering they're still water.
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    Ok, now I'm curious, what country spells it as "que", I've always seen it as "queue"
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    You probably pressed "T", it toggles the GUI.
  12. Oh, I don't think that was a RCT2 thing. Might have been in RCT1, since the Blackpool recreation does this, but it only runs 1 train...
  13. Also, if your coaster is running in Continuous circuit/not block sectioned, you could use the ride itself as part of the trackitecture, just set the ride to Boat Hire (or any form of launch)
  14. Though, not sure if MP alternate color schemes have been fixed yet. Any devs mind inputing?
  15. Well, in that case. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET.
  16. I'm gonna guess you're new to forum communities as a whole...
  17. In the color options for a ride, there is a drop down, allowing you to change between the main, and 3 alternate colors. To the side of this is a paintbrush icon which allows you to apply the selected color scheme to a piece of track. It's basically the same thing that some Prefabs use to have a striped track. You can use all 4 color schemes at the same time, so if you 2 different colors of trackitecture using the same track type, then you could replace on with recolored portions of the other.
  18. I just thought that something like this would just be a side-effect of the TI. Not really meant to be an actual thing.
  19. Why did you not just add this to your original post?
  20. I honestly have no idea why you would even use this anyway. I can get turning the buildings (Heck, I've even done it recently), but why would you want to raise and lower them?
  21. The wires look really off, probably because they're circles. They should be ovals. May look into making a tab soon.
  22. Also, minor thing, but the buttons also change color based on the presence of a cube (Or Edgeless Safety Cube)
  23. When I get home today, I'll probably look into trying to start something with this. (Also, another minor addition; the "Pillars" located in the central core chamber's entry from P1 as a half tile item (Back half of a tile, maybe even a quarter tile))
  24. Eh, Woulden't be to surprised if he did a Minetrain Thru Nature's Wonderland/Grand Canyon Diorama-esque thing with the desert portion.
  25. From the looks of things, It's a building, likely housing the Giga's station and a bit of track.
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