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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. Both features are planned. But we need to change the way OpenRCT2 saves its parks in order to make it possible. I expect that to be done next year.
  2. Could you give a listing of the directory you select (i.e. the one that contai s rct2.exe)? A screenshot will do.
  3. I don't know if there are written rules, I haven't seen any at least. Though, like every forum, people are expected to be a little bit nice to each other, not to double post, et cetera. If you already have experience with forums and had no problems there you're not likely to have them here.
  4. If you had actually tried to build them, you would have known they have already been added to OpenRCT2. 1.5 years ago, in fact.
  5. Don't worry, I was referring to imlegos. And I only did that to make sure that you didn't think a team member was promising stuff there. I wasn't cross with either of you.
  6. You need to enable Lighting Effects for that. But note that it is a little buggy.
  7. 'We'? You're not one of the developers. Anyway, importing stuff from RCT2 and RCT1 will always be possible, full stop. I have said that dozens of times.
  8. Could you upload your save?
  9. Do you mean that the game is now fully working, i.e. that stuff is not invisible any more?
  10. Do you havethe game set to OpenGL mode? It's experimental, sostuff like this might happen. Try setting your game to one of the software rendering modes instead.
  11. @jensj12 RCT Classic uses the .POB extensions for objects. They are the same as .DAT files (unlike the scenarios and saves, which are quite different from their RCT2 counterparts). @Jordi : would you be able to provide me with a directory listing of your RCT Classic installation? A screenshot would also suffice, as long as I can see which files are residing in the `.app`.
  12. Normally, OpenRCT2 should pick this directory up automatically. Since it doesn't seem to do so in your case, we have to do it manually. The Library folder is hidden. Open your home folder, click the 'Go' menu and hold ALT/Option. 'Library' will appear. From there, you can do two things: - Copy the RCT2 folder to another folder, so you can easily choose the folder when prompted, or - Go to Application Support/OpenRCT2 and edit config.ini, changing the variable `game_path` to `/Users/*yourname*/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam.AppBundle/Steam/Contents/MacOS/steamapps/content/app_285330/depot_285331`.
  13. This already works in OpenRCT2...
  14. Library/Application Support/OpenRCT2/object The Library folder is hidden by default. To show it, open your home folder, click the 'Go' menu, hold Alt/Option and it will appear in the menu.
  15. Steam can be made to download the files of any game you bought, even if it is not written for your operating system. Here is how to do so: Open a Terminal (Cmd+space will open Spotlight, then just type Terminal until pops up, then press Enter) Copy and paste this into it, then press Enter: /Applications/ -console Steam will now start. You will see that it has an extra tab, next to your user name. It's called 'Console'. Click it. Copy and paste the following into it, then press Enter: download_depot 285330 285331 Wait until it says "depot download complete". Now launch OpenRCT2. It should automatically pick up the location of the files if you have a recent develop version (do not use a release version).
  16. I don't think using the search function will work here at all. I meant just browsing through the Contents folder and all its subfolders.
  17. RCT1 edges will only work with the CSG1.DAT / CSG1.1 file of Loopy Landscapes. If you only have the base game version of that file, it won't work.
  18. @Mish It helps if you provide information. I can't help you unless I know the edition of RCT1 you have (disc, GOG, Steam) and whether you installed it or not. Also, please tell me which path is listed under "Path to RCT1 installation" on the seventh tab of the Options window.
  19. Because it might be embedded in the bundle. Programs on the Mac look like a file, but are secretly folders. Anyway, can you right-click the RCT2TTP icon on your desktop and tell me if it lists 'Toon pakketinhoud' ('Show package contents')? If so, click that option. A Finder window should appear. The RCT2 files should be somewhere in the folder structure. If you have a folder called 'RollerCoaster Tycoon 2' with 'ObjData' as a subfolder, you have the right one. Copy that "RollerCoaster Tycoon 2" folder to Downloads or some other easy-to-find folder.
  20. @jensj12 @X7123M3-256 It's not caused by missing JSON objects. All of the objects are _functioning_, they only lack assets. That is the symptom of JSON objects being present, but the original .DAT files missing (or in the wrong directory). Most likely, the OP put the original DAT files in Documents/OpenRCT2/object or <OpenRCT2installdir>/object, which used to work, but now doesn't.
  21. When you installed RCT2TTP with Wine on your Mac, did it create an icon for it in Applications?
  22. You're missing all of the Object .DAT files. This usually means that your RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 installation is incomplete.
  23. You're using the Windows version of OpenRCT2 on your Mac. You should use the Mac version.
  24. You need to rearrange some files if you have RCT Classic. Create a new folder somewhere on your harddisk. In this example I called it "RCTC Harvest". In this folder, create the following subfolders: Data ObjData Tracks Now copy the following files over: g1.dat to Data *.pob to ObjData *.td6 to Tracks Now you should be able to start OpenRCT2 and point it to the RCTC Harvest folder.
  25. Hm, it looks you were using 0.0.4! That's an ancient build. I hope you found the upgrade to 0.2.0 worthwhile
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