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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. It is hard to tell without a crash dump, or at least the crash report the macOS generates. Next time your game crashes and the "OpenRCT2 crashes unexpectedly" window comes up, click `Report...` and upload the report here.
  2. (Since this user indicates their English is bad, I have written this post in Dutch.) Engels hoeft geen probleem te zijn, zoals je ziet. Voordat ik een Androidbuild ga opsporen en ga uitleggen hoe je alles inricht op Android (want dat is in dit geval lang niet zo makkelijk als op Windows of Linux): je weet dat OpenRCT2 op Android exact hetzelfde is als op de vaste computer? Dat wil zeggen: de interface is niet specifiek geoptimaliseerd voor Android, dus het kan een beetje priegelig worden, tenzij je een muis aansluit op je Androidapparaat (wat niet heel veel mensen zullen doen). Daarnaast is de Androidversie wat minder stabiel dan de desktopversie, hoewel daaraan momenteel gewerkt wordt. Als dat allemaal geen probleem voor je is, laat het weten en we zullen je verder helpen.
  3. The user you're thinking of is janisozaur. The build that jensj12 mentioned is the most recent one that will work. Never builds might compile if you disable/comment out operating system integration bits, and if you find a new enough compiler to handle all the stuff that we use. Since our builds still work on Vista, you might have some success with the stuff listed here: Do note that I haven't tested that. Another option might be trying a light Linux distro on that old computer, like Lubuntu 18.04. You can even do a dual boot, so that you don't have to ditch XP.
  4. This has been requested here: What you can do in the meantime is load up the image in GIMP and use the wand to select the black area, then hit DELETE.
  5. Also, the bug in question should now have been fixed.
  6. I understand the frustration, but leave out the sarcastic "Congrats, you lost all your work" next time. This is supposed to be a hobby for us, not a chore.
  7. Use the Cheats button to turn on Sandbox mode. Then open the map window, select the Guest entry point tool and click the correct spawn point until the faulty one vanishes.
  8. I doubt that they have been erased. OpenRCT2 looks in other directories than RCT2 does. It also doesn't try to move any file from RCT2's directories, it only copies them.
  9. Nice idea. I would especially love to see Blood Gulch.
  10. It is a limitation of the engine. It's on the wishlist to change it, but we have many other things to do as well.
  11. That is certainly looking more aligned with how RCT's tracks look! One question: is this still Intamin track? I don't recognise the track style, and searching on the internet only seems to return a track style that looks like RCT's Giga Coaster.
  12. @J. Taylor I have tried your save and can reproduce the problem. I will investigate further when I have the time.
  13. The bug with "The Zap!" has been solved. You should now be able to load your save again without it crashing.
  14. A fix has just been merged. Please update to the latest develop and your saves should no longer crash.
  15. This website has an error in its Ubuntu instructions. (The official website used to, too.) You need to replace "master" with "nightly". Then refresh APT and it should work.
  16. Thanks for uploading. I have tested your save and I can reproduce this error.
  17. Please upload the park, it's way easier to diagnose.
  18. This can happen when there are more images in the objects/vehicles in the save than there are slots available. For some reason, it looks like OpenRCT2 doesn't always properly clear the slots when loading another game, which means it keeps filling up until glitches like these happen. We are aware of the issue, but not sure where the cause lies.
  19. The Hyper-Twister is a B&M/Giovanola coaster, one that doesn't come with boosters. I have taken a look at S&S launch coasters, but to me, it looks like a different shape of track. Personally, I would use the LIM Launched Coaster if I wanted to recreate the track, though I have to admit it doesn't come with booster pieces (though these could be added if someone were kind enough to create the sprites).
  20. Please come to the OpenRCT2 Gitter channel. That is where we discuss development. It's also where all devs are, while there are only 2-3 of us in this forum. It's not an internal debug screen, but I have no clue what it is. I don't recognise the lettering either, that appears to be either your work or something Switch-related.
  21. Many servers have a Discord link to a room/channel dedicated to that server. By visiting that, you can introduce yourself, ask questions and things like that.
  22. Can you provide us with a screenshot of the directory where you installed the RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 files? It should contain the rct2.exe file and the ObjData folder, among other things.
  23. A fix has just been merged, and a fixed version should be available now or later this evening. Please update your OpenRCT2 and the problem should be gone.
  24. I have managed to track the file down. I have enclosed it as an attachment to this post.
  25. Have you updated your game? Which build are you running (see the title screen)?
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