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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. There are two ways out of this: make our own similar open source sprites (like what OpenTTD did), or get Simon Foster to release his artwork as open source.
  2. The devs are planning to enable adding on more sellable items, but that will have to wait for a new file format.
  3. cascadia


    Welcome! Hopefully we'll see you on GitHub soon!
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    It's obviously inside the mountain in your secret mad scientist lair, duh!
  5. Did you check the box to advertise the server? If you open another window of OpenRCT2, are you able to see the server on the multiplayer list yourself?
  6. Yep, the only tool for building scenery in space already occupied by scenery (as opposed to building scenery on top of already existing scenery and rides, which you use the shift key for) is that disable clearance checks cheat.
  7. There's no mod- it's a cheat in the game, assuming you want the ability to build scenery in the same already occupied by other scenery. Go to options, click on the gear menu, and enable the cheat menu. Click and hold on the cheat menu and select disable clearance checks. This will allow you to build scenery anywhere without having to worry about clearance. Make sure to turn it off after you're done, as leaving it on all the time can lead to weird effects. If you just want to build scenery hanging in the air that does NOT occupy the space that other scenery is in, just hold down the shift key, adjust the height up or down, and build.
  8. Drowning reduces ratings as well.
  9. They used the original RCT2, of course. Before OpenRCT2, there were (are still are) lots of trainers available to help people with RCT2.
  10. I just use the allow construction while paused cheat.
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Like @Broxzier , all I did was build some more buildings (mostly to serve as buildings for various stalls). There are also two new paths. also, nothing new in the below screenshot, but it's interesting: Look at all those peeps watching that coaster- it's like a mini-attraction! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.60.sv6 Claimed: Queue: @Jochem, Philmon11, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, Cascadia Missed: @YoloSweggLord, @TCE, @imlegos, @RedScope53, @SensualEthiopianPolice
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Jochem, Philmon11, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice Claiming the park again since I have computer access again now.
  13. Great post! The only thing you need is some changes to fix some spelling errors.
  14. What version of Windows do you have? If you have a newer one, it wants you to install DirectPlay, which RCT2 needs to run and is not installed by default on many newer versions of Windows. Try searching for instructions on how to install DirectPlay for your version of Windows on Google, and follow them and see if you can run RCT2 after that.
  15. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    @Broxzier , could you fix the pathing and vandalism issues that are dragging down the park rating? Thanks! :D
  16. Skiing in the Snow - 0 Snow Mountain - 1 Christmas Tree - 0
  17. You could check their names.
  18. Or both men and women in this world only have short hair.
  19. To reply, click on the big reply field at the bottom of the page. And @Nubbie is asking if you have updated the game to the latest develop version (you can easily do this using the launcher downloadable from the OpenRCT2 website).
  20. Happy Holidays!
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Rebuilt the Meltdown queue to make it shorter. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.53a.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Jochem, Broxzier Missed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice, jensj12, Cascadia, Wuis
  22. A spammer for suspicious "anti-virus" software popped up in that thread soon after (hence a post referencing a wall of text that was thankfully deleted by the mods), so I think the OP of the thread you linked to was probably actually another account of that spammer, paving the way for the spammer to try and scare people into giving them money.
  23. Compared to coal and all the health and environmental costs it has, nuclear is a bargain (which you can actually see on the map).
  24. Look up the energy use of that Dell online or in the manual, and figure out how much it uses in a 24 hour period. Then look up the cost of electricity in your area, which you can find here: Use that to figure out your total costs oer day, and then see if that is too expensive or not. There's also this: It says that a server typically uses several hundred dollars worth of energy in a year. On a related topic that's not related to OpenRCT2, you can see what the least expensive power plant for any area in the U.S is here: Using the interactive tool that's linked to on that page, you can see how so many coal mines are closing- natural gas, nuclear, and renewables are much less expensive, even before you take into account the cost of poorer health and pollution from coal, especially from global warming.
  25. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Rise from the dead, o Group Park 3! Behold, a Water Rush ride with much better capacity and little to no lines, and an improved bridge so that guests and gondoliers on Riverside Gondolas don't have to duck their heads everytime they go under it! Also, an actual station building for Water Rush and an expanded roof for the bridge! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 3.80.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @BlazingEmpireHDMissed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, Dan, Cascadia, jensj12, Broxzier, Zoomer36 , Wuis @imlegos @WobblyRails @wilburg22 @Yimmy @ziscor @RedScope53 @Dan @jensj12 @Broxzier @Zoomer36 @Wuis
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