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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Built a pool where guests can swim with sea lions, but spent most of my time building lots of bins and benches to boost the park rating up to 999 again because there was too much litter and sick guests around. Remember to build benches and bins every time you build a new path, especially if it's the exit path for a coaster! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.84.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier, Spiffyjack, Wuis Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089 @Jochem @xbalogan @jensj12 @Przemek @TheMightyClem @1081p @RedScope53 @giraty @RaunchyRussell @Darthyoda714 @TCE @saxman1089
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier, Spiffyjack, Wuis Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089
  3. Happy holidays and merry Christmas, everyone!
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 7

  5. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Just fixed a bunch of pathing issues, and built some food courts throughout the park. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.43.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53 Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia @Broxzier @xbalogan @Philmon11 @jensj12 @Przemek @SpiffyJack @saxman1089@TheMightyClem @1081p
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53 Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p Waiting until @Przemek makes a decision on whether to keep @RedScope53 's version or not to work on the park.
  7. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Jaffa kree!
  8. Chaotic confusion: 1 Space! Into Space! Into: 1
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    The park has decided to start off expanding into farming-themed rides by offering horse rides. Although there is only a small stable now, park managers are starting to draw up plans for an entire ranch, if they can fund the funds for it at all... The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.19.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089, xbalogan, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, Deurklink, Wuis, CascadiaMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack @Leudimin @Philmon11 @jensj12 @Przemek @Jochem @SpiffyJack
  10. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089, xbalogan, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, Deurklink, WuisMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    @1081p @Broxzier @Leudimin Hang on, was busy for a few hours. Claiming.
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    @RedScope53 Nice work, but where's the park file?
  13. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Built a food court and movie theater, along with doing some landscaping and putting benches, streetlights, and bins along some paths. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.07.sv6 Claimed: CascadiaQueue: Leudimin, Darthyoda714, Jochem, xbalogan, saxman1089, Przemek, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, WuisMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12 @Leudimin @Philmon11 @jensj12 @Deurklink I love your coaster's name:
  14. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: Leudimin, Darthyoda714, Jochem, xbalogan, saxman1089, Przemek, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, SpiffyJack, Deurklink, WuisMissed: Philmon11, Jensj12
  15. Have you tried immediately reentering the server? Sometimes it takes two or three attempts to get in.
  16. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    @saxman1089 The stalls in the entrance building can't be reached by peeps at all- are you planning something else in the future, or was that an accident when you started to build it?
  17. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    Count me in favor of the chairlifts.
  18. cascadia

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: -Queue: @Przemek, jensj12, Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089Missed: RedScope53, , WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, Wuis, TheMightyClem, giraty Fixed a bunch of disconnected stalls and added a few rides. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.82.sv6
  19. cascadia

    Group Park 7

    I support all these ideas. Maybe we can have the observation tower be at the center of the park square?
  20. How To Help As Florida Is Dealt 'Catastrophic' Blow From Irma September 10, 2017 2:27 PM ET AMY HELD NPR News Hurricane Irma's punishing winds and life-threatening storm surge have already left an imprint, and there is more catastrophic damage expected to come as Irma takes a projected path up Florida's west coast. Irma has killed at least 22 people and left devastation over parts of the Caribbean. Stateside, the extent of the damage may not be known for days — until the storm dissipates and emergency workers can fan out to assess and provide aid. Yet by Sunday, the day the eye made landfall in the Florida Keys, a picture of the destruction was already becoming clear: more than a million Florida homes and businesses were without power, more than 6 million Floridians were warned to evacuate and more than 100,000 people were holed up in emergency shelters. Irma's force is formidable, but feelings of helplessness can be converted into action. "Your efforts could make the difference a family needs to get through this storm," said Florida Gov. Rick Scott at a press conference earlier in the week. "So please volunteer." Give time — With hundreds of emergency shelters in operation, volunteers are needed to staff them. You can sign up online with the state-run Volunteer Florida and receive shelter training or call 1-800-FL-Help-1. Officials say more than 17,000 Floridians have already signed up to volunteer. — The American Red Cross is on the ground, having already deployed about 1,000 volunteers, but it is asking for more to serve food, load and unload trucks and set up facilities, among other duties. Use your skills — Florida needs 1,000 volunteer nurses to help at special-needs shelters. Nurses can email: [email protected]. — Officials are seeking other workers who have a "specialized healthcare skill." Such workers "would be incredibly helpful," a spokesperson with the Florida State Emergency Operations Center tells NPR. Give shelter — Airbnb, the online rental site, lets hosts in the region offer their homes at no charge to Irma evacuees. Give money — GlobalGiving distributes Irma donations to vetted local groups, as well as bigger organizations. — The American Red Cross is accepting money for food, shelter and "emotional support" for Irma victims. — GoFundMe, the crowdfunding site, gives people the opportunity to either raise funds or donate to hurricane relief efforts. — The Salvation Army is providing thousands of meals throughout the state and says the best way to help is with a monetary donation. — Save the Children is mobilizing teams and supplies with a focus on the needs of children and babies. Donors can text IRMA to 20222 to give $10 to the organization's Irma relief fund. Why money may be best USAID's Center for International Disaster Information says money given to "established relief agencies" is "always the best way to help," and that donated items can sometimes hurt more than help. "Many Americans respond to disasters by collecting food, clothing and household items for people in need," the agency says on its website. "These donations require transportation — which is expensive and logistically complicated — and a pre-identified recipient on the ground who will receive the shipment, pay customs and other fees, sort and distribute the items." To ensure that your money is going toward a reputable charity, The New York Times reports you can: "[C]heck whether it has been rated or accredited by an organization like Charity Navigator, Charity Watch or the Better Business Bureau. These might not cover smaller, community-based charitable organizations. But you can read useful tips about choosing a charity from the Federal Trade Commission." hurricane irma
  21. AVG, along with many other antivirus software programs, have a scanning function that identifies possible new unknown viruses to send them back to the companies for analysis. Unfortunately, this scanning function can have a lot of false positives, and this is likely what happened in your case.
  22. You may want to post this to the game's GitHub site, since more developers are on there and you can try to get this fixed faster.
  23. cascadia

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: saxman1089 Queue: TheMightyClem, BroxzierMissed: RedScope53, Cascadia, WobblyRails, Tune, Jochem, Monsanto, SpiffyJack, imlegos, qbbq, jensj12, Przemek
  24. cascadia

    Group Park 6

    If you want, you can make the tower lower.
  25. You should try filing an issue on the game's GitHub site, since more developers are there then here for bug reports.
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