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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    You can turn on saving custom objects with the game file, so you don't have to worry about manually installing them.
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Sandwiches don't cause litter as well.
  3. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    We should also have some custom stalls (preferably those with one food item and one drink item, to save on ride and stall slots). Sandwiches and coffee would probably be best.
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Yes to both, with a mix of workbench objects (for realism builders, and also add peep objects, please) and regular sets (for non-realism builders) for the first and some hills and a river in a gentle valley with a lake for the second.
  5. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    What was the Easter egg?
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Did a quick fix for some stalls being cut off from a path, as well as expanded Elizabeth Docks. Also hid a political Easter Egg somewhere in the park. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.70.sv6 Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier, jensj12, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Cascadia
  7. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    I vote for a mix of a workbench (custom walls, etc.) and scenery sets. That should work for both realism builders and non-realism builders.
  8. Congratulations, @Broxzier !
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 4

  10. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    @Broxzier Very funny. I note that you didn't say they were hard to find...
  11. Also, make sure to use the latest develop version instead of the stable version since that has that the latest bug fixes and features.
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Built a small dock with a boat tour of the lake. Added some paths for faster peep movement. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.66.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier, Cascadia @YoloSweggLord @TCE @imlegos @RedScope53 @SensualEthiopianPolice @Jochem @Philmon11 @Broxzier
  13. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: CaascadiaQueue: jensi12, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier Decided to claim the park.
  14. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Fixed a littering issue: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.65a.sv6 @jensj12
  15. No, I like news themes.
  16. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.63.sv6 Built Wuis vs. Broxzier: The Battle, a flying saucers ride in which guests have to choose sides and determine the fate of the galaxy. Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12Missed: @YoloSweggLord, @TCE, @imlegos, @RedScope53, @SensualEthiopianPolice, @Jochem, @Philmon11, @Broxzier, Cascadia
  17. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: jensj12Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Broxzier
  18. How does the board game work?
  19. You can also use the launcher (linked to on the downloads page) to easily update your OpenRCT2 game.
  20. I suppose we would have to make the sprites if we decide to add this feature, then.
  21. And even then, hackers can just not use their computers and instead use social engineering to get access to the non-connected machines. It's how Kevin Mitnick worked.
  22. The closest post I can find is here:
  23. Yes, but they're just stalls with scenery. In my idea, you could have tables for peeps to sit at, shelves for peeps to browse through, etc.
  24. This is what I want to see, along with custom restaurants and stores that spread over several squares and that you can design in game.
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