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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    My First ORTC Park

    Greeat looking station buildings! Next step is to start building buildings for your shops and stalls!
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    You can actually quit to the main screen to get around the crash.
  3. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Try reverting back to the stable version of ORCT2 and adding the ride, save, and then revert back.
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    You can use the RCT2 demo to get around that (it has the expansion packs): If you can, buy the expansion packs. They're very cheap.
  5. Build the path. Turn on Disable Clearance Checks in the cheats menu. Build the table on top of the path. That's it.
  6. @SpiffyJack. Just use the cheat menu instead of the console. After you turn on arbitrary ride type, just go to the window for the ride you want to change and switch the ride type.
  7. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I've always thought that there were hidden guide rails to which the bottom of the boat was attached to...
  8. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Judging by the empty queue line, I'm guessing this is a recreation by accident investigators?
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    If you put in a small break area for employees, you can replace it with anything you want. Thanks for asking!
  10. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Probably not, but what are you replacing it with?
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Yes, the pool is functional. The barbecue stands are also functional (and animated) and guest can buy food and drinks there (burgers, sweet hotcakes, and coffee).
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    -Finished the Park Air Terminal -Built a stairway to the fire tower and added some stuff there -Built a swimming pool with an outdoor BBQ -Finished Helicopter Lake Tours, a helicopter tour of Broxzier Lake. -Finished the monorail and built a temporary fourth station for people to build a station building around. -Opened the Skyway -Rebuilt the path loop by Chinese Treehouse. -Built a cross-lake tunnel -Added benches and garbage bins all over the park. The Park Air Terminal looks crap, so if anyone wants to improve on it while not disrupting the rides there, that would be great. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.28.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Broxzier, giraty, Tune, Jochem, Wuis, Cascadia Missed: jensj12, TCE, YoloSweggLord, Redscope53, UTMAN, SpiffyJack @jensj12 @TCE @YoloSweggLord @RedScope53 @UTMAN @SpiffyJack @Philmon11, there is an Easter Egg just for you...
  13. @RevJSton You can't reply because new users can only make one post within their first 24 hours to prevent spam. After 24 hours have passed after you join, you can post all you want.
  14. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Whoops, will edit.
  15. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    It's been more then 24 hours since @UTMAN could claim the park, so claiming it. Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Broxzier, giraty, Tune, Jochem, Wuis Missed: jensj12, TCE, YoloSweggLord, Redscope53, UTMAN
  16. He does run a private server. Mozar has a free for all server that does not require sign up.
  17. Also, download and open parks. Not only does it teach you about building rides and parks, it also is a great way to get lots of custom objects and scenery.
  18. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Is it that shark?
  19. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Perhaps you should give a clue or two, or just tell us what it is.
  20. There's also @birthdaybrian 's server, along with Man Of Teal and Mozar that have more then twenty members.
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Adding myself back to the queue since I'll be back here tomorrow. Claimed: @SpiffyJackQueue: @UTMAN, Cascadia, giraty, Tune, Jochem, WuisMissed: jensj12, TCE, YoloSweggLord, Redscope53, Broxzier
  22. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    A UNSC Spartan from Halo.
  23. The mods here can help you get access to your old account: @Krutonium @Broxzier
  24. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    What if they sue you?
  25. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Clearly this is the ghosts' way of telling you to pay the tribe their royalties.
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