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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I like your use of the leftover space on that hill, @giraty !
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    While we wait for SpiffyJack to finish his turn, have some giant screenshots of the entire previous Group Parks:
  3. Nope, OpenRCT2: @Tune
  4. You should check out the New Element site, then.
  5. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    -Started work on the air terminal for the seaplane ride -Added a helicopter park tour and airship park tour, both to be finished and with invisible track later -Added more benches and bins to solve the park's littering and vomit problem -Expanded the path by Foxy's German area to fix overcrowding -Built a building and sheltered rest area for the food court there -Expanded the ride capability of Sif to handle more people, as well as adding queue line TVs to keep guests entertained while they wait Ideas for the air terminal design would be very nice. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.22.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @SpiffyJack , giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem, UTMANMissed: jensj12, TCE, Cascadia
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem, UTMANMissed: jensj12, TCE Claiming to fix a few garbage issues, and also because this is my last chance to build for a while.
  7. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    He probably didn't know that.
  8. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Pasting in emojis merely generates a question mark symbol in the name and dialog boxes:
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    @Foxy You can also have chainlifts on track pieces to improve the speed of the monorail if you want to.
  10. Download some of the popular parks on NEDesigns: That should give you a large range of custom rides and objects since many of the top-rated parks make use of them. Just put them in the object folder in your OpenRCT2 folder. You can also browse the copy of custom rides and scenery on RCTMart to get some: There's also a backup copy of everything on the site:
  11. Nice park! How do you like playing OpenRCT2 so far?
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Aww. Thanks for telling us, and hopefully you're be back on this forum in the Group park section sometime very soon in the future!
  13. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: -Queue: @Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, JochemMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, TCE, Cascadia The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.18a.sv6 Fixed a broken path that was preventing mechanics from fixing the aquarium, as well as closed the brick restroom used as an office building to stop those annoying messages about how guests that find it. Also built a pipe outlet for the lake that drains into the lake that has the cruise ship to explain where all that water drains from the lake to in the map.
  14. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claiming very quick to make a few fixes.
  15. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I know about the ride parts, but how did you do that for the restrooms? The tile inspector? (Also, the two restrooms by the aquarium are actually the same one- but I didn't do that, it just bugged out for some weird reason).
  16. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Err, @Broxzier , did you just use up a bunch of ride slots just for that building?
  17. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Also, @giraty , if you can't use the ride selection screen, you can use the console instead to load the ride:
  18. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    They all asked permission first or were in the missed queue.
  19. I can verify that this is happening on the latest build, but only with "Save". If you go to "Save As", it saves as normal.
  20. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Sure thing! Ding ding ding. It's a secret lair of a member of another forum (put in that member as an in-joke). The dolphins are trained to deal with this.
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    -Built two rides where guests can ride dolphins- a underwater ride where guests wear scuba tanks, and a surface ride for guests who prefer to remain somewhat dry and above the water -Built paths to connect closed areas of the park and opened all the rides there -Built a combination monorail station/ office building -Built buildings for all building-less stalls that don't fit the area -Built an employee swimming pool -Hid an Easter Egg somewhere in the park- post here if you have any guesses at all! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.16.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, TuneMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, Jochem, TCE, Cascadia @jensj12 @Philmon11 @UTMAN @Jochem @TCE Putting myself in the missed queue since I'll be busy for a while.
  22. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, TuneMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN, Jochem, TCE
  23. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Will claim the park tomorrow. Anyone can claim it in the meantime.
  24. Typically most multiplayer servers use custom sandboxes that either have cash turned off or have cheated to have tons of cash; hence my suggested solution. Servers typically don't use scenarios.
  25. If it's included in RCT1 or one of RCT1's expansions, it can be found in this pack:
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