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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Fixed the damaged fire tower, as well as fixed a pathing issue to a stall and an issue with too little litter bins. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.14a.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord Missed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN @jensj12 @Philmon11 @UTMAN
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord Missed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN Claiming very quickly to fix damage caused to the little fire tower I built.
  3. I wouldn't really worry about corrupt files. I've never seen it happen ever before.
  4. You should post this on the GitHub site, as well!
  5. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Built some paths that seem to fix the pathing issues. Feel free to change them to suit your needs. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.12a.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @YoloSweggLord, @RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty Missed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN @jensj12 @Philmon11 @UTMAN
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claiming the park very quickly to fix the pathing issues. Claimed: Cascadia Queue: YoloSweggLord, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty Missed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN
  7. Handymen already can empty litter bins and a future update will include the ability for them to repair path objects like benches and lights. You can just assign handymen with just the job of cutting grass.
  8. Always use the most recent builds- they have many more bug fixes and features.
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    @SpiffyJack Your lack of a path to your part of the park is causing pathing issues, as peeps don't take into account transport rides when trying to figure out how to get somewhere (except if they're trying to get out of the park). @giraty Please add a path to fix this problem. Thanks!
  10. Yes, the Triple Thrill Pack is considered vanilla. If you have both RCT2 and OpenRCT2 on your computer, you don't have to use the disk. Here is a list of the exact required files from RCT2: OpenRCT2 has invisible entrance huts- it's in the ride options for every ride. There is a HUGE selection of objects in this VERY LARGE file: If you prefer to browse, the version of the old RCTMart site has a lot of downloads:
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    @SpiffyJack Could you fix the pathing issues with Restroom 1, please? It appears the path to the restroom has been cut off somehow...
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    It keeps all the copies in one place.
  13. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I agree- the custom signs should be removed in favor of custom scenery that can be used elsewhere in the park. The slide is awesome, through- too bad the ratings can't be permanently manually adjusted right now to fit the RL excitement and intensity factor on it...
  14. If you need to extend a full size two tile wall slightly but not tall enough to warrant using the half wall, the 1/4 wall would be very useful.
  15. You should build a 1/4 wall with two tiles, too.
  16. I would just recommend building your own station- you can make it fit your needs. With holding down the shift key to change heights and the control key to place multiple objects at the same height, it's pretty easy.
  17. I think he wants you to make half and 1/4 walls and telling you how many tiles they should be sized to look good in the theme parks.
  18. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Whoops, wrong post since I didn't notice it was Broxzier's turn and not Foxy's
  19. Ah. Always thought they were the same demo.
  20. The zipped demo isn't the full game, through.
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    The coaster will only be made invisible once it's done.
  22. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Fixed a few issues with paths getting disconnected from stalls: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.07a.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia Missed: Wuis, YoloSweggLord @Wuis @YoloSweggLord
  23. cascadia

    Group Park 5

  24. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.07.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia Missed: Wuis, YoloSweggLord @Wuis @YoloSweggLord Built a boardwalk with a shopping arcade and aquarium. Also started work on the water runway and terminal for the seaplane tour of the park (the track will be made invisible once the ride is complete, which I will not do until the park is mostly complete, to avoid putting height limits on people). Also, some extra bonus screenshots of the park with lighting effects at night (you can turn this on in options if you have the latest update): It's still experimental, so there's one angle where the lighting doesn't work for some reason, and you have to turn on thunderstorms using cheats to get the best effects. For some reason, the game's screenshot function won't show the lighting either, so I had to manually screenshot all of these park bonus images for it to work at all.
  25. You should report this to GitHub, so the developers can fix all of this.
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