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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. imlegos, your file keeps saying that it has invalid data when I try to load it.
  2. Actually, being on the National Register of Historic Places doesn't mean the government owns that property. The current owner still owns it; it's just that they have to follow certain regulations for land use and building on that property. A better idea is that his heirs decided to keep the house and sold everything but the house to the current park owner, and put a restrictive covenant on the land to only allow construction rights on it.
  3. Maybe just allow players to set a ride to "notify" status that will pop up with new stats and that they can turn off after they're done with testing it?
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Doing a quick fix for a pathing issue caused by someone cutting off the lower level access for the path up the mountain by the monorail station. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.52a.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @Broxzier, JochemMissed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice, jensj12, Cascadia, Wuis @YoloSweggLord @Philmon11 @TCE @imlegos @RedScope53 @SensualEthiopianPolice @jensj12
  5. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Moving myself back to the missed list: Claimed: -Queue: @Broxzier, Wuis, JochemMissed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice, jensj12, Cascadia
  6. I was thinking some players might want to integrate it into the park...
  7. The mansion should be part of the park.
  8. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Built yet another delta ride, this time a "plane tour" type suspended coaster called Delta Overflight. Also built a bunch of stalls to cover areas in the park that aren't a short walk from food- went over the limit, but that's only because I probably won't take any more turns after this and am moving myself to the missed list because I probably won't have time to build for a few weeks after this. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.51.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Jochem, Broxzier, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice, Cascadia @YoloSweggLord @Philmon11 @TCE @imlegos @RedScope53 @SensualEthiopianPolice
  9. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: jensj12, Jochem, Broxzier, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice
  10. Yes, it's the guest limit. The guest limit is set for late 90s/early 2000s computers, so it's not necessary anymore.
  11. It's actually a built in game limit, and will be removed in the future.
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    That's okay. Here's hoping things get better for you!
  13. Verifying that I am me for Celestial's server.
  14. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    @Wuis Since @Broxzier forgot to do it.
  15. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    You've been added to the list above by imlegos. Just remember to check back every one to two days for your turn.
  16. Earl, you do know you can select saving custom scenery and rides with the game file in options, right?
  17. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: -Queue: @Broxzier, Wuis, Cascadia, jensi12Missed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice @YoloSweggLord @Philmon11 @TCE @imlegos @RedScope53 @SensualEthiopianPolice
  18. cascadia

    Coszie Park

    If the ride favored one religion, that would be controversial for people of other religions as well.
  19. In the past through, people did associate it with slavery.
  20. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    -Built two new rides for the space area: Gulpee's Reentry Training and Gulpee's Training Center. -Built a river mouth bridge to fix pathing issues. -Built a lot of benches all over in an attempt to cut down on sick guests. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.48.sv6 Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Broxzier, Wuis, CascadiaMissed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice @YoloSweggLord @Philmon11 @TCE @imlegos @RedScope53 @SensualEthiopianPolice
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: CascadiaQueue: jensj12, Broxzier, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, jensj12, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice
  22. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: -Queue: @Broxzier, Wuis, cascadia, jensj12Missed: @YoloSweggLord, @Philmon11, @TCE, @imlegos, @RedScope53, @jensj12, @SensualEthiopianPolice Moving Wuis ahead of me.
  23. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    The Mountain Pond Pit Stop is now open! On a new path up the mountain range requested by guests as a quicker way to Excavator, the Mountain Pond Pit Stop has all of your food and drink needs covered! Try Peri Brown's famous soups served by the rather erratic John Smith as you overlook a mountain pond stocked with steelhead trout and the rest of the park! There's also restrooms if you gotta go and a gift shop, plus rather bizarrely, a blue British police box in a corner. Meanwhile, down the mountain by the factory zone, there's a mysterious new addition. People go in and they come out wearing shiny metal foil suits and weird headcaps with wires running out of them. Overheard mechanical-sounding voices call the place "Cybercontrol". What is going on? -Added a new path to deal with pathing issues to Excavator -Built a rest stop on the path -New Doctor Who ride licensed by and co-designed with the BBC called Doctor Who: Cybercontrol. Featuring the Doctor, Peri, and a partially cyberconverted Lady Christina de Souza* as they battle the Cybermen infiltration of the OpenRCT Group Park 4 and save Broxzier from being used in the latest Cyberman scheme to take over the world, this time using theme parks! -Built another path to fix a minor pathing issue by the steam train area. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.44.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, Broxzier, Cascadia Missed: @YoloSweggLord, @Philmon11, @TCE, @imlegos, @RedScope53, @jensj12, @SensualEthiopianPolice *Yes, I know I'm mixing the new and old series. Why not do it?
  24. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: Wuis, Broxzier Missed: YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, jensj12, SensualEthiopianPolice
  25. Great ideas, everyone! This was a bit rushed, so I will post a new and better version to make the park look actually run down and fix the staffing issues.
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