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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. Welcome! It's nice to see how RollerCoaster Tycoon is played by multiple generations and not just mine. It just shows how well it was put together, I think.
  2. Yeah, it is indeed unacceptable that, two days after you reported them, we still haven't fixed the Android bugs in this free game.
  3. It's a known problem, reported here: You can follow the status of this bug there.
  4. Look, we're doing this in our spare time, because we all have day jobs and all kinds of other stuff. We only have limited time to work on OpenRCT2 and we have to set priorities. You really need to be more patient. Development of open source projects takes time. You also shouldn't keep e-mailing IntelOrca. Ask your questions here and actually *wait* a few days - do not get impatient if your question isn't answered straight away. (Also note that this is basic forum etiquette.)
  5. For Simplified Chinese, the game tries to use the SimSun, Heiti or MicroHei fonts. Can you check if you have those fonts installed on your system?
  6. What is the "Render Engine" setting set to? If it's OpenGL, please change it to "Software" or "Software (hardware display)" - TTF fonts do not work with OpenGL in OpenRCT2.
  7. The error message you got was still incorrect, though, and I want to fix it. Can you tell me which ride type u(0074) is?
  8. Will be supported in the future.
  9. I have investigated the problem, and testing/opening a giga coaster with a cable lift and *any* vehicle (even its own ones) results in a crash. A fix is pending. Edit: fix is now merged, please update your OpenRCT2.
  10. This was a bug, but a fix has been merged today.
  11. Ratings should always be generated, and I'm also sure this problem can be fixed. However, the problem is that we don't know yet what causes the ratings in your park to get stuck. It would help if we could pinpoint it to one particular ride.
  12. Yes, I can now load it. For me, it does generate ratings on Slngha if I delete all other rides. I haven't tracked down specifically which ride is blocking the ratings generation, though.
  13. I cannot load that file, because I don't have the GREENTIL.DAT file. Could you upload that file as well?
  14. @AstruxysThere will be at some point, because we are working on raising those limits. But until then, you will have to limit yourself to 252 small objects, 128 walls, etcetera.
  15. Are you on release or develop? If you're not sure, please provide the build hash in the title screen (which looks something like ab1c2de).
  16. 1) This bug seems to have been with us for quite some time: it was already present in v0.2.2. 2) Hm, odd. Not sure what would cause it. If you can determine a set of steps to trigger the problem, that would help tremendously.
  17. I'd wait with petitioning Valve until you actually have confirmation from the OpenRCT2 team that they actually *want* to release on Steam.
  18. It will work with Steam, GOG, CD and several other sources as well.
  19. Could you upload your save? We can't tell from a short description.
  20. Can you upload an affected save?
  21. Yes, someone else also had this problem and reported it here: You can follow the discussion and resolution there. Once it says "closed", it means the bug is solved.
  22. The code checks the vehicle, meaning that it will count a floorless and a (sit-down) twister as two different types.
  23. Your university's wifi will most likely not give you an IP address that your friend can reach. That means you have two options: If your friend has control over their internet connection (i.e. it's not a university network or something like that), they can set up the server and have to open the appropriate port in the firewall (by default, OpenRCT2 uses TCP port 11753). If your friend does not have control over their internet connection, you will need to use software like Hamachi to create a VPN between the two of you, which will effectively create a LAN. Then either of you can host the server. Starting a server is easy: you just open the Multiplayer window and click “Start server”.
  24. Welcome, Erik! Now, I was somewhat active in RCT2 forums in the mid-00's, but I don't think I have seen that Titanic scenario. I'm sure many other people around here haven't seen it. (Heck, I'm sure there are people around here that were barely born back then.) Perhaps a good idea to share the scenario here?
  25. You mean the OpenRCT2 project as a whole? That would be _very_ wrong. The intention was to extend RCT2 capabilities, in the way of more features and compatibility with modern (desktop) operating systems. Talk about a different UI has only been mentioned as something that an outside contributor could pick up. The whole port was more or less a proof of concept, with the potential to work it out into something playable. The Android builds started failing at some point - we haven't intentionally retired them. In general, we have too little time for the game as it is. There is still a lot we want to work on that concerns the game itself - that would need to be finished before shifting the focus to projects like this one.
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