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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. When we switch save format and increase those limits, expect it to be shouted off the rooftops.
  2. This question has been asked dozens of times - the last time was two days before you did, so you must have seen it in the topic list. We're getting tired of answering it again and again.
  3. If you had taken 10 seconds to search for it, you'd have seen that dozens of people have asked the same question. To repeat the answer you were too lazy to look for: there is no Trojan, your AV is reporting a false positive. Upgrade your AV to one that doesn't come up with a false positive, or whitelist OpenRCT2 in your AV (that's what the whitelist is there for).
  4. Well, I think you managed all right. I did modify the title to be more descriptive, and I crossed out the request/question, since every Issue should only handle one thing. Though your question was already answered by ocalhoun when I checked.
  5. @skjfhniasubcoivu Not for all builds, though. Anyway, here is a link to the most recent development build that has an Android build as well: https://openrct2.org/downloads/develop/7e769ed
  6. I finally get to say this: "It's not a bug, it's a feature!" That is, the rotating of entrance and exit buildings is most certainly intended to be possible. It has been used by the NewElement crowd for years, and we eventually plan to make a proper feature. The track design bit is a bug, though. Could you create an issue on Github for it?
  7. I will not have you order us around.
  8. Can you provide us with a reliable source?
  9. We fixed a problem like that recently... do you still have this problem?
  10. I can't magically smell what's wrong with that save, so you'll have to upload it so that I can investigate.
  11. It has been fixed now. Please install the latest update.
  12. You need to be WAY more specific. Do you use the launcher? Which directory did you select? Can you show a screenshot?
  13. This has been fixed now. Please upgrade to the newest develop.
  14. If you cannot find that button, you're on an old build or you use release. Please upgrade to the latest develop version. Nevertheless, the folder can be accessed manually as follows: Open your home folder Click the 'Go' menu. Hold ALT/Option Click Library Go to the Application Support folder Go to the OpenRCT2 folder
  15. Do you all use the PPA? There is a bug in that, which I'm currently trying to address. If not, please tell me how you obtained OpenRCT2 (separate download/launcher/self-compiled/repository/...).
  16. OpenRCT2 can work with Classic, but you need to copy some files over manually. How easy it is depends on your operating system - do you use Windows, macOS or another OS?
  17. Also, if you click the Red Toolbox, there is the option "Open custom content folder", which will open the ~/.config/openrct2 folder for you in the default file manager. Saves you from having to dive into hidden folders.
  18. Setting the time to 0 years is not what you want: it means instantly failing the objective. Also: there is an option for speedrunning: 'Allow early scenario completion'. It's in the Options window, hard to miss. (I'm assuming you're talking about RCT1 scenarios in OpenRCT2, considering this is an OpenRCT2 forum. If you want to do this in RCT1, I'm afraid there is no way. But OpenRCT2 can load RCT1 scenarios and saves.)
  19. You need to make sure that the port OpenRCT2 uses is not blocked on your firewall. You also have to be on the same subnet. To check the latter, can you tell us what your IP address and his IP address are?
  20. Mazes share very little with other rides, so it's not surprising it has bugs that other ride types don't.
  21. Hm, that's annoying. I'm afraid we can't do much, only a few of us do Windows programming and none of us have a Surface to test with.
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