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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. These crashes should all have been addressed in v0.3.4.1, released yesterday. Could you check that?
  2. This was because of a mistake on our side. The download should now be fixed. Could you test that?
  3. Ok, we just released v0.3.4 today. You can download it here: Can you install that version and check if the issue persists?
  4. Why didn’t you just download the missing object? OpenRCT2 simply includes a few objects that were originally released as DLC or custom content. Attempting to load up a save on an installation that does not have that object is always going to cause an error message. No. Forums are, RCT is not. The RCT subreddit and our Discord server are active, for example.
  5. Hello everyone! We are happy to announce the release of OpenRCT2 v0.3.4, nicknamed “One, two, five!”. To get this release and see what's new, go to . Happy building!
  6. No, that is your processor architecture. (64-bit ARM) Do you still have the original APK file? What is the filename?
  7. It seems you have the RCT1 scenarios twice, then: 1. The screenshot shows recreations (made for people who don’t own RCT1) 2. You bought RCT1 on Steam. Using a real RCT1 is always better, because it gives you much more than just scenarios. You will need to link RCT1. You can do that as follows: Open the Options window (see the top right of the title screen) Go to the “Advanced” tab (the one with the spanner) At the bottom, there is an option to set the RCT1 path. Click it. Now navigate to the path where Steam put the RCT1 files. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe The game should now ask you to restart the game. Do this. Now you should have access to RCT1 scenarios, land types and opaque water.
  8. That would explain it. The feature relies on RCT1 files. RCT1 is quite cheap these days, so I recommend getting it. Besides this feature, it will also give you access to its scenarios, extra land types and (in the future) the missing trains.
  9. It should either be a Hyper-Twister (not to be confused with Hyper Coaster, which is not the same) or a (Steel) Twister roller coaster.
  10. What do you mean, exactly? Are you trying to install .td6 track designs, or?
  11. @yoshiisdeadYou can try this build for XP: No guarantees, even if it eats your dog, but that’s what you get for using a 20-year-old OS. 😉
  12. No, they are still prepared to pay, but only one fourth of what they would normally pay for a ride.
  13. Your post is WAY too vague to even hope to solve your problem. If you seriously want to fix it, at least provide basic information. - There is no OpenRCT2 version 3.3. - There is no such folder as users/data. - Have you actually tried simple steps like completely uninstalling OpenRCT2 and reinstalling it before asking?
  14. What is your build number? It is listed in the title screen and looks something like ab1c2d3e.
  15. To me it looks you’re vastly underestimating the scale of what you’re proposing here. You’re welcome to try your hand at it though, we are an open source project after all.
  16. Most of this is (nearly) impossible to pull off due to the nature of sprite-based games. In 3D games, one peep model can do everything: walk, sit on a bench, sit in a roller coaster, etc. So adding differences in body type, skin colour and stuff like that involves creating only one extra model. But in sprite-based games, you need a graphic for every position and situation. This includes sitting in a roller coaster - the roller coaster train has to carry the peep sprites, which are simply superimposed over the train. It would basically mean a guest would change shape/age/colour/etc. when they board a roller coaster.
  17. Which console are you talking about? The one you’re starting OpenRCT2 from, or the in-game one? The latter works as it always did, the former is now a JS console that allows access to commands of loaded scripts. If you want to execute a command from the in-game console there, use the form console.executeLegacy("help");
  18. The option is very easy to find if you open the Options menu.
  19. Don't play OpenRCT2 through Wine. It even warns you not to do that. Just use the native version.
  20. It might have been caused by having OpenRCT2 in the same folder as your RCT2 files. I don’t expect that you investigating this further would bring up any surprises, so you don’t to bother, just enjoy the game. 🙂 I did add the display of track files paths, but I think that was after the 0.3.3 release, which would explain why that didn’t work for you.
  21. Can you turn on Debugging Tools? There is a toggle for it in the Options window. It should show you the location of every track file.
  22. I’ll tell you a nice tidbit - these files also work in RCT1! Apparently it does try to read css10.dat, css12.dat (Bella Bella Bimba) and css16.dat. We are going to add your metadata to our own fairground music style definition, so that people can just drop in css10.dat and css16.dat if desired. Do you have a GitHub account, so we can give your proper credit?
  23. Here it is. But please, put a little bit more effort into your post next time. 1KWWROC4.DAT
  24. This looks like OpenRCT2 is prevented from writing to disk. You will probably need to grant OpenRCT2 full disk access. Open the System Settings. Open the Security & Privacy Preferences pane, select the Privacy tab, and click Full Disk Access in the left column. Now, in the right column, add OpenRCT2.
  25. Just replace the css10.dat and css16.dat files and then modify `object/rct2/music.fairground.json to add them. There is no such limitation.
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