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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. Which version of OpenRCT2 did you open it in, specifically? It doesn’t, but even if it did that should not affect files. I did manage to get your file into a state where at least RCTC will open it again, albeit with a warning. Edit: Hm, it seems that still crashes RCTC after a bit. I have no idea why. AridHeights-resaved.sv6
  2. It is technically possible to have non-square maps since the new save format was merged, but the GUI has not yet been updated to enable it. Expanding in all four directions is much harder, though. The map currently only expands in the x+ and y+ direction, so no coordinates have to be updated. If you wanted to extend the other way, then _all_ coordinates have to be updated throughout and at once, otherwise it will break vehicles, pathfinding, peeps and everything else on the map.
  3. > why is your application writing into save files without warning in the first place? It doesn’t. It always asks the first time. You’re free to examine our code to check, though.
  4. This has been possible since 2015. Click and hold the golden shovel and put a tick before "Enable sandbox mode". (If you don’t see the golden shovel, enable the Cheats button using the Options window.)
  5. For more information, see Happy building!
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  6. That happens if you update openrct2.exe, but not g2.dat. Make sure you update all files and not just openrct2.exe.
  7. Currently, it is possible to add new track styles, although we haven’t gotten around to putting them into objects yet, which means that adding such a track design would mean building it into OpenRCT2 directly. We did this earlier - the Hybrid Coaster and Single-Rail RC have been added to OpenRCT2 in this way. There is no tutorial yet, but we have a Discord channel for this sort of thing. We could certainly use more people who have modelling experience. Here is a direct link:
  8. Hi Alessandro, welcome to the OpenRCT2 forums. Nice to hear that you like the game! We do have an Italian translation in our game, although I’m not sure it is 100% complete.
  9. A bit more patience wouldn’t go amiss. You asked me on Reddit at 12:38 and then asked here at 15:07. That’s 2.5 hours, barely enough time for me to answer. The problem lies in the RCT Classic files. It has all the sounds and music in .ogg format, which OpenRCT2 cannot read (yet). You can harvest these from the RCT2 Mini Game: You will need Wine or an unarchival tool to extract the files from it.
  10. It looks like OpenRCT2 is using fallback sprites. Do you own RCT1 Deluxe or Loopy Landscapes? And did you link the install properly in the Options window?
  11. You can do two things: Discuss them here, or Discuss them at Developers visit both places regularly.
  12. @Kyman0712A fix is currently pending for this issue. @spacemtfanPlease create your own help topic, and make sure to report your build hash (see the About OpenRCT2 window) and include your save.
  13. It is right there in the screenshot that you posted... Anyway, we identified some bugs in the window in question, and a solution should follow soon (assuming you are hit by the same problem, obviously). > QUICK EDIT: Apparently I was on the dev branch?? Why is this default?? There is no default, when you download the game you pick one (release or develop) yourself. Of course, this does not apply if you use the Launcher, but that is an unofficial community project. Nevertheless, in general develop is very stable, sometimes even more than release, so in general it shouldn’t cause any problems.
  14. This is a known limitation of the code that determines whether a ride is covered. The bug was logged into our tracker here:
  15. This is a bug. A fix is pending here:
  16. This bug has recently been fixed. Please update to the latest develop.
  17. Do you always click ‘Yes’ in that dialog? I can find two crashes with your Windows username, would have expected there to be more if it happens this frequently. Additionally, could you try installing the v03.5.1 release build (as you’re currently on develop) and see if that makes the crashes go away?
  18. This is not caused by missing *.pob files. All that will do is cause some objects to be transparent. Can you try turning on the option to allow loading files with invalid checksums and see if that solves your problem?
  19. Does this happen in every save, or just this one? Could you upload the save?
  20. Either that, or you didn’t remove your Documents folder and OpenRCT2 simply used the existing configuration.
  21. We will need to know your OpenRCT2 build hash. You can find it in the “About OpenRCT2” window, where there is also a button to copy the version string.
  22. We pushed a fix for an issue in this area yesterday, could you both verify you’re on build `7fff8fa` and try again?
  23. You can buy it on Steam. That site/store is safe. We are not going to recommend any way to obtain it illegally. Additionally, I would very much recommend against getting RollerCoaster Tycoon World. It’s shit. If you want a game that is more modern than OpenRCT2, I would recommend Planet Coaster or Parkitect (the former is more scenery and graphics-oriented, the latter more gameplay-oriented).
  24. Hi Erik-Jan, could you create a pull request for that fix?
  25. Hoi Erik-Jan, Thanks for your work. Could you create pull requests for your fixes and features? We are on GitHub: It’s probably best to start with the fixes.
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