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Group Park 4


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Just did some decorating mostly. Added another chairlift. Another ferris wheel, etc.
The OpenRCT Group Park 4 2016-10-29 02-38-54.png

The OpenRCT Group Park 4 2016-10-29 02-39-15.png

  • Removed the blacktop pathing around the park square, it just always looked bad to me.
  • Added a glass canopy to Meltdown's bridge(see above.)
  • Extended the queue line for Bio-drop.
  • Removed Cascadia's temporary bridge and put in a more regular bridge, can either be removed/left alone, etc.
  • Changed the path type on the beach to concrete, thought it fit better.
  • Looked at Brox's new ride and admired it because I tried to make a ride cross the waterfall but they all sucked and his looks fantastic.
  • Felt ashamed I can't build good roller coasters.
  • Added lights, fencing, benches, and garbage cans throughout the park.
  • Removed the uber long bridge that stretched through the swamp... 

    The OpenRTC2 Group Park 4.33.sv6

    Claimed: - 
    Queue:  @cascadia, TCE, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos
    Missed: @Centric @Dan, @ImABoss, @ectricsanon, @BlazingEmpireHD, @SensualEthiopianPolice, @_SpacE__, @WobblyRails, @YoloSweggLord, Philmon11
  • Like 2

The OpenRCT Group Park 4 2016-10-30 20-24-41.png


-Finished Delta Tour, a submarine ride through the swamp (this probably goes over 900 tiles in the rectangle covered, but I figured it's okay as it uses up only water tiles and you can easily build over it.

-Built Philmon Plaza, a restaurant and mall on top of the Delta Tour station with great views of the ocean.

-Replaced all the benches and lights lost to changing paths.

-Fixed a weird path beneath a path teleport bug that was causing lots of guests to be trapped under a queue for the upper chairlift station.


The OpenRTC2 Group Park 4.34.sv6Fetching info...


Claimed: -
Queue: @TCE, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Cascadia
Missed: @Centric @Dan, @ImABoss, @ectricsanon, @BlazingEmpireHD, @SensualEthiopianPolice, @_SpacE__, @WobblyRails, @YoloSweggLord, @Philmon11


Claiming it to quickly make the center paths more circular again :P

Claimed: Broxzier
Queue: TCE, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Cascadia
Missed: Centric Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11

  • Like 1

Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy this time round.


Claimed: -
Queue: @jensj12 , Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Cascadia
Missed: Centric Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE,

  • Like 1

I had 2 hours of spare time today, but probably not anymore this week. A students life is filled with being busy. Plans for a great coaster are already there (in the corner opposite to my other coaster) and prototypes have been made, just no time to build it.

Claimed: -
Queue@Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Cascadia
Missed: Centric Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, jensj12



Claimed: -
Queue@Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Cascadia, RedScope53
Missed: Centric Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, jensj12


Not sure if I can claim it, will notice of so in those 24h asap. I'm in my school exam week so :D 

The OpenRCT Group Park 4 2016-10-30 21-59-15.png

^Is this something, or is the current one preferred? I find it to crash into the brakes with quite some speed, so I thought I'd try something alternative, might add brakes above the path instead but I don't like brakes above a path.

Also, I know I have build this coaster previous turn, but am I allowed to work on the collaboration coaster?

Posted (edited)


Claimed: Wuis
QueueBroxzier, imlegos, Cascadia, RedScope53
Missed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE, jensj12


btw, there are like 10 coasters and 2 of which are mine. So I have build a lot of coasters considering the amount of people working on the park. :P  There aren't just many people building coasters I think, it looks a lot cleaner than previous park do, I think even the first park has a higher coaster density.

Edited by Wuis
  On 31/10/2016 at 15:15, Wuis said:

btw, there are like 10 coasters and 2 of which are mine. So I have build a lot of coasters considering the amount of people working on the park. :P  There aren't just many people building coasters I think, it looks a lot cleaner than previous park do, I think even the first park has a higher coaster density.


True, but you've had more turns than most people too :P And I remember you saying you didn't build coasters for previous group parks.

I do like this less dense park so far, it feels more realistic.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


The OpenRCT Group Park 4 2016-10-31 16-15-17.png

Okay, I've been playing around with the coaster, I've changed almost every part of the coaster and changed it back again. currently you aren't seeing much I have done besides changing what Philmon did, NOTE this is W.I.P. (still rude, sorry man. :( )

I did this because I think that the layout that Philmon provided doesn't really give the freedom that this coaster needs. The track that Philmon constructed would lead to the coaster only happening on one side of the path, as if it went over the path it would quickly get to the last block brakes and enter the station. I think the idea of this coaster is that it is a fairly big one, it should be quite the marketing campaign just by layout. Though this would lead to great problems if not implemented a block brake run, which due to limited room is forced to be on the side of the lift hill and station. The problem would then though be that there barely would be room left for the track to connect to Philmon's track.

The reason I did this because I solely want your opinions about my idea, I can revert changes really easily because I have not done anything with the space the track would use otherwise. I do still kinda feel like a dick, because the park is just about having fun and just creating things, not specifically the nicest things even though that'd be nice if achieved. But I think it'd be nice to get the best out of us if we collaborated on 1 project. Like the drop after the block brakes I liked, same goes for when the two tracks crossed when 1 was still about to go up onto the lift hill. To not forget the reason why I also wanted to work a bit on the coaster, the top hat-like element. So NOTHING has happened yet, besides changes to Rusty Railway (My previous coaster, sadly wooden, cause I actually wanted to build a proper wooden)

TLDR; Wuis is an asshole and destroys other's creations for fun! Do you support him on this matter? Short explanation, he removed the ending bit Philmon build to make way for a longer coaster. Give your thoughts! PS. Wuis is probably just an asshole, nobody likes him :-)

Edit: Why am I never actually showing things that are new and just rather show things that might be new :/ 

Edit 2: @Philmon11

Edited by Wuis
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I'll type a full response later, no, not pissed.


edit: well maybe a little.


edit 2: full response will be after school, tomorrow or on my phone if I'm lucky


edit 3: yeah, I just don't have the energy after the 999999999999999999999999999 hours of homework lol

Edited by Philmon11
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