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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    I sorta forgot to say that I had claimed it before starting, and I'm out of ideas atm... But here's a start of a Mine Train
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Claimed So, I was checking the map, and noticed we have an expansion coaster selected, so I deselected that.
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Like an S-bend?
  4. Mechanics fix from exits in RCT2, not entrances, and seeing as the exit is not connected to path in the second screenshot... Also, mechanics forget their task if you pick them up, as it overides the "head to X" with the unplaced text. Likely, there's a wall infrount of the exit, since path objects don't obscure the collision of paths. Also, I recomend using Ctrl+S for screens instead of just prntscrn
  5. Is it just me or does Weightless sound a lot like Minecraft Volume Beta (Specifically the Creative mode songs) PC and RCT2's soundtracks are such different takes, but both work extremely well. RCT is more about tying in with the theme park aspect of the game, while PC's is telling you to be creative with your work
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    The rules state "Be reasonable" not "Stay in the grid". So, going beyond the grid laid out currently is a-ok! Besides, expecting someone to fit a coaster into just one of those squares is insane.
  7. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    So, I guess this is what I have in terms of NCSO Mine theming... It's pretty unfinished.
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Maybe I'll spend my turns working on portions of the Mine Train, just so I can get an idea of the area I'll have to work with.
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    16 max, 4 slots are reserved (Flowers & Shrubs, Trees, Fences, and Walls)
  10. It's more for cash play, since having it as a longer time between inspections cuts down the amount of mechanics required for servicing.
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    1/4th tile blocks will not be allowed as they don't exist in NCSO.
  12. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    I REALLY need to brush up on NCSO mine theming... I guess Minetrain #47 had a NCSO station I could emulate... Also, sports is at the bottom of the list, who didn't see that coming? It doesn't even have a wall set!
  13. I'd say RCT2's continue popularity is more attributed to New Element then ORCT2, but ORCT2 is a tool used by lots of people, including NED users
  14. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Western and mine work well enough together.
  15. User Created Expansion Set expansion set...
  16. Maybe it was a pirated version?
  17. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    I need to brush up on NCSO mine theming
  18. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    No Custom Scenery Objects
  19. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    I am 100% ok with trying a NCSO mine train again.
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    I'll take the area that would require a mine train.
  21. imlegos

    Group Park 5

    I'd be okay with working on that track.
  22. Turns out, this guy impersonated BlindiRL, and admited it in his Twitch chat... Not part of the solution, part of the problem.
  23. If you'r finding problems finding people to play with, go invite your friends.
  24. All games have assholes. Welcome to online multiplayer.
  25. That's cash based only I believe.
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