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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    That was the intended idea, However i do have the Disneyland Procject moss/vine walls i could replace those with. The main idea was too cover up the fact i coulden't place proper Monumental walls ther without clipping issues
  2. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Welp, I ran out of ideas while building this, so here's my un-finnished ruined castle junior coaster. Claimed:Queue: @Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, Dan, ziscor, imlegosMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq The OpenRCT Group Park 3.07.sv6
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: imlegosQueue: Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, Dan, ziscorMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq Side Note: I removed the European Theming set, and it kept all the georgian objects. So there's that. (No other objects from the set were kept in the file.
  4. Please, look around before asking. We have discussed this before, we will not be adding IP bans, however, we are adding a banning system.
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I can haz fail!
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Also, it seems like we have our first use of expansion pack content, the stairs leading from the exit of the monorail are sidewalk pathing i think
  7. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    This has been talked about a lot before, but it has too do with the fact that this game has weight calculation. Meaning that a dingy full of guests 'weighs' more then an empty one. Likely it was this + the games friction that caused it to fail.
  8. Maybe I'll do a redesign. I want to keep it in the 5x4 as that's the smallest I can do, and still get decent. If I can't reach it, I'll go 5x5. I feel like using the Mini coasters is kinda cheating, but it isn't against the rules so it's not. On another note, Spellcheck, y u no realise math statements???
  9. Wouldn't it be more stylish to launch them from a coaster through walls with holes that just barely have the train go through them? Then end it in a firey pit?
  10. It's just that the game's deafult speed is slow on it's own, and it doesn't really need to be any slower.
  11. Huzzah! Someone on the internet who knows what autism actually is!
  12. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    We've already missed 3 turns, in the first 4 turns...
  13. I always wondered why it had the sound tubes, in the middle of the park. Sure, they look cool.
  14. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: Line: @Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, WuisMissed: jensj12 Philmon11 CoasterMaster
  15. It wasen't cheated actually It's just a visual bug with Mini Wild.
  16. Here's a Mini Wild Mouse, 5x4 footprint.
  17. Dangit, it was counter clockwise...
  18. Add it in secretly Then no one could complain about it!
  19. Backstage Drop would be above it, which i think is 1 rotation clockwise, causing the path behind it to be on the left, where you normally put the logo. Also, the blur effect is nice, maybe a slight bit less though.
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Also, if we're going for a 'main street' look, maybe we could use some of the georgian set from WW (The European theming is too large to use fully, so we should just add parts of it.
  21. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    So, should we tag them after my turn then? I am currently the last in the list.
  22. I feel like we really shoulden't use RCT to hate on communitys. I'm not a brony or anything like that, but at the same time, if they aren't upsesive about it or shoving it down our necks, then i'm fine with being in the same server with them. Joel and his fanbase are my only exception. I get that ORCT2 probably woulden't be as popular if it wasen't for him. But it's popularity is also becoming a problem, similar to MINECRAFT's fanbase. (I do not think MINECRAFT is a bad game, it actually one of my favorite games, it's community is toxic as hell though)
  23. I'll see if i can build one if i can get home... Things probably won't go too plan
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    @CoasterMaster Only about 2 hours left, then you will be moved to missed turn. On another note, should we tag those in the missed list?
  25. I think that the obsidian looking path could be neat in volcanic areas, like Infernal Views. The green dirt could also look neat in something like Botany Breakers.
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