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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. If we do make sticky threads based on what/how to post in topics, version number needs to be listed as being required for this.
  2. ATMS IN CASHLESSSSSS!!!! - Me when playing MP sandboxes
  3. Why not make it for multiple loops of the music?
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I got no inspiration this time around, so i just moved myself too the back of the line. Claimed: -Queue: @ziscor, jensj12, Dan, Broxzier, imlegosMissed: Philmon11, Wuis
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Forgot too claim, will look over later.
  6. Do both games have the same object files?
  7. imlegos

    Mount Coasters

    What about the park where the moment you start it, everything explodes?
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I'll probably claim when i get home, also 6000th forum post!
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Fluxpark, Fluxtrance's megapark had 4 monorails, each with 2 stations going outwards too all sides of the park.
  10. The way features are added for ORCT2 is different then other indie games, like MC, where even for the un-stable builds, they wait to release them. We do not schedule the changes we make to ORCT2
  11. The expansion objects work differently. I'm pretty sure the reason that the custom objects are load-able is because they were made by the fans too be auto-downloaded/installed. The expansions were not, as this could be used too basically spread 1 copy of TTP around the world with just a few saves. Adding the expansion content for free is a definite NO. Because that would be illegal.
  12. So.. I just downloaded the RCT2 object editor, and it immediately crashed as soon as i opened it. Now what?
  13. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I was. I had one there previously, i was going too move it slightly too give me more room, but ORCT2 bugs caused me too be unable too move it at the time, thus causing me too not be able to place it in the spot i was going too.
  14. It's not even giving an error. It just out-right doesn't load the installer. The only way I could install SC2K was using a 3rd party program, the problem with this is that saving crashes the game. And this has gotten really off topic.
  15. I'm not familiar with anything. I'm horribly under prepared too do this. And GMod doesn't have an easy was to angle the view too work, and would just be me fiddeling around for an hour with the camera, trying too get the right angle. I just remembered that there is rotation snaping in Gmod... Maybe it could be of some use... Gmod can load the objects, but not the maps.
  16. But no mater what, you can't install a game like Sim City 2000 anymore, the installer just doesn't load.
  17. Hamachi is only useful for hosting a server to get past the ports, however only Hamachi can connect too Hamachi (At least, i think that's the case). It shouldn't help connecting too non-Hamachi servers.
  18. It's common for updates to break things older then it. Look at things like Sim City 2k and Streets. (Probably not a good example...)
  19. I have absolutely no idea. I've never actually used it. (I've stated previously the profile was made using GMod, which is played as a FPS) Also, drawing by hand probably won't look good for me. I'm talking about this here instead of the project's thread is because this seems more like it could lead into more tips, as well as help for myself.
  20. Object editor looks like it could be useful, but I have no clue how too get the images I'm going too need. Best thing I can think of is loading the object in Source Film Maker, taking an image with the proper camera angle, then editing the image. Also, this is more in regards too the Portal Theming project; I don't own Portal 1, I have 2, but not 1. So I can't make an image of the regular Intelligence Incinerator...
  21. BTW, The "Yoshi-Go-Round" is the second "restored" version of the SM64 Marry-Go-Round theme (Found in Big Boo's Haunt), the second is in Majora's Mask.
  22. The licensing on .net has expired. The launcher should still work fine, just bringing up your primary internet browser every time you launch the launcher.
  23. Hello, this is the new topic I've created to talk about a theme i thought of based on the Portal games. Feel free to post some ideas of what i should do with it in here. Mini Intelligence Incinerators for trash cans (Empty = P1, Vandalized = P2, full = ???) Animated portals (doors) for small tracks and Junior Still portal wall for Zero Clearance onto paths and large tracks (Both portals are color able, for easily making basic, Atlas, or P-Body portals)
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