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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. This actually seemed more like a draw error really. As successfully loading a park in these builds causes things to not be removed from the game screen, like notices, the tool bar, and multiplayer chat. It would give an effect similar to that of, say the Source engine, when the map isin't fully built properly, causing the map to "leak" into the void.
  2. Sorta surprised no one has tried impersonating me. Well, other then myself that is. I'm pretty known at this point considering my forum consistency and large amount of Multiplayer.
  3. List of probabilitys: Decompiling Fixing Changes Features
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I found the location of the DLP stuff, the vines are part of Sleeping Beauty's Castle set.
  5. It's 0.0.5, and accounts aren't required.
  6. I can't see the flicker...
  7. Why not put it under the cheats list in that case?
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    After Brox is done, i'll add all parts of the DLP Vine set i have, for decor.
  9. #NintendoPCMasterRace
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    If you want, i could add all the parts i have of it. I don't think i have the full set though.
  11. Why not rename this too the thread suggestion topic.
  12. Since Custom Content is allowed, i can only see this as being used for getting proper placement with things, like support structures for B&M (Twisters, and any other coaster using same track)
  13. Have we finally finished clearing up the rules?
  14. You dun goofed in quoting. You typed over Borxzier's quote, then put mine in his.
  15. So, Custom Content -and cheats,- what are the rules on those? Side note; We need the ability to add "spoilers" and strike-through text...
  16. I find it funny how me and @Broxzier have constantly been asking questions and suggesting topic fixes.
  17. Alright, I probably won't enter, but who knows? Also, is Custom Content allowed?
  18. U R Welcome
  19. I take it this means things like Hitler?
  20. Woulden't "Save" save over auto saves? Since the save function is programmed too save too the last saved, or loaded save?
  21. Give us a deadline to turn coasters in, then add a Poll to this thread with all the submissions listed as choices.
  22. Enable the cheat button, then hold down on the golden shovel on the left of the toolbar, Disable clearance.
  23. To this day, I still don't understand what's so special about the Build Your Own Six Flags scenarios
  24. My first profile image was obviously my MC skin's face. My current one is based on my dream TF2 Engineer loadout set (Only see-able is the Engineer's Cap and Jag. the rest of the cosmetics are Pocket Purrer and Tools of the Trade. The weapon set is Rescue Ranger and Wrangler) Here is both characters in full. (Slightly hard too see, will probably do a new mock-up of it) The image was done before the buffing of the Jag, so the Southern Hospitality is shown instead. This image was also made in using a screen cap from Gmod and MC
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