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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Well, it already showed Mario Kart 8 DLC being used in the trailer, so there's PROBABLY an E-Shop.
  2. Terraria is as good as confirmed, as the port developer of Terraria, 505Games is on the list of 3rd party. Surprisingly, no Mojang/4Kstudios...
  3. @The_superior-nemesis If it shows in the list, then the port SHOULD be open. Unless the devs changed that for some how
  4. Different versions, both of you need to check if you're downloading the same network vesion (Develop)
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    @BlazingEmpireHD, You can take a full map screenshot at the closest zoom, and it will create a .png that shows the whole map in the same LOD as where you took it.
  6. So, the console command is what's used to control the Menu Camera then? Seems like a very similar method of moving the camera as what's in the title editor. (Side note; would it theoretically be possible to implement scrolling into title sequences?)
  7. That just sounds like RNG being stupid.
  8. ...I'm just waiting for someone to post their entire objdata folder as a .zip here as a joke.
  9. Just starting a server, then trying to connect via lan does not work, atleast, it didn't when I tried it.
  10. ...I'd personally think the xMultiplier for happiness would be based on excitement rating, with the food/thirst based on nausea.
  11. He could have atleast mentioned a comparison between the OP and his experience.
  12. ....How did you even... Are you having problems with chairlifts? Why would you even look for this kind of subject???
  13. So, in other words, some custom content creators are pirates... Not sure how to feel about this...
  14. ...It's so... empty... Also, not mods, just custom content. The regular thing that is termed mods is basically ORCT2 itself.
  15. @TCE Isn't the Miniature Railway/Trams from WW expansion?
  16. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    ...Has anyone been checking how the tophat cork works since the station and lift were added?
  17. ...Why do we still have a bugs topic, if we're told to just post them on github anyway???
  18. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - Queue: @RedScope53, Cascadia, TCE, YoloSweggLord, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos Missed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, _SpacE__, WobblyRails The OpenRTC2 Group Park 4.25.sv6
  19. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - imlegos Queue: RedScope53, Cascadia, TCE, YoloSweggLord, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, _SpacE__, WobblyRails
  20. I remember hearing about ORCT2 staff ideas before, don't remember where tho
  21. @X7123M3-256 So, like this you mean?
  22. Steep Hill Juniors say hi
  23. Probably with the Convert Saved Game to Scenario, and building all the scenery and paths before the rides, as seen in the 6F scenarios.
  24. A key pad could work better, I don't have one on my notebook tho to really think about how a setup could work.
  25. W resets the selection too straight A/D moves the track direction left or right S removes a peice E raises the track slope Q lowers the track slope Z enables chains
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