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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Emerald City II

    I have the Matrix theme set, I'll post it here later when I have access to my proper files.
  2. Version? Save? Possibly a known bug, I remember something similar happening previously.
  3. Because the market needs a 4th game competing this year. @SensualEthiopianPolice
  4. ...Honestly I feel a RCT game that doesn't suck would be interesting on a device with seperate game and touch screens, on one screen you have the park view, and the other has all the building controls.
  5. There's 3 objdata files, one in Virtual Store, one in the RCT2 files(Program Files), and a 3rd in the ORCT2 files (Documents)
  6. ...Probably not, given the coding Also, why did you put "Nintendo" as your username... The closest we have too non-PC based ports is Android device ports.
  7. @cascadia Pretty sure he has the launcher, as it defaults to downloading Stable. otherwise, how on earth would he be able to find that old of a ORCT2 version this recently?
  8. Simply change the downloaded build in the launcher's options from Stable to Development
  9. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    The OpenRCT Group Park 4.18.sv6 I started a Corkscrew design, but didn't finish it out of lack of ideas. Feel free to build onto it, maybe make it the first group coaster in a group park. Claimed: - Queue: @RedScope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCE, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegosMissed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Honestly, I ment to upload yesterday, but I forgot because other things. In about a 3 minutes...
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Forgot about a thing I had too do, so it'll be uploaded after 4:30 something Pacific Time (USWestCoast)
  12. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    since when did red claim? I'll upload the file in atleasst 2 hours.
  13. Is it just me or is there still the name of a spam and a test by jarno in the forum list?
  14. imlegos


    Impliment ALL the features ASAP!
  15. imlegos

    Coszie Park

    Is the EE; Yummy pizza Spaghetti shoot'n drop Luxor lunatics? (YSL)
  16. imlegos


    As YSL said, the file format used currently is a barrier as to what we can do, however once that's broken we could have more then just unlimited objects, including entirely new coaster types and track pieces.
  17. "Words can not express how much I hate China right now" - Soldier In all seriousness, I still don't understand why a spambot is attacking us with Chinese advertisements for American collages, on a forum site that would register as English...
  18. imlegos


    What if I told you that Americans and Neatherlanders are both foreigners too each other.
  19. imlegos


  20. imlegos


    We have not broken the object limit built into the game's files yet, that is a future goal obv. A good place to find custom scenery is New Element Design; NEDesign, there's also other places like RCTMart and RCTGo A "Online Content" button has been an idea, and infact, we once had a in-launcher link to RCTGo. Are you using the developement, and have you enabled both Debug tools (Which features the ability to modify the object list and inventions list), and the cheat menu (Which allows you too access new OpenRCT2 cheats like guest stats and ride modifiers, as well as the ever useful Zero Clearence (Disable Clearence Checks) tool)?
  21. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    I've been debating for the last 4 hours on whether or not I should do a Top Hat Loop Steel Twister in this park, but there's already a Steel Twister, so I can't decide what to do...
  22. I still wish they'd add the spoiler things or "click to reveal", then I could make a proper Pokedex of the RoCTer Region.
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