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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Another Pokemon to add to the list, and this one's even a Shadow (or Dark if you're Japanese).
  2. I also just noticed, at the time I am posting this, my rep is +47, Why does that number haunt me everywhere???
  3. Just a tip: only the host can hire staff and modify guests, this will desync clients, but reconnecting will update it.
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    "Nothing works" they said...
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Try pressing backspace outside the quote box.
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 4

  7. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - imlegos Queue: Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCE, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice
  8. From what I can tell, it's a new guy who hasen't yet realised that staff/guest syncing is a known thing...
  9. Simple, do them all, get destroyed by a mess up, fix the mess, rinse and repeat.
  10. I'm gonna guess you are new to RCT2's community as a whole... You seem really, REALLY, excited about everything...
  11. So can the metal from the mechanical theming
  12. I myself have never seen red dirt, still looking though... I do have other parts;
  13. I know of the Junior parts, which currently use the drawing from the Water Coaster.
  14. Not quite, if the object can go into one of the stock groups (Walls, Fences, Gardens, Trees, Bushs) then it won't be in misc. The limit is also 255 for small and wall objects IIRC.
  15. I make a pun, and everyone loses their minds.
  16. One day, ORCT2 will break the limits, we'll have No Limits... CWIDT
  17. Select the quote box and press the delete key.
  18. Wing Coaster is a custom train type that is designed for Steel Twister tracks. Anything that the Steel Twister has, the Wing Coaster has.
  19. Latter, or lattest? RCT2 RCT3
  20. Obviously, this will not be happenin any time soon. Just throwing this out there.
  21. Allo again, I was replying to a post on the forums when I spotted this while getting a link; This gave me the idea of maybe eventually incorporating new track elements; like a elevator shaft for the Heartline (Ultra Twister), as well as demake some pieces from RCT3; like the Thrill Lift and Tilt Track for Corkscrew.
  22. @joshmarsilio Go mad.
  23. And?????
  24. Would they be video based, like OpenTTD (Mobile only I think) or similar too how RCT2 originally did them, with the mouse controlled by the game with hover text replaced by information and instruction, or RCT3 where the tutorials were interactive and designed to make you demonstrate for youself.
  25. \o/ Senpais noticed me!
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