Not quite, if the object can go into one of the stock groups (Walls, Fences, Gardens, Trees, Bushs) then it won't be in misc.
The limit is also 255 for small and wall objects IIRC.
Allo again, I was replying to a post on the forums when I spotted this while getting a link;
This gave me the idea of maybe eventually incorporating new track elements; like a elevator shaft for the Heartline (Ultra Twister), as well as demake some pieces from RCT3; like the Thrill Lift and Tilt Track for Corkscrew.
Would they be video based, like OpenTTD (Mobile only I think) or similar too how RCT2 originally did them, with the mouse controlled by the game with hover text replaced by information and instruction, or RCT3 where the tutorials were interactive and designed to make you demonstrate for youself.