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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. So you have fixed it? I'm glad to hear that!
  2. It very well may be you deleted a needed file for your park. If you deleted that file(s), you should be able to easily get it back. In the little black box that pops up with OpenRCT2, usually when a save can't be opened because of missing files, it says what files are missing. Click that box and write down the missing files. ....and then download them again. Or: Go into OpenRCT2 and search in the options for the option to turn on or off "Allow missing files to be downloaded for you" (This isn't the actual words, but you should be able to find it). If you do find it, turn it on. Hopefully either of these solutions will fix it. Get back to me if it doesn't! Also: @JamsSquirrel, I see you have taken my advice and tried to use it to help others. Good choice youngling, good choice,
  3. That's grand! Di-did I help you out actually? Lol
  4. I've had this happen before, one of two things can happen if you don't want to fix this. 1. Go back to a recent save and see if that works. If not, keep going further back. 2. Keep an eye out for new update releases as these bugs will inevitably be fixed. Something extra: I've noticed that if you get the "assertion failed" pop-up, click ignore and go directly back into the game. (I suggest you immediately save the game then after). One other thing: It might not be OpenRCT2 causing this issue. I've had several times where I clicked a save game and when it opened, the game would either: immediately crash or wait a few second and then crash. You could possibly have a problem where one or more files have corrupted themselves and therefore is screwing your game up. Not one of the vanilla RCT2 objects should be corrupt. However, if you use custom scenery, chances are, you have a corrupt file. Maybe even more than one. Solution: Search the ObjData files in RCT2's folder. Try and find what has been causing the issue. (In the black box that also pops up with OpenRCT2, if your game freezes, click on that box and it should show you what went wrong. Say, AEER37's file has corrupted, that method is easier than just simply being ludicrous and search through 37 quadrillion files). Once you have found the issue, REMOVE THE FILE at all costs. Delete those files to the garbage bin. You should now be set to run your game normally. (IF that was the issue) If you still have problems, I don't think I can give you much more on how to fix your game. Good luck!
  5. I'll definitely look at them tomorrow! I will assume they are good, and that I will like them even if they aren't. I'm also sure that these bugs will be fixed soon, look out for the downloads that say these have been fixed. (Whenever they drop) Speaking of mega parks......I may or may not come out with an entirely new mega park. It won't be crap this time. 😉😉(Whiskey Station has helped me so much).
  6. It would be such a cool feature to have "vandals". My idea for having vandals is that they look exactly the same as regular guests, but they only come into the park to vandalise it. That's why you have security guards to appoint them out the park. Of course, having vandals spawn as much as guests would be outright stupid. I would see it as maybe 5%-15% of the guests that spawn are only to vandalise. Doing this would make some scenarios harder, say, if they added a "Kepp the vandals out" option for how to win a scenario. Something like that would bring us a whole new level to the game that would actually seem fun. Don't want vandals? Check the options for no vandals will spawn.
  7. That was an even more thought out way of having this feature introduced. I like
  8. That's a really neat idea! A good one for you hardcore RCT2 scenario players. This is somthing I could easily see in game, should it get recognition.
  9. I'm sure both of you meant well, and both of you were harsh about it. More or less, at least critical to the point where people might think you were rude. Knowing both of you guys, I don't see either of you being rude on purpose specifically to rile others up. On a more lighthearted note, you're both good guys and both have valid reasons to be critical. Being a content creator myself, I know those times where people are too critical and it does nothing to help me out. Zoomer, I've been in your spot, and backlashed at something of what Sensual said. What Sensual said was fairly simple and had nothing much to help you, and to me at least, seemed very morose. You backlashed in a funny way, but probably even worse, Zoomer. I'm very glad you're a courteous man and apologised, Zoomer, and I very well think Sensual will do the same. I mean come on guys, raise your hand if you have NEVER had a sloppy/simple coaster? Not one of you can say you haven't had one. Some one somewhere will think it's too sloppy, or not realistic enough. You'll just have to live and learn I guess. I like these downloads. They are good, but in no way are something spectacular. But,they're still good coasters and a great little side project if you're too lazy to make your own. I like simple, and decently thought out as well as spectacularly amazing coasters. For once, they're not people killers either. Good job with these, @Zoomer36!
  10. I'm at a split decision with what both of you said, @Zoomer36 & @SensualEthiopianPolice. I agree with Zoomer that feedback should be constructive and actually rather pleasing. Typically, most come on too harsh, like with what Sensual said. However, there's good reasons. If you have a realistic stand point, you're going to want to only like things that realistic. If you have a simple, anything is good enough, stand point, you'll be the exact opposite of realism. Some of these rides here ARE realistic, and some of them aren't. It's more than okay to have different types. Here's my problem, I'm that "I prefer realistic, but I can also go sloppy" type of people. When I see something that is sloppy, or bad, I try and give my best constructive critiques (without being harsh) so that a person can further improve their designs. When a great ride is produced, I give many reasons on why it's good as well as still critiquing it on little things. I've learned that being harsh with your words is not going to help the person you're critiquing out. While using more fluent and nicer words help the person to better their works. Sensual, I'm not calling you out, but at least try and sound nicer? "Designs are bad, or two simple" isn't going to cut it. How to improve this? Give good and valid reasons why something needs to be fixed upon. Sensual, once again, I am not trying to be too critical, or be harsh, I just need you to know this. Ya don't want to have people on your bad side. However, on some of these, I agree with him. My realistic standpoint is eyeing Rumblestiltskin out for being too "all over the place." However, my simple is good standpoint likes it for being creative and random. I guess the whole point of this long message is, try your best, and don't be too critical. Who knows, maybe this will help others if you give them reasons why.
  11. Woodworm Park was always difficult for my brother and I as we always seemed to be ONE guest off, or ONE rating off of the win. Stupid, yes, annoying? Yes. Enraging? Yes. There were a couple more that were exceedingly difficult. If you want more challenges, I have 49 scenarios over on RCTgo with a wide range of challenges. Number 40 being the hardest. This link will take you to my profile which has all 49 scenarios on it as well as numerous coasters to download. Enjoy!
  12. Holy mother of god. Come on dude! You didn't do this! There were more people, right? Right? No?! All jokes aside, very very very well done mate! I am excited to see more from you in the future!
  13. I think all y'all just need to relax. We don't need this type of idiocy here. Let's keep the forums nice, please. @joshmarsilio, you'll just have to be patient while things are added to OpenRCT2. We all have to wait. Now don't we? I know this topic is being worked on, so, as with you, I am super excited for when this happens. As of now, I'll be back to waiting.
  14. Wha? It's my turn already? Oh well, since I will be busy for a good while, and that I am uninspired, I'll put myself in the missed turns list. (Go ahead and slap me on the end of the queue if ya want) Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthipionPolice, Imlegos, Redscope53, Jens12, _SpaCe_, YoloSwegglord, WobblyRails, TCE Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImaBoss, , Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD Sorry for the inaction. I'm slightly too uninspired and busy for the moment. Oh @Wuis, look whose turn it is again?!
  15. I understand. It's no big deal really. We all make mistakes and say nonsense we wish others had not seen. I've done it before too. However, I did not take your criticisms harshly as I have learned to take constructive criticism in a good way, only to make myself better. We all have bad days, or rough days, good days, and all that. We all do. So, I am not going to leave a site because I may or may not have been judged too critically. I honestly don't mind, and I thank you for apologizing. Thanks for the help mate! Thank you by the way even more. Lol For number 13, it's the same as 12. Simply if you want ALL the guests to be mildly happy, really mad. Or all slightly tired. Ect... I love charts too. That's why a lot of my ideas involve, well... charts! lol
  16. I think most of this would be so... Enjoyable to have. I'm not expecting this to ever happen. Any of them. I just am on here to show my ideas and hear what you all think about them. I understand that most of these aren't easy to do, and I do know that you will not go out of your way to benifit me, or others. I am contented with the game for the most part anyways. I still play it so much. Take this thread with a slight pinch a salt.
  17. I guess they could. Wasn't sure where this type of thread was supposed to go.
  18. Okay, for the longest time, I have had some ideas that some of us have wanted, and some that I am generally unsure if anyone has asked before. 1). I would love to see the option to have the ability to change years. Maybe you want time to skip ahead a little bit, say 3 months. The game then skips ahead 3 months and dicifers whilst doing so what should happen in 3 months game time. How much money you have earned or lost, how many guests you have earned or lost. Ect 2). It would be so damned cool if there were a chart that told us how many people (monthly average) you have lost, or how many times a coaster has broken down, how many times it will take to get to the center of the tootsie pop, how much money you have earned or lost. Plus some other things I may forget that are involved with this. 3). Yes, there is a way to add people, 1 large tram. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks it would be nice to have maybe a 'small tram' or a 'medium' tram, or a 'mega tram.' But, my idea is to actually be able to allot the number of guests to join the park. You want 3 guests to enter, 3 guests will enter. You want 489 guests to enter, they will enter. -35 guests are removed from the park? How about 36 more to replace those you just removed? 4). I would love it if there was a feature to remove those pesky guests that want to go home. 35 people want to go home? Click this button and it is no more! 5). It would be ideal if there where some way to tell where a coaster is just too rough, or intense. You have a loop that you go 7 miles to fast for? Some sort of extra rating tab will show a map of where the 'green' good areas are, yellow 'lower the speed' zones are, the red 'must be fixed' part, and then black, for 'people would die if this were real.' 6). A scenery saver/building saver. You make a giant structure that would take ages for to repeat again, or put in a different park? With a scenery saver, it would also do that. 7). Some way to make guests go two feet further and actually find the ride. 8). Better animations (I sound needy, I do not mean to) for coaster trains that go over an element they are not made for. 9). Some way of knowing what the total profit of your park is standing at, or the max profit you have made on a coaster or thrill ride, or a shop stall. That would be so neat to have. 10). Being able to vary the terrain colours in 'custom map' generation. Select slots, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and another for water. You want snow, mud, grassy mud, and regular grass? Click this button and get a randomly sketched up map. 11). I wish there was a way to allow people that want to go home the chance to actually freeroam whilst heading towards the exit and possibly find their way into a ride and then come out not wanting to go home anymore. 12). Being able to change guests stats. Make one guest fully happy, mildly happy, fiery red angry, hungry, not hungry, needs to vomit, ect. 13). Making all the guests a certain way, all very tired, all VERY mad, all very happy, or all sick with their eyes about to blow out because they're so sick. 14). Making a really sick person actually to be able to buy a drink or food without them turning away because they are sick. I had some better ideas, and I know I am missing some, if I remember those, I will definitely provide you with this. You all have any ideas?
  19. A lot of these ideas they had actually looked smart, fun, and holy hell scary. Then there were others that you sit there and look at, and thing "OH GOD NO." If all of these rides were real, I would go likely on only 1, even though I am a huge thrillseeker. .....just.... No
  20. Did it change? It looks like dynamite to me for some reason, haha
  21. @X7123M3-256, you are absolutely fricken amazing!!!! You have created coasters, top notch coasters, that I have dreamt for a long time to be in RCT2. I never ever thought it would happen. Here you are, proving me wrong. Effen fantastic work mate! I'll always be a downloader of your trusty rides!
  22. Alright, interesting. I'll have to try that out soon. The problem on multiplayer was that I couldn't see my own ratings for say a coaster, but on top of that, I could no longer see everyone else's ratings either. Even though it isn't serious or relatively game-breaking, this still doesn't fit right if you're trying to have 100% flawless 100% of the time. Haha, it's not going to work like that. Oh well, I'll see what I can do.
  23. I've got news for you. (If I read this correctly). There's options to add objects to your park WITHIN the scenario! So, you would go to one of the little nifty tools on the toolbar and 'Object Selection' should be on that. With this, you are able to remove rides, and scenery, and paths, and everything you can add or remove in the scenario editor. (But, you cannot remove rides or scenery that are in use within the scenario). Say, if you built a corkscrew coaster; you would have to remove the corkscrew coaster entirely out of the park, and then go into the 'Object Selection' and put it out of the scenario for as long as you want. This same method works for: scenery, paths, anything from a scenery group, light poles, benches ect ect... If you are finding this hard, trust me, it's easy to learn especially with the ability to select ONLY custom rides to show up on ths list, or ONLY RCT2, or ONLY RCT2 with add-ons, or ALL 3 selected. If you are searching for a specific ride, item, you can use a seach bar to search it up. Say, you're looking for some sort of roof. Click on the search bar and enter 'roof' and it should preselect all the scenery packs that have these, this works for everything you need, rides, walls, rooves, plants, trees, paths, ect... This should be all you need to know about that question. Onto the next one. You want to be able to expand your park even though there is no land buying option in that specific scenario? (Dang, I sound like some sort of producer of a product or something). Go into your options and allow 'cheats.' After then, you should be able to see a second 'dynamite' tool that is yellow instead of red. Click that and go to the section that has 'park parameters' in it. Click this, you're now able to expand your park or add land. Another way to do this, is enable sandbox mode (you must have cheats enabled) and then click on the map. Voila! Finally, your last question, as far as I know, yes, Six Flags parks are able to be saved. If I was not vague, this should be easy for you. I hope I helped! (Let me know if you have issues). Edit: There are many many many people here other than me that can explain this likely better than I can. A lot of them are here to help you! All you have to do is ask!
  24. Honestly, I am still unsure why his device pulled us up as 3/whatever it was. Like I said before, he might have downloaded it from a shifty site. I still don't believe that it would be from this site.
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