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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. I meant references to foul names. Whoops Lol. So, there is a poll? I think what I'll do is take 35 competitors, and then do another thread with all 35(?) and do a poll for it for maybe however long I can. Whichever wins it, well, wins. Lol
  2. Hey you all! I have an idea on what the forums' members and I could do. A coaster building competition. Of course, it'd be odd if I won my own forum "game" owner, if you will, I won't be counted in this competition. If you're still with me on how I am such a rambler, props to you. Here's How It Works - Since I am new to OpenRCT2, there will not be a server to join, although, it is never out of the question! Your coaster can be any type of coaster, but nothing besides that. It must also have some sort of scenery to be qualified into this competition, as well as a good layout. Obviously, if a person enters a ride that will kill a person if that ride was real, it's disqualified. How to Try and Win - Your goal is to get the best looking coaster with the BEST stats as possible. Say, you built a floorless coaster, and got good stats, and then built a great station and great scenery around the ride and brought it up even more, that coaster could win this competition! Rules - Like I said before, to be entered here, it has to have some sort of scenery, it also has to have an overhead screenshot, and a screenshot of the "coolest" part of the coaster. Likewise, there can not be any foul language or references to foul things. If by chance your name was unintentionally wrong, that's fine. Although, it may need to be changed. Hacks, or disabled clearances for scenery is not allowed. I will take up to 35 competitors only! Enter while you can! There is a DEADLINE to enter. Get your coasters in by 2 weeks, or else you will not make it into this competition. After the deadline is reached, all 35, or entered competitors will be put in a poll in another thread and you will have a certain amount of time to vote. (2 weeks probably). After that period, our winner is declared and the competition restarts. All you have to do, create a coaster, scenerize it, screen-shot it, and upload it to this thread. Thanks!
  3. I see my unfinished coaster in there. Heheh
  4. I noticed, and I am interested to join both competitions if they're both running. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  5. Hey there! My name's BlazingEmpireHD! I just got into OpenRCT2 and I already love it. I've had several years experience with RCT2, and many people (from other sites) say I am a professional RCT2 park maker, track creator. Although, I don't particularly believe em,' cuz' I know I could always do better. I am happy to be here and meet some new faces!
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