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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. I've got a couple ideas on what you can do to fix the park so that it looks more in ruins. Make any and every ride that is still in the park that is colourable brown/green so that it gives the effect of rust and mold. Another way to make it more "dead" is to have some of the buildings into piles of rubble. A third option is have tons and tons of people come in, have no handy men, make them all hungry or thirsty and have them litter everywhere, same thing with vomit. Once that has happened (should it), remove a lot of the path to give the effect of being run down. If you want a good idea at what I mean, go look up that RCT1 scenario 'Rotting Heights.' I've also got a scenario like this. Shall we see another updated file?
  2. Oooooh, scenario made by Cascadia?! I'm going to hit this up as soon as I can! I bet it's very good, right, @cascadia?
  3. Or that. And ban em again, why not? Oh well. Have fun with your server, @birthdaybrian!
  4. Before I get into anything about your server (which is great, by the way), having to sign up for a server is a lot smarter than you may think. Signing up for a server lets the owner know that you're dedicated enough to sign up and show your work. Another valid reason is that griefers and trollers cannot get into your servers willy-nilly. When they do inevitably sign up, their accounts can be banned, thus banning them for ever reaching your server again. The third, and maybe more important, you can have a super duper community and have a great deal of fun over a 2000 game. Who does not want that? I admire not wanting to sign up for servers because you can enter them willy-nilly, however, I do feel that signing up for servers is far better than being able to join relentlessly. I've tried out your server, and it is fun. I'll be waiting to try out the server again any time soon. Keep it up!
  5. Hey there Nissa! Welcome to OpenRCT2 forums! I hope ya like what you see! Don't be afraid to ask us if you have questions!
  6. Granted, but amidst the war against Joe and Jane, Jacob's btrother Jimmy joins in an effort to help Joel and Jean take down Joe and Jane. I wish Jimmy, Joel, and Jean would prevail against the 300 Janes and Joe.
  7. Granted, however, the Janes overtake the country and Jean has to come in and help. I wish for Joel to get along with Jane, and Jane along with Joe.
  8. Granted, however, there's a pretty stagnant cord holding the bag of coins far above your reach. I wish I had a better computer.
  9. Granted, however, it's a really crappy idea. I wish I had Planet Coaster.
  10. Granted, but it'll be the worst two weeks of your Summer. Sigh. I wish there was no such thing as drama. Edit: Meeeggggaaa bump
  11. Can we not? Can we just not bicker about him any further? It's annoying as hell, and I am damn sure it is not making very much fun. Whether or not Skylander_Katfish is being impersonated or not, someone has bloody ruined fun on quite a few servers. Plus, with all the nicman controversy, the last thing we need is more damn trollers. There's really only one server I ever join anymore because of various reasons. (griefing being a big factor). Seemingly, the 'trollers' are gone for the time being. I feel we just need to stop. However: One thing I can agree with what @ReakMayhem is that over on RCTgo (I'm there too), Skylander_Katfish has made some very very nice builds. A more mature side of things if I ever seen it. Why not check out his things and see what you think. With that being said, I am literally tired of all the controversy. There is simply no need for it. Right? Why cause more drama when we've already had enough of it?
  12. That seems very effective, @CharlieP, I won't tell anyone. My strategy is, build a superb coaster (or anything, really) and turn up the price to match it's excitement rating. 8.55 excitement = $8.50. Added to that, usually if it's say 0.04 or lower, I'll raise the price (from the already upped charge to match the excitement) by 0.10. Say, 8.54 = $8.60. If it's 0.05 or more. Raise it 0.20. 8.55 = $8.70. Pretty nifty, right? Works fr every ride. However: Watch out for how much you put non-tracked rides at. Guests get picky after too long. Edit: Works well for ride tickets at a certain point scenarios. Have fun with this. I probably have not stuck time enough to watch $$$ rack up, @jensj12. Oh well.
  13. Well damn. I've not yet had that. Woh.
  14. This all is pretty interesting @CharlieP! I like the amount of effort that went into this as well. I remember that RCT1-2 both had it's fair share of issues with guest overpopulating the parks I ran. However, it could be me just messing up so often that overcrowding was such an issue. I still have issues with OpenRCT2 and overpopulation even now. It bites me often. Along with ai being stupid. That's a whole'nother situation in of itself. My question is how you got so much money in both scenarios. Luck?
  15. Hey @Jdude60! Welcome to the site! It's always great to see some new faces here! Be sure to ask some of us if you have any questions about us, or the site. Hope to see ya around some more!
  16. See. This is what I knew would happen. Continue on damn't, see where it gets us. Help us! @RuneLaenen, @JarnoVgr, @Krutonium
  17. I really like every bit of this work. ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY your 10x10 dive coaster. Incredibly decorated, compact out of your minds, and fun as hell. I honestly wish it were real. Something just strikes good in me with that dive coaster. (Quite possibly the smallest dive ever?) Everything else is very good as well. I'll be excited to see more from you in the future, @IonZer0! Keep it up!
  18. Well, from what I can see, it is compact to the brim, 14 thousand coasters, and a supermassive splash boats. GOOD STUFF!
  19. As far as I know, custom scenarios can't be unlocked like RCT1-2 scenarios can. Yet, I have a feeling they may soon be a feature. It would be a good feature as people who make scenarios, such as me, could excel in this feature.
  20. Do you use the "zero clearance" cheat often? If yes, that's your problem. Usually, I have issues having queue lines and regular paths because for some reason, it likes to mess up. I have to either delete the whole path and turn ZC off and then redo them. If this is not your problem, then someone else can help you. Should you still have problems, go over to GitHub and take your insight there.
  21. BlazingEmpireHD

    Pocket Money

    Yes, it's very well possible to do this. 1: What @CharlieP said. 2: Go into the second cheats menu (the pop down thingy next to the cheat menu), go into scenario options, and voila! You can enter any amount of sum you want (by clicking repeatedly).
  22. Aha, I see another case of corrupted files. You have a good chance of removing this issue: Likely, you've downloaded files that were inevitably going to screw up your game. Corrupted files are pretty easy to find nowandays. Fix 1: In order to get your game back to functionality, you need to go into RCT2's object data folder and remove anything that seems suspicious. Don't know what's causing the problem? Easy. There's a black box that opens with OpenRCT2, and it usually searches for issues (at least, from what I see). If you're lucky, you can catch the black box as the game crashes, but hasn't shut down. That black box should have every bit of information of what you may need to fix. Say, 'AEspace has corrupted' or something like that. If you write down what it has said is corrupted, you can then go into RCT2's ObjData and find the corrupted files. If you find the file/files that are corrupted, delete them immediately. Note: A good way to find corrupted rides/shops/files, ect... is look for shady looking things, such as glitches. After you have done that, the game should work fine. If it does not work properly, there's a good chance you still have more corrupted files that you need to do 'Fix 1:' with. Fix 2: Download the very latest version of OpenRCT2. There may be a chance that whatever is awry in your version is causing an issue that's been fixed in a recent update. Fix 3: Do Fix 1 & 2. If you STILL have issues, ask a more involved RCT2 player, or OpenRCT2 developer for more help. I hope I will have helped you! Good luck! Edit: I failed to mention posting your issue to GitHub, as what @cascadia said, more devs will see it and be able to help you out way more than I can.
  23. It still amazes me that a good group of people, so many of you, can make such epic things. Whereas, my area is still a piece a junk. I would have worked on it last go round, but I am so darn busy. Next go round, I want to actually try and make something good. By the way, is it possible for me to get an entire screenshot of the progress?
  24. Hmmm, maybe try redownloading then. If not, you might have to reinstall your game. *Be sure to allow all saved games and tracks to be saved* Other than that, I am not sure how to fix this issue.
  25. There's many many MANY places to get custom rides. However, you were very vague about trying to tell us on what you want to find. If you want custom scenery: there's many a kind of sites that have them. New Element, and quite a few others. If you want custom coasters/water rides: Talk to @X7123M3-256, he makes his own coasters and water rides and they are ALL very good downloads! also has a couple water rides and coasters. For ride new ride types: They're everywhere! New Element, AmazingEarl's designs and rides, RCTgrotto (I believe), and so so many more. If you are looking for custom ride tracks (not custom designs and a custom mod): You can NOT tell me you have never ever ever seen custom track files for RCT2. It's literally impossible. Every RCT2 site ever will have custom track designs. I even make my own! Just in case this is what you're talking about: RCTgo, RCTgrotto, OpenRCT2 forums (you have to look for them), and so very many more sites. I hope this will help you on your search! Edit: X-7123 made a valid point, you have to download an array of parks to find extra rides and all. New Element really needs a "custom ride download" section.
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