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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. I'm loving every bit of this group park so much. Maybe this time, I'll have enough time to do more. Add me to the back of the list, please.
  2. Too bad I am no computer guy. If anyone, listen to this guy ^^^
  3. It's all quite lovely! Excited to see more! Good job!
  4. There's also my new server. Always welcoming new members. All ya need, is discord. Like Cascadia said, Mozar is a good choice, as well as MoT, I think MoT is an excellent beginner server!
  5. @SpiffyJack, either really should be fine. Simply PM me a message through this site, or Discord, or something. Thanks! Three new scenarios have been released! You can download them here: 63 - Redford Creeper Trail - Hard, 2,700 guests at any time with the rating above 700.64 - Lemira River - Hard, 10 different coaster types with a rating above 7 and a length of at least 6,562ft!65 - Sundry Fields - Hard, 10 coasters with a rating of at least 6.0. Enjoy!
  6. Plan as in what the goal is, and such? Also, 13 years!? That's pretty damn long ago. I've only started....well coming sort-of up on two years now. I'll give you a challenge, order them by your favourites. Ha, thanks @SpiffyJack
  7. @SpiffyJack, I'd love to do some of those if you do not mind! I'm all eyes and ears when it comes to requests/ideas. I've been thinking about this very idea (albeit, from scratch), as well as take requests. I'd love to see some of your work through DM's and see if I am up for it (I probably will be anyways). If you guys want too, go ahead and give me ideas/request via DM or through here. I'll take most/if not all requests, but, I'll say this, don't expect them immediately. For instance, someone requests, their scenario will be done when I feel the need. So, your request might be fulfilled as scenario 66, or scenario 135 depending on how long the list gets.
  8. Don't seclude yourself to just one. There's 63 others! I do these because it opens a whole new realm to those who thought RCT2 scenarios were a letdown, and those who simply want more challenges. You certainly got a new realm here, and tons of challenges!
  9. That would be a cool feature.
  10. It's finally out! Scenario Pack Mk.2 has been released. Unfortunately, in three parts. File size was too large. These packs include: 4 easy scenarios 10 medium scenarios 8 hard scenarios 1 very hard scenario. Here's the link to the 23 you will get from the pack. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: You may have noticed that two scenarios are missing, 1 medium, and 1 very hard, they are linked separately because their file sizes alone are too big to fit in any of the three scenario packs above. 49 - Amethyst Heights: 50 - Biome Quarters: Enjoy!
  11. Like jens said, a coaster will remain popular for a good while, but say, once you add another coaster, the one coaster's popularity will slowly but surely die. Once it does, there's pretty much very little you can do to revive it. It will always attract some attention though. At least, as long as the coaster is not terrible.
  12. What he said. If you want actual scenarios, like the ones I've made, you would go to MyDocument>OpenRCT2>Scenarios. Same thing works for data, and tracks. MyDownloads>ORCT2>objdata and MyDownloads>OpenRCT2>Tracks. It's very handy to take the RCT2 disc out (If you have one), as some things will be automatically installed and will start up RCT2. Hope this helps!
  13. There is now mine as well. Though, we aren't necessarily big.
  14. Explained the basics.....of this game? Well, there's a lot to be said. You said only basics and track pieces, right? So no cheats? Then he's got a whole world of fun to be held. Simply direct him to the options to turn cheats on, and have at it. I am certain someone else can give an in-depth guideline about OpenRCT2, so, I'll hand it off to them! I leave you with "Just go explore"
  15. For a long time, I've run a discord server with the intention to host a server one day. Then, on Wednesday, a good friend of mine decided to host a 24/7 for me. Everyone is welcome, and I'm glad to see you there, but I do ask, if you intend to stay, join my Discord server and read the rules about my ORCT2 server, and the Discord server rules. Thanks! Click or copy this link into your discord, or contact me at BlazingEmpireHD#6064 if ya need the link. Enjoy!
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  16. That's a pretty big statement! The question is, can you handle it? Haha, haven't tried out your server yet, been too busy. However, I'll try it whenever I can!
  17. Again, not too shabby! Keep it up!
  18. Hey! Not bad! I quite like the station building of the monorail. Big and voluptuous, yet simple and nice. I'm excited to see more!
  19. Welcome to the site @Fusion! I know you'll enjoy this as well as the glorious creation that is ORCT2! If ya have questions, comments, simply ask us. Enjoy!
  20. That makes sense. I like to do that as well!
  21. Dang it.'re creative. I really like this! My favourite has got to be the dragon! Wtf, how cool! Though, am I the only one who think it looks like a crocodile? lol
  22. Yes, I figured it was about that time that I showed off my works via my scenarios. At the moment, I've got 90 available (and several more in the works) for download here! >>> But, instead of spamming links, I'll give a the name of each scenario, an overview of the entire map, the goal etc as well as the difficulty, starting from number 1 and on up. Since I am actively making scenarios, the list will increase as time goes on! I hope that you, as others, have said and done, enjoy my scenarios. The purpose is to bring in an entire new ensemble of scenarios based around RCT2 as the RCT2 scenarios were a bit of a let-down. I've done a few recreations (kind-of) some RCT1 scenarios, reduxed versions of some (one), and now have begun recreating the RCT3 scenarios. Thanks for the many many downloads! Enjoy! 01 - Chamber Lake^* - Medium, 1,300 by year 2 02 - Heigel Desert - Medium, 1,900 guests at any time with the rating above 700 03 - Tipton Bay* - Easy, park value of 77k by the end of year 2.04 - Ashton Gardens - Hard, 1,500 guests by year 305 - Mammoth Shores*** - Easy, 11k ride tickets at any time06 - Funland - Medium, 17k in ride tickets at any time. 07 - Cataclistic Cliffs - Easy, 700 guests by the end of year 2. 08 - Disaster Plains - Medium, 170,000 park value by year 4.09 - Holiday Forests** - Meidum, 1,100 by the end of year 310 - Qualdic Rock* - Medium, 15k in ride tickets at any time11 - Galadriel Heights - Hard, 2,700 at any time with the park rating not going below 700 at any time.12 - Arctic Escapade - Easy, 1,300 at any time with the rating not going below 70013 - Gentle Cliffs* - 700 guests by the end of year 114 - Corciea Mountain** - Easy, 15 - Quiet Quarters - Medium, 1,500 guests by year 316 - Swamp Cove* - Medium, 15,000 in ride tickets at any time.17 - Windy Desert*** - Hard, 3,400 guests at any time with the rating not going below 700.18 - Triple Pine Park - Medium, 1,800 guests at any time with the rating above 70019 - Crater Conundrum<3 - 2,400 guests at any time with the rating above zero (Yes, I know, third one in a row)20 - Volcano Height<3 - Medium, 600 guests by year two without adverting 21 - Whitewash Cove - Medium, 3,400 in food and drink purchases at any time. 22 - Christmas Creek - Medium, 225k park value by the end of year 3.23 - Aura Valley **- Hard, 1,800 guests by the end of year 3.24 - Brecoma Cove - Easy, 1,300 guests by year 2.25 - Orange Hill Park - Medium, 1,000 guests by the end of year 4.26 - Jalapatin Plains - Medium, 2,000 guests at any time with the rating above 700.27 - Kagadil Farms - Medium, 11,000 ride tickets at any time.28 - Dandy Desert - Hard, 18,000 in ride tickets at any time.29 - Floraland - Medium, 2,100 guests by year 5.30 - Sinco-Sekatara Mountains - Medium, 10 coasters with the excitement of over 6.031 - Islands of Vulcano - Medium, repay loan and achieve a park value of 220k.32 - Zenith Rocks - 10 different coasters with an excitement of 6.0+33 - Erin's World - Hard, 28k from ride tickets at any time.34 - Krystalite Caverns - Easy, 2,100 guests at any time with the rating above 700.35 - Heigel Highlands - Hard, 3,200 guests at any time with the rating above 700.36 - Prickly Point - Hard, to achive a park value of 125k by the end of year 3.37 - Sindaccio Falls - Medium, Park Value of 500k by the end of year 5.38 - Cyprus Groves - Medium, repay loan and achieve a park value of 125k.39 - Meadowlark Valley - Hard, 19k in ride tickets at any time.40 - Aldibahi Desert - Very Hard, 4,200 guests at any time. You'll see why it's very hard. 41 - Stepstone Alley - Hard, repay loan of 37k and achieve a park value of 206k.42 - Pecos Flats - Easy, 125k park value by the end of year 4.43 - Bummer Beach*** - Medium, 3,200 guests by the end of year 5.44 - Everdale Peaks - Easy, 1,300 guests by the end of year 4.45 - Brockenburra Island - Hard, 34,000 in ride tickets at any time.46 - Japolandia - Achieve a park value of 425,000 by the end of year 6.47 - Tropico Bay - Hard, 3,200 guests by the end of year 5.48 - Olgthl Peak - Medium, 1,800 guests at any time with the rating above 700.49 - Amethyst Heights*** - 1,700 guests by the end of year 4.50 - Biome Quarters - Very Hard, 1,150,000 in park value by year 25.51 - Wythner Bay - Easy, 1,350 guests by the end of year 4.52 - Arid Heights Redux* - Medium, 2,000 guests at any time with the rating above 700.53 - Icara Iceburgs* - Hard, 10 different coasters with a rating of 6.0 or above.54 - Lake Chaski* - Hard, 35k in ride tickets at any time.55 - Froggy Bottom Marsh - 1,500 guests by the end of year 4, with guests wanting less thrilling rides.56 - Red Rock Mountain - Hard, repay a loan of 47k and achieve a park value of at least 210k.57 - Cottonmouth Gultch - Medium, repay a loan of 45k and achieve a park value of 125,000.58 - Evergreen Paradise* - Easy, 1,300 guests by the end of year 4.59 - Dulsar Canyon - Hard, 2,800 guests by the end of year 5.60 - Falcon Falls - Easy, repay a loan of 65k and achieve a park value of 100k.61 - Calico Creek - 1,200 guests by the end of year 4. 62 - Vanilla Hills - Medium, 1,500 guests by the end of year 3. 63 - Redford Creeper Trail - Hard, 2,700 guests at any time with the rating above 700.64 - Lemira River - Hard, 10 different coaster types with a rating above 7 and a length of at least 6,562ft!65 - Sundry Fields - Hard, 10 coasters with the excitement rating of 6.0 or above.66 - Berdeaux Bridge - Easy, 1,000 guests by the end of year 3. 67 - Tepiko Tundra (Redone) - Hard, 3,100 guests by the end of year 4.68 - Otega Park - Easy, 1,100 guests by the end of year 3.69 - Vampire Woods - Medium, 1,700 guests by the end of year 3.70 - Dehjago Quarry - Hard, 1,900 guests by the end of year 3.71 - Pikaad Isle - Easy, 1,000 guests by the end of year 4. 72 - Jackal Heights - Hard, repay loan of 43k and have a park value of 355k.73 - Whispering Winters - Medium, 2,500 guests at any time with the rating above 700.74 - Yellowtail RIdge - Medium, 10k in ride tickets at any time.75 - Kantuscki Cove - Easy, park value at 175k or more by the end of year 3.76 - Sizzling Sands - Hard, 10 coasters with a length of 7,218ft and a rating of at least 7.0.77 - Izioxzic Worlds - Medium, 1,700 guests by the end of year 3. 78 - Rosatina Vinyards - Easy, 900 guests by the end of year 2.79 - Mephitic Marsh - Medium, 1,500 guests by the end of year 3.80 - Galapagos Isle - Medium, 350k park value by the end of year 3. 81 - Fahrenheit Frolics - Hard, 3,400 guests at any time with the rating above 700.82 - Snakehead Shores - Medium, 10 different coasters each with an excitement rating of at least 6.0.*New* 83 - Meadowvale - Medium, 700 guests by the end of year three, with no tree removal.*New* 84 - Sinclaire Coteau - Easy, 1,300 guests by the end of year four.*New* 85 - Hathaway Hollow - Medium, 1,200 guests by the end of year four with limited space.*New* 86 - Oxbrow Lake Park - Medium, 360,000 park value by the end of year 3.*New* 87 - Velderaven Cascades - Hard, finish building 5 coasters with an excitement rating of at least 7.50. *New* 88 - Hydro Hummock - Medium, 9,000 in ride tickets at any time.*New* 89 - Crumbly Creek - Hard, repay loan and achieve a park value of 333,000 on a rotting amusement park.*New* 90 - Hushberry Harbour - Medium, 1,400 guests by the end of year 4. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this topic, do not be afraid to ask! I do hope you enjoy these cunningly crafted scenarios! As always, there's many more to come, so stay tuned! P.S: If you have scenario ideas for me, let me know!
  23. So much of this is cool! It's unbelievable! I'm really liking every bit of what you've done so far! Keep it up!
  24. Sigh, it's about that time, aint it? Well, since the last 11 thousand threads for parks I have attempted to make have failed, I've decided to get serious and make park #11,001 a success, and actually finish something. Currently, it's a two-man project that Ziscor and I are working on. It is entirely unfinished *so, do mind the unfinished state of some things* It once again, has no name. There's also no preset date that it'll be finished at. Anyways, onto the storyline! **El Grande** - 1987 In the mid stage of this park's life, around 1985, plans for a new area arose. It was foretold to bring many new interesting rides and attractions. The park officials took a poll on opening day to see whether a general theme for this area would come to coherce. Opening day saw thousands of park daredevils and little coaster enthusiasts to the park. At the time, four roller coasters existed along with many attractions. Off of one of them, you could see the vast expanse This would arise four choices for the new area. Thousands would come from all over the world. At the end of the season, the poll votes were tallied up and the four choices and it was shown that option number 3 - a spanish themed area, would be the park's new themed area. Statistiques were received and 25% of the votes would go to each theme. Spanish with 24,798 would win by just over a hundred more than a rome themed area. In early 1986, vast amounts of rumors befell the park as a new roller coaster had begun to go up. Many speculated on what it would be, and a few were right. CCI, or Custom Coasters International, had contracted the park the plans for a large wooden coaster to go up in the corner. It was suggested that the coaster be above 3,500ft and 110ft tall to outdance the four coasters at the park. Soon in August of 1986, the coaster's layout had been decided and the work had begun. It wasn't very long before a name would come out of dust to name this behemoth wooden coaster. Another poll was taken among several names for the wooden coaster including "Nitro," Behemoth," "Titan," "El Grande," and "Suedo." It was quickly realized that El Grande would be the name. Opening day, on May 5th, 1987, El Grande would open to the public. A record amount of people showed up bringing the most on record from the park from 13,400, to 17,800. Sadly, the only pictures of the behemoth prior to El Grande's change of paint do not exist after the fire that burned down the park's picture chamber. **Butterfly** Along with El Grande, opening day saw one more attraction to the park. Something called a "Sunkin Heedge Gmbh" was added. While the overall reviews were good, the small attraction dubbed 'Butterfly' now has a very small reputation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stay tuned! There's a download!
  25. Sausage? Lovely! Can I have some?
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