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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. You do realize he provided a save for people to look at it themselves, right?
  2. I couldn't find anything either, but it's the only thing I've found in a while that seemed like a likely taker of the .sv7 format.
  3. You can also find a list of keybinds (and customize keybinds) in the options menu.
  4. You can also message RuneLaenen or JarnoVgr and ask them to delete the cloned post.
  5. Maybe it was a double post?
  6. I realized it was a standalone game rather than a mod. I was wondering if maybe it used the .SV7 save filetype.
  7. This is a bit of a bump, but was FreeRCT the program you were talking about?
  8. It looks to me like the horizontal bar is being drawn at the wrong height. I suggest you file an issue on Github.
  9. Most servers run develop, as it's more up-to-date and has more features. Stable releases update much less frequently, but they are much less prone to crashes, freezes, etc.
  10. What a beautiful song Wrong link, I suppose?
  11. @jensj12 you need to move the track merge at the second switchtrack back a bit. I don't know exactly why it happens but it seems that, if some of the train is still at the point of a merge when the train reaches a block brake, the train somehow gets stuck. Moving the merge back a bit so the train is completely past the merge point by the time it gets to the block brake seemed to fix it. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.64.2.sv6 You're probably going to want to further adjust the positioning of the merge so it looks a bit better. They way I left it is only for demonstrative purposes, and looks a bit messy.
  12. Alright, I found a tutorial video here: Basically this involves replacing the 'RCT2' application in your steam folder with the 'OpenRCT2' application, and renaming the 'OpenRCT2' application to 'RCT2' so it is recognized by steam. Alternatively, if you use the launcher you can replace the 'RCT2' application with the Launcher application instead (renamed to 'RCT2', of course) so you can keep the launcher's functionality.
  13. Your problem seems to be that you've set land ownership to the path leading to the park entrance. Set the land that that path is on as unowned and it should fix your problem.
  14. What's wrong with the coaster? I only see 2 block breaks and they seem to be working fine for me.
  15. This question has come up before, but I don't remember exactly what the workaround was. I think the instructions were somewhere on reddit. I'll let you know as soon as I find it.
  16. Well he said he's making a death park so I think that qualifies as 'sandbox.'
  17. Yes I remember seeing that.
  18. Gotta hide that porn real fast don't ya?
  19. You said you were trying to host a server for you and your brother. Are you guys on the same network? If so, port forwarding isn't necessary. You just need have your brother type in your computer's IP address in the "add server" option of the multiplayer menu.
  20. LUL this thread didn't get much activity. I would've participated but I was quite busy during the holiday season.
  21. The guests are not going on Golden Balls because it is currently raining. This can be confirmed by looking at their thoughts: each peep that turns around at the entrance thinks "I'm not going on Golden Balls while it's raining." This is normal peep behavior. If you want to disable rain, you can set the current weather in the cheats menu and freeze it to that weather. I don't think there is yet a way to make peeps ignore the rain.
  22. I can't open the save file. Are you using custom objects? If you are, go into the options menu and in the wrench tab check the box labeled "export plug-in objects with saved games". Then, re-save the park and attach the new save to the post.
  23. DobieShep confirmed?
  24. ... I see you used the RCT2 palette black for the last pic, like I suggested.
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