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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. I don't either.
  2. Aw, shit dude, they're onto us!
  3. So, why bother merging it into develop if you have to re-compile the game anyway to use it?
  4. Where is the option to turn it on? I don't see it in the config file.
  5. I don't think we need to contact Chris Sawyer rather than Simon FOster. Gymnast contacted him in the past concerning file for modeling more sprites, and Foster said that he can't release them to Gymnast for some legal reason. Ask Gymnast about it if you want more information as to what he asked.
  6. That thought actually occurred to me right after I posted my post. I think the problem with that is that, in releasing the track/terrain object files to the public, we would be re-distributing Simon Foster's artwork for free. I think we're stuck with the current G1.DAT format for base-game sprites.
  7. I don't see a reason why this isn't possible. The current drawing code points booster track pieces to the brakes drawing code. All we need to do is point it instead is add the sprite to G2.DAT and point the drawing code to that specific sprite which I may be working on creating by editing straight track sprites I feel like this should be clarified as "new track types," as it could be confused with custom vehicles and flatrides, which are possible. things you should add: 7. New track pieces 8. Removing in-game limits, such as: map size, object selection limits, attraction/scenery map limits, number of stations per ride, etc.
  8. Ring Racer is probably one of the worst coasters out there. It was constructed next to the Nürburgring race course, with its launch parallel to the race course's straightaway. After that it would enter a turnaround element before making its way back to the station in the most boring way possible: a long, straight section of track, an s-bend, and some brakes. Its opening was delayed 4 years due to problems with the pneumatic launch system, and it had an operating lifespan of just 4 days. It is currently SBNO, and it has been announced that it will not open again as it isn't economically viable.
  9. I like to call them Vekoma ctrl-alt-c
  10. or you could just enable the cheats menu button in the options menu, which is what most people do.
  11. LISA STIRLINg (litterbug cheat) doesn't seem to be listed there. I used it to make a gif a while ago.
  12. Drowning victims splash around and make a huge commotion when they die, but the void kills you silently
  13. I don't see any practical application for this, nor is there any space in the .sv6 file structure for a tile to be recognized as a "hell area." If you're purpose for this is to get rid of unwanted/troublesome guests, you can do it much easier by going into the cheat menu and changing the attributes (hunger, nausea, bathroom etc.) of all the guests at once to a minimum or maximum value.
  14. How would this make it crash faster? It's not like you're doubling the amount of sprites for each peep, you're only doubling the amount of sprites that the peep sprite is chosen from. This shouldn't have any effect on game performance.
  15. Why use hotbits? has a lot more features.
  16. Yes, there's an option for 'allow chain lifts on all track pieces" in the 4th tab of the cheats menu. You can also do it through the tile inspector by selecting the track piece from the list and checking the "chain lift" checkbox.
  17. Pretty impressive first post. It's pretty well structured and the graphics blend nicely with the text. Classic Nubbie... speaking of that, someone needs to tell Dobie about this thread
  18. I've been listening to a lot of orchestral and motivational music lately. This is one of my favorites.
  19. Not if you have them set to numerical names though.
  20. I'm 95% sure the limit exists for the same reason every other in-game limit exists: the save file forma can't distinguish between more than a certain number of songs.
  21. This has been suggested before:
  22. I've seen this plenty of times before. It's not only with go-kart tracks, but every track type. The merge doesn't have to be 90*, it can be done at 0* or even 180* to get the train to turn completely around. To show you how useful merging is, here's a merge I used on the New ELement Server for Liampie's Great Inverted Boomerang: The first merge I used was merging together Vekoma suspended track and B&M suspended track. Most simple merges only work one way; however, I merged this track specifically so it would work both ways. I also utilized sideways merges in 2 other places, to get the loop to line up over the station and to get the second vertical spike spaced out from the first. The reason that there are 2 merges in each sideways merge is that each merge only works 1 way, so I had to use 1 merge for each direction so it works properly as a boomerang coaster.
  23. you siad it happened with scenarios from other users, could you provide us with the scenario save files so we can see if the problem only occurs with those saves?
  24. Oh my bad, I remembered it being a lot cheaper. I must have been mistaken on the pricing.
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