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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. Does the map use custom objects? Probably related to
  2. It would be helpful if you could send the park in question so we can figure out what's wrong with it.
  3. Make sure your Firewall or antivirus software isn't blocking the connection.
  4. @Broxzier Reported this on Github a week ago:
  5. The maximum is actually 128.
  6. @Tune The group parks are open to everyone! Don't worry if you're work isn't as good as other people's. We can help you decorate your rides/layouts if you need.
  7. Gotcha fam
  8. I think I can do without a custom supports and foliage, but I do want a base blocks set, terrain blocks, and pathcovers. Edit: Could we just add objects as we go, like we did last time?
  9. I say we use custom content, and start off with less... extreme terrain this time.
  10. Look at the staff list
  11. I was hoping we could go with a full workbench this time around, but I understand that might not work well with non-realism builders.
  12. Are we sticking with NCSO again or can we get some custom content in this next one?
  13. I see what you mean. Do you want me to fix it now, or are you building currently?
  14. When I added the merge to the track, the coaster was already running with only 1 train. That said, my merge shouldn't prevent the coaster from running 2 trains, as long as there aren't any block brakes between the end of the launch and the station.
  15. The glass objects have 2 sprites for each rotation. This first sprite is the opaque part of the object: The second sprite is the translucent part of the object: Note the position of the scroll bars next to the images to see how to switch between sprites with the object editor.
  16. Hate to burst your bubble but they already exist: The ones linked here are in .pal format, which I believe is supported more widely than .aco or .act files. There's also this spreadsheet linked on the front page of the Github wiki. This one contains the OpenRCT2 recolorable remap (F:245-256) which I believe is only used in G2.DAT. If you're making sprites for G2.DAT you'll need those colors.
  17. Congratulations, Broxzier! You've been a very helpful and mature member of the community, so I'm sure you deserve this role.
  18. Fixed the launch by adding a merge that returns the train to the station in the event of a safety cut-out. I also added a little easter egg The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.67.1.sv6
  19. They're probably not powerful enough.
  20. I misinterpreted this as Darude-Sandstorm before I got it.
  21. Prebuilt coasters are hidden in multiplayer because they cause a server crash. @Broxzier, could you elaborate on why this happens? I believe you've mentioned before but I can't find the thread.
  22. That sentence makes no sense. Could you try to speak more clearly?
  23. I don't think so. When I got a new PC on Christmas, I ran the installation of RCT2 but never actually played the game. I them moved the installation files and uninstalled. OpenRCT2 seems to work fine for me.
  24. It sounds like you were looking at this: This isn't the information you want. What this describes is the version, whether it's develop or stable, and the build number (written in hexadecimal.) What you want to look for is this: This is what shows you what network version you are on. It's located at the bottom-right hand corner of the multiplayer menu.
  25. I heard those unfinished mine trains take up a lot of space.
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