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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Hovering over a link in the menu makes the text invisible.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Haven't seen all weekend, either. Perhaps we can skip him too. Next In Line: Philmon, xbalogan, Broxzier, jensj Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, UTMAN
  3. Alright, except for the forums then I assume? Agreed, glad there is a clear message on there about the migration. :)
  4. The server has the ability to kick players already. On the top-left there is a button that will display the list of all players, by holding down the mouse button on one of them there will be a kick option. Most other functions aren't there yet though.
  5. Alright, so the .net website will be completely replaced in that way. Still, is this repo being used? I'd like to contribute :)
  6. Feels different, but we'll get used to it I knew this site has a repo and looked for it, but is it still being used at all?
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    And raise the ground, because now it looks really strange :P having such a gap from flat land suddenly
  8. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I'm not getting any errors, and also no message about new scenery being installed.
  9. RuneLaennen needs to test the file and make a screenshot before it will be on there. You can make a topic about it in the Custom Content section.
  10. Stop selling alcoholinc dranks, no wonder they think it's too intense! :D
  11. It can probably be done before that already. I'd like to give proper pathfinding a try somewhere after the release of v0.0.3 :P
  12. Probably because the launcher doesn't have write access in the Program Files folder. You can copy them manually in the Scenarios folder, and it should work.Edit:When making a scenario in the launcher and saving it into Program Files, it actually stores them in here:%AppData%\\..\\Local\\VirtualStore\\Program Files (x86)\\Infogrames\\RollerCoaster Tycoon 2\\ScenariosYou should be able to copy them there without needing administrator rights.
  13. View imageMaybe 2 stands for the second option (or maybe even third, if it starts from 0), in which case you would have been very close to the autosave time. :P
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Looking good!I've downloaded it and fixed the entrance for twister and the observation tower now. Do you have any idea how these became bugged Phil? Because it's definitely an issue that needs to be fixed.Edit: Done.I didn't build anything new. Just fixed these two rides, changed the two towers to not have any clipping issues, and look a bit better. Also for that swinging ship I changed the path to not go over the path on the ground, that looked a bit odd. Changed some scenery here and there to fit the styles around it, and build a new path where people got lost.Comparison: over the image to change it.Download: In Line: jensj, imlegos, UTMAN, Philmon, xbalogan, BroxzierMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    People don't seem to be able to enter the observation tower and the twister you built. Did you build them with clearance disabled or something?
  16. What does the error say?
  17. 1) You can set the time interval for auto-saves already. I don't really see a reason for having a different time interval for online games. I assume the 2 stands for minutes, since the options in the menu are in minutes as well.2) That would be nice indeed. It would be nice to have a list of different settings where you can change the defaults. Some things I can think of are default inspection times (possibly per ride type, like having coasters at 10 minute intervals, but thrill rides at 30 minutes for example), default land/wall style when opening the tools, default land/water/scenery removal tool size, maybe even default umbrella colours :P
  18. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I assume you can go after UTMAN then, Philmon? ^^ (Also I hope the emergency isn't too bad!)Next in line: UTMAN, Philmon, xbalogan, Broxzier, jensj, imlegosMissed turn: Jamaka, Erik
  19. You can check if a park is using any by opening the Object Selection interface, and setting the filters to anything but the original game. Then you can quickly see if there are objects in there that are ticked, and if there's nothing ticked it's safe to upload.You can upload the file here on CoasterCloud and post the link to reddit.
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Hi zionmees. All these things have been discussed in the first week, and the park is being build already. We're not using expansion packs since not everyone has them, but CS is welcome. Someone tried implementing custom rides, the hacked ones from AE, but these gave major issues. I do agree with you that Liampie's pack is one of the best to use, since it's useful for any theme really.Do you want to join the park? You can go before me if you want (and if the others after me agree :P).
  21. Here it is: free to make some edits, but tell so beforehand so others will know.
  22. I don't think any trainers work on OpenRCT2, since they are build to look for the process rct2.exe and use its memory.
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Nice, I like how the coaster is on top of these towers.
  24. Just click, the ghost still does the checks.Edit: I made an issue about it, since it's very misleading.
  25. Fair enough. However with trainers you are limited to what they are made for, while with hex editing you can change anything you want. Most trainers don't have any functions to change scenery for example, with hex editing you can change all that easily.
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