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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Because these are more like guidelines. The general rule is "Don't build too much". So basically stay withing the area that you're building.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    That has been pointed out in the feedback topic already.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Yeah, that's one of the downsides from this new forum. After around 5 minutes you cannot edit posts anymore.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Just drag the file in here and the website will automatically upload it. No need to use CoasterCloud.
  5. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    The link doesn't seem to work for me, but you can now also attach them to your posts. Simply drag them in the comment box and it automatically uploads it. Edit: When using the ID (112) directly it links to the version I made.
  6. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    jensj12 still has 4 hours left to 'officially' claim it, since the first 24 hours haven't passed yet, and it's also past the 16 hours that he gave the opportunity for someone else to work on it now. Alright Added you to the end of the list Next In Line: jensj12, Xbalogan, UTMAN, Broxzier, Wuis Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    The two additions: UTMAN made the ride on the right, and I finished the scenery that he had build there. Then I added the coaster and the scenery on the left. Next In Line: @jensj12, Xbalogan, UTMAN, Broxzier Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator Community Park V2.26.sv6
  8. That warning doesn't have anything to do with the sound files.
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    UTMAN sent it over to me directly, because he had to leave suddenly for work. I'm now continuing the park he was building and will post the next version then
  10. Did you try opening vanilla RCT2 before Open RCT2?
  11. The track design was a major cause of desyncs, and placing them in multiplayer causes a crash on the server, so it is hidden by design.
  12. Just to make sure: You're linking to the 'RollerCoaster Tycoon 2' folder and not the 'Program Files' folder, right?
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Just to clarify: UTMAN is working on it now, and I'm on the 'missed' turn list.
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    It's my fault, I started off unclaiming it because I ended playing with the code instead of the game itself xP
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Damnit, Phil, if you said that a few hours earlier I could have done it this evening But now I'm going to bed.. I will claim it for now again, but will work on it tomorrow then.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I haven't done much so far, and will be going to bed in a bit. Feel free to take your turn now @jensj12 (or anyone who missed their turn), I can easily redo my changes tomorrow.
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    The list is getting a bit small like this. I'll work on it in an hour or two. To anyone who missed their turn; feel free to take your turn before I take it, just let it know here.
  19. It would be cool if you have to unlock new scenarios just like how it worked in RCT1.
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Look at all the slanted fences! @Zygorator: You can take yours now, UTMAN hasn't claimed his yet.
  21. The stable build of version v0.0.3 just went live, and our park is featured in the title sequence!
  22. That's an access violation error, which means something in the code isn't right. I'm not getting this error myself, are you maybe using the stable build and trying to access a server that's being hosted with the developers build?
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    @Philmon11 It's up to jensj and xbalogan then what happens now
  24. Welcome Ghost! As far as I know there is no server being hosted by this community yet, but there certainly will be one!
  25. A desync means that the client is not running the exact same as the server anymore. You can still stay connected, but you're actually playing a different park from then on. For example on the server a guest may choose to go into a ride, but on your machine it chooses to grab a drink before. In time the parks will be completely different.
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