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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I agree with the chain-lift speed. Roller coasters should have enough energy from their height to make the track, or use powered launch mode or boosters to make it always work. Also jensj has a fair point about the land not being raised, which it as some placed already annoying, because you can't build paths underground there. I don't want to decide how the map should look like, that's the entire fun of this park, however I do ask everyone to at least keep enough room under your land to solve any potential pathing issues without having to make bridges for it. I do not agree with leaving the park as it is right now. I know the rules weren't easy to find and I'm sorry for that, though to let someone change the park so much in just one turn is not what I had in mind when starting this project. Enner should redo his part, or change it so that it covers less space, and I don't mind if he takes an extra day for it either.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    There aren't that many rules, only a few to keep things fair. I should probably add them now we are able to edit old posts. Now I've taken a look at the park instead of just the screenshots, there are more things that weren't in order. The waterfall that you made, even though it looks nice, goes the wrong way. There is already another waterfall going from the lake. It looks like you closed the coaster Let It Go, causing a major drop in popularity there. Was this needed because the trains were stuck? Don't take this bad, this is merely feedback now, and I do like what you do with scenery. I would love seeing some things from you in the park. I will edit the first post to include the rules later tonight.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Not to be rude, but that coaster is way too big. One of the rules about this community park is that you can cover a maximum of 30x30 area (15x60 and other ratios count as well of course), and your part is way past that. The reason for this is so that the park doesn't get filled too quickly, and to prevent people from covering large areas without allowing others to build on it easily. I'm sorry to say, but I think you should redo your turn, to build something smaller.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

  5. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I didn't build any new rides in my turn, only a few stalls and kiosks. The park is a little bit glitched because of the vehicle update. If this is giving you any issues, you can use the stable version to resolve them. Other than fixing Tesla, I moved the second station on the tram track (the one that xbalogan made near the Two Towers) to the new area at the pier. The old station is still there, just not used as a station anymore. Next In Line: @enner, Wobbly, UTMAN, jensj12, xbalogan, Wuis, Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier Missed Turn: imlegos Download: Community Park V2.51.sv6
  6. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I didn't get to finish it tonight, because I had to do a lot of stuff for school.. Tomorrow I will be done with it.
  7. I've not been in many Theme Parks outside of the Netherlands, so I basically agree with Wuis'es list. I have been to Legoland long ago, which had a tiny coaster which I really enjoyed back then, but I hae no idea what it's called. From the Efteling I do like Joris & de Draak (Joris & the Dragon) the most, and also De Vliegende Hollander (The Flying Dutchman). @Wuis Hello neighbour! I used to live near Arnhem!
  8. This bug has just been resolved:
  9. Looks promising, however I have to agree with Utman on this one. The style doesn't do it for me, it really looks like it could do with a major upgrade. Hopefully most of it is just placeholder art at the moment. And about the building, it cannot possibly be harder than with RCT2, which uses a quite tedious system for it
  10. Welcome Katherine! I hope you enjoy the forums and of course the game.
  11. I've been thinking of this too for a while, it would also be nice to not have screams being cut of, and improving their timings overall.
  12. Actually it's already been fixed, because now the server simply won't place pieces that do not exist for a ride. Any parks that have become corrupt already will not be resolved by this though, and I don't think someone is going to 'fix' it, because there is no way of knowing which coaster it should have been.
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Update 2: The extra track is now invisible, so you will not see any difference at all, except if you look underground. I didn't bother making that part invisible. The only time you might see something of it is when the coaster doesn't have enough speed, and suddenly decides to 'randomly' fly around
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    So I could have spared all these tricks by doing something that simple? =l
  15. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Progress update so far: Placed benches/bins around the park Fixed the Tower of Terror's gap in the wall Fixed Tesla so that it works when the chain-lift breaks down. Video of how it works in action: I will make the new track pieces invisible tomorrow.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it.
  17. This also happens in the original game, doesn't it? Nevertheless it should probably be improved, and has a low priority.
  18. Many of the .dat files are just wave files. By replacing the extension to .wav you can hear what songs they are. Replacing any of these will replace the music you hear in-game. You can even replace the in-game sounds (coaster speed, peeps, sound effects, interface user feedback sounds, etc.) which are saved in a special way. This following page explains how css1.dat works and how it contains all the sounds in the game: It's quite interesting to know how it works.
  19. Sounds like a corrupt ride. Did you by any chance build this map on multiplayer?
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I suggest not making the lake any bigger than it is already, otherwise we might get difficult pathing problems like we had with the first group park. You were on the missed turn list, so you can take your turn after Phil if you want.
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Makes the list look much better Currently working: Wuis Next In Line: Philmon, Squab, Broxzier, enner, Wobbly, UTMAN, jensj12 Missed Turn: imlegos, xblogan,
  22. Guests not finding the exit has been fixed in the development version:
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    @xbalogan Hehe no idea, I just copied it And cool, I'm looking forward to see what you build!
  24. Features like this require full decompilation of the game. Settings like this need to be saved in the saved game file, however there is limited data available for each map element. even when there is space left (let's say an unused bit in the structure), we could add a few more styles, but then it would break compatibility with the original game.
  25. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Phil, I'll put you in the missed turn list anyway, because this is exactly what that list is meant for. You can claim the park whenever you have the time then, just like how Utman did yesterday. Same goes for Wuis. Next In Line: @Squab, Broxzier, enner, Wobbly, UTMAN, jensj12 Missed Turn: imlegos, xblogan, Wuis, Philmon
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