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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Wasn't this suggested before, then turned down? Why the change of heart?
  2. The prices between the games are the same I'm pretty sure. RCT2 doesn't support cash being received from both, but this can be fixed using ORCT2
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Queue: @giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis , Jochem, Tune, imlegos Missed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.14.sv6 Couldn't think of anythin to add.
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Update: Did some more work on Unnamed Mine Train; - Built exit path - Built more station - Continued coaster track forwards.
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 6

  6. Ya know, just occurred to me, wouldn't this be more Build Logs then Parks?
  7. . . . Why are you sharing this? It's like the equivalent of posting "Getting food lol" on Facebook
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    I'll probably claim around 3:00 PM Pacific today. If any one wants to do somethin before then, go ahead.
  9. Likely because only host can hire staff and move guests in MP.
  10. How much total staff do you have? There's a hard coded limit.
  11. Yeah, most parks on that list are in California or Florida.
  12. To put what Cascadia posted simply; 6Flags, Disney, Knotts (And likely by extension, Cedar Fair) and Universal Studios are all open year round. However 6Flags is in RCT2 base and at the same time does not use the missing months. It is also worth noting that Sawyer is Scottish, meaning the times are European based, not American.
  13. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    How did I miss the numbers...
  14. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Why is your social media account a parody of Donald Trumps?
  15. Wait, when does Disney close?
  16. Build then fill, not fill then build.
  17. You have to put water over the ride, not the ride in water.
  18. Why not move the color over slightly and put the numbers above the column that displays which jobs each handyman is assigned to?
  19. Should probably make that more obvious...
  20. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Go ahead.
  21. (I knew it wasn't the in-game function because the cursor was visable. the in-game screenshots don't display the cursor.
  22. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    I've dealt with worse.
  23. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    @giraty You did it wrong btw clem, you have to do @ then start typing the name.
  24. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Welp, I still have no clue how to continue my mine train atm, so... Queue: @TheMightyClem, Giraty, WobblyRails, Broxzier, RedScope53, Jochem, Wuis, Cascadia, Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegosMissed: jensj12 +Added Mine Train Coaster -Removed Expansion Water Coaster car +Started a Mine Train Coaster (unnamed) The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.04.sv6
  25. imlegos

    Group Park 6

    Parks can only have 2 guest spawn points.
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