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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Who needs ZC when like 90% of RCT3's custom doesn't have hitboxes?
  2. So... basically what I said?
  3. If you want to have RCT3's cheats active all the time, just make a family of "cheat peeps"
  4. The limit is how many items the selection can list.
  5. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    In that case, sorry for being a cliche self centered american who doesn't acknowledge other cultures.
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    @Broxzier...It's spelt "Picnic"...
  7. I'd say it'll end at the same time Mr. Bone's Wild Ride will.
  8. @BlazingEmpireHDMore terrapainting options have been discussed, but would still require new file format. There IS animated water custom scenery specifically for this purpose
  9. @BlazingEmpireHD It's not really a "issue" just a "odd quirk". Selecting multiple water types won't be possible, due too the way the game renders water. selecting water affects the game's color pallet, and this is even shown in game by 2 color options being "Light Water" and "Dark Water". They're always listed as part of the blue pallet, but depending on the selected water color, they change.
  10. Heya, so I was messing around with saved games and the object selector (For new people who are reading this and have no clue what this is; Enable debug in the options). and I found that you can deselect water while it is in use. In the scenario editor, trying to continue the creation process will give you an error message telling you that you havn't selected a water type. However, in play, there is no message and the game allows you to close the selection box. The water will still exist, and it seems to deafult to "whatever water color was last selected. However, placing water, deselecting the type, saving, reloading, and selecting a different type will cause any pixels in the water that are supposed to flash to flash in the colors of the newly selected water. Saving again and then reloading will convert the water to the selected color. As a side note; messing around with changing the water colors without saving can cause the options portion of the bar to change color, despite this not happening when a water color is selected normally. The water icon on the bar also changes, but only after closing the selection window.' P.S. version 7ac7c1e Dev
  11. Scenario Editor Deselect everything except a few objects to make a park entrance Claim the entire map; place park entrance save ??? Select whatever you need while building
  12. Eh, I'm just thankful for existence
  13. imlegos


    Something like this has been brought up before.
  14. Drag from the center of the screen. Feels much better.
  15. The reason there's no "official" ORCT2 sandbox scenario, is because there's not really a reason to make one, yet. Most people just smack together their own sandboxes, or download workbenches from NEDesigns.
  16. Random scenery'd RCT1 Shuttle Loop, cuz why not?
  17. Why sens, why is it that most MP drama seems to involve you for somehow?
  18. Rotting Heights was the RCT1 Expansion scenario I was thinking of. Eurasia - Renovation from Wacky Worlds is also another example of a run-down park scenario.
  19. Basically, I'd suggest making it look somewhat similar too both Eurasia - Renovation, and the RCT1 Expansion park I can never remember the name of
  20. A tip for winning this scenario: the staff weren't touched, so there's still a lot more then should be necessary in the early game.
  21. ...Honestly, it seems more like a "Build your own Sherbywood Park" then an "Abandoned Sherbywood" Most the buildings seem completely untouched, minus the fact that almost every ride, except the Monorail and Haunted Hotel are gone. If you wanted it to have a more abandoned feel, I'd suggest replacing several buildings with piles of rubble, and making some of the still standing buildings have a few holes and more saturated coloration
  22. Pics please...?
  23. Use ALL the 'j' names!
  24. Curse you algebra!!!!
  25. When people who post a hint of a question in the title, then don't ask the question itself... It's kinda annoying...
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