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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. My issue is, that if I try and click onto the ratings to see what they are, it literally does nothing. If I wanted to see if my ratings were good, I am diddly squat out o' luck I forgot to mention, it seems to only happen in multiplayer.
  2. These are lovely..... especially the first one.
  3. @cascadia, you made me LOL so hard. Hahahaha, I love that response of your's. It's so true, but it could be used in a joking way.
  4. Is what I thought. VIRUS FREE BABY!
  5. I am pretty sure this has been a bug before and has been established and removed, but it is back. I have even had this bug before. I am having a problem. It's not exactly game breaking... but, you can't check any ratings of any coaster/flat ride. Usually, you click this button and goes into the ratings section, I click it, it doesn't do anything. It's sort-of game breaking, and not. (I am not sure if there are other bugs involved with this as I have not yet checked). However, it could be that one of my files have gone corrupt,*again.* I am not sure whether it's a new update bug, a corrupt file, or something else. I came back to let y'all know that this 'bug' has revived itself and is back for a vengeance! By...uh, not letting me check my ratings. VENGEANCE I TELLS YA! Seriously though, this is an actual bug.
  6. I could have. I know I did sound harsh, and I am sorry about that. But, hear me out, it kind of sounded like he was blaming us without ever following up on the site, or even checking if there was anything else that proved it was a virus from OpenRCT2, or one of the devs. He just joined, and bam, 'you're making viruses.' I don't always mean to sound harsh or too critical, but, whenever I do, I try my best to at least apologise. If he came on and just did not realise that maybe it's not our faults, then it's an easy mistake. We all make mistakes, I make mistakes. Hell, I made mistakes earlier with me sounding snarky, and I am probably doing the same here. It is my bad. Honestly.
  7. I'm sorry mate, but if OpenRCT2 had given me a virus, I would have immediatly uninstalled it. I never ever have gotten any sort of virus from OpenRCT2, EVER. There is just too many reasons why this 'virus' came not from OpenRCT2. Honestly, if viruses were involved, I don't think anyone could give two quacks about OpenRCT2. However, it could be possible that you took or downloaded items that are buggy and cause viruses. Likely, something you have downloaded in OpenRCT2 is causing a virus. I swear to all things holy, you DID NOT get a virus from here. Haha Where ever you got it, NOT from here, could be causing issues if you have downloaded OpenRCT2 or even RCT2 from any shifty sites. Once more, NOT HERE. You must be careful when you're downloading new things. If you aren't, you get viruses. And who wants viruses? Not me.
  8. @SensualEthiopianPolice, why? Lol You're going to make me read this because I am probably one of those people who build terrible woodies. Lol You are loyal to your woodies. I like
  9. @Sainty7, I had a similar issue, basically where it affect both RCT2 and OpenRCT2. What you've stated sounds to me like a corrupted file. I had a ride file go corrupt and it ruined my game completely. It was basically the point I could zoom out or move anywhere in the park otherwise I would get the 'assertion failed' pop up. You may have just 1 object causing an issue, or it may be more. If you can find anything suspicious and seemingly broken, REMOVE IT. In other words, search for files that have been causing issues, go into either RCT2's objdata, or whatever OpenRCT2 has for that and remove those files completely. (Put them in the trash folder). Before I figured that I had to remove the files causing issues, I couldn't play old saves, or new games, couldn't do multiplayer, and it did nothing to uninstall and reinstall RCT2 and OpenRCT2. I had 1 file that went corrupt and it broke my game. Because, LOGIC. Hopefully, for your case, removing any files that may be corrupt would fix or imrpove your game. Good luck!
  10. Sigh, you and woodies. There's no amount of wood that Sensual can't use. Ever. Regardless, it still looks great!
  11. This has always been one of the features I would adore to see in OpenRCT2. I am happy to hear you all are working on it! I figure the way Parkitect did their scenery selection was best. It's pretty easy to learn. I don't know how that would translate from a 2016 game versus a REDUX 1999 game. Doesn't matter which way happens, I'll be glad to be able to save scenery!
  12. Welcome to the site, @Towlieee! You seem to play RCT2 and OpenRCt2 often. *time for some flashbacks and narration* 'yayyy' I don't know. I was and still am one of those people who doesn't try out new things unless I hear good things from several sites/people I know. It took me a long time to finally give in to start playing OpenRCT2. Literally, THE moment I opened the game and saw Multiplayer, I was instantly enthused. Played a good 4-5-7 hours daily. I STILL play over a good amount of time after about 3 months. It also helped me spread OpenRCT2 to a couple of my RCT2 fan friends. I'm still trying to expand the knowledge of this site and 'app(?)' to everyone I can. I have been a long time RCT2 player, for over 7 years. Last September, I joined RCTgo and started uploading my works (some of which you all have downloaded, or seen). I was only using RCT2 to build and create and then upload to RCTgo. After I found out and finally tried OpenRCT2, that trend immediately went out the window. I now ONLY use OpenRCT2 for uploading and regular playing. On top of this, I have been involved with the OpenRCT2 forums as well. I am so happy that this app came out. RCT2 was great, and still is great, but OpenRCT2 has made it about 300% better. MANY thank you's and handshakes for all that contributed! THANK YOU
  13. Love it, @SensualEthiopianPolice! The park is coming along well I see
  14. Whenever you want. Just lend me a PM when you are ready.
  15. Cookie Jam. (Sorry, I had too)
  16. What's stopping you? Haha, I'll do it with you if no one else will.
  17. Amazing! Continue doing this great work! Wish I could do this. lol
  18. @Gymnasiast, what's in the version? I assume a bunch of things that are being worked into the 32bit, features that are still bugged, and other things. I am pretty sure all I would have to do is search up it somewhere on this forum and find the links to it. I'd like to see what's there and maybe see if I can find any more bugs.
  19. I really like the Oaisis. Oaisis has a beautiful layout and Binturong is good also. Although, I feel Savage is just too 'all over the place' for my standpoint. Personal opinions are always the silliest, aren't they? i also agree with what YoloSweggLord said about lowering the watersplash into the actual water.
  20. Welcome to the clan @LyricIsDead! Be sure to ask any one of us if you have questions, or comments, or need help! We'll be certain to help! Enjoy your stay!
  21. Okay, so, for my next turn, I could basically out back in what I deleted? (If I am correct) Thanks, @cascadia
  22. Yes, my math is bootyful! Because 5 - 2 = 4 LOGIC I meant 4 total rides and flat rides including the coaster. Whoops.
  23. Okay, I've done my go at fixing the issue. I removed 2/5 flat rides and now there's only 4, and also reduced the size of the area I was using. I also have a question, is an 800 tile plot all you can use PERIOD? Or can you add more to it in the future? (I do know that you can add things elsewhere in the park though). I am asking ahead of time so I don't get in trouble if I did that. The OpenRCT Group Park 4.07.sv6
  24. Alright, I'll get that done in a bit. Didn't mean to screw up.
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