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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. Well, I was going to write a review about your work....but your save game failed for me. I have a feeling you used TT+WW objects, so I think it'd be a great thing for those who do not have those expansions, to have you send some screens of your work in. Prognosis: Add some screens, matey! Also, welcome to the site!
  2. I'm glad that this topic has been discussed. I've got another issue to add on to this one. I'm currently working on an SP project, and half of the rides always break down because A) the mechanics can't get to it B) the paths might be disconnected and/or C) there's another underlying issue. My problem is that a certain ride (or several) both the entrance and exit seem to be 'unclaimed' from the park's area. I mean it as in they aren't 'in' the park. However, the ride can still operate (as long as cheats are used to keep it from breaking down). Guests can enter and exit the ride with ease, the mechanics, cannot. Another thing about this is that trying to claim the land does not work. None of it. You have to delete the exit and entrance, fix the land, and then replace them. It seemed to work for awhile, but I noticed the very same rides which had the issue in the first place. What's odd about it is that none of the other rides (minus a few who gained the issue) have the issue. There's four or five with it, but the entire rest of the SP project is unscathed. It's an interesting bug, and it's not necessarily a game killer....but for those who are making a serious/real life park, it's quite an annoyance.
  3. Yaaaaay! Finally! Goodness, you've missed a lot. I don't know where to begin with it, but I am really glad to see you back. You need to become a valued member of the site again!!! You can account for me at least, but your NCSO is definitely not terrible; better than me, in fact. Group Park would be an excellent area to get you back into NCSO swing of things. Can't be that much different than using CSO, right? I mean any one who uses it to an extent like you must have taken awhile to get used to it. I'm rambling on, but ya get what I mean. As for your work....dude. All of it needs to be posted. Allllllllllll of it! Welcome back to the site once more! Excited to see more from you!
  4. @Broxzier, no, thanks. I'm too upended with other things going on...I may be able to hit it up at a later date.
  5. I've recently seen the player count above 70. It honestly depends of the time of day you're on. I'd say, > 50-70 would be around 4:30pm-10:00pm. Other times, it'll be lower. You really don't need to worry.
  6. Scenarios 67, 68 & 69 are out! Get them here: 67 - Tepiko Tundra (Redone) - Hard, 3,100 guests by the end of year 4.68 - Otega Park - Easy, 1,100 guests by the end of year 3.69 - Vampire Woods - Medium, 1,700 guests by year 3. Enjoy!
  7.'s called being busy? People can't be on OpenRCT2 24/7 ya know. Or at least I hope. Never fear, the community is alive and well!
  8. Jesus almighty lord...let's calm down a bit guys! Though, I kinda have to agree with these two above...
  9. That'll be a neat topic. I miss the one of the old options in rct1 that allowed you to pick the length, rating and that business on your goal. Say, 'have x coaster length with a rating of 8.0' I could be wrong, as I've not played rct1 in years, but that would be a nice feature. As well as other custom objectives yet to be seen.
  10. I can only bid you good luck. So....good luck! ;)
  11. At first glance, this is really well made. Probably even better than what I've produced. I like the buildings and the boat particularly, they're pretty well done. The bridge is awesome. Though I haven't taken a close look inside the game, I already can tell you have a good talent at making scenarios. Why not make more?
  12. Hello, and welcome to the site! To answer your question, you can simply do this by going into the editor for creating scenarios. Once you've selected all land/tiles and done what is needed to get to the fifth stage, the scenario 'saver' if you will, you can change the goal depending on what you've selected. If you are curious, the chain goes like this, or at least by how i recognize and use it each day. Stage 1: Object Selection - All objects you want in the scenario Stage 2: Land Editing and Scenery - Editing land and adding scenery for the scenario Stage 3: Inventory Options - Where objects selected, roller coasters, thrill, food, etc comes inventorized later in the game. Stage 4: Scenario Options - Changing what each guest can come in with, as well as many more options to make your scenario easier or harder. Stage 5: Scenario Saver - Naming the scenario, picking a goal, and saving the scenario. You'll have to use both stage 4 and 5 I believe to change the scenario's goal (You must have OpenRCT2, which I assume you do). It's really simple to do so.I believe you can also change the goal in game. I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I'd love to see you begin giving us quality work! I hope I've helped!
  13. I have yet to try these out. As you know, I'm a scenario maker, so this will be helpful. Also, did I mention this is so freaking cool!? If I can figure out how to use it correctly, I'ma bout to produce some awesome stuff. Is there any place where I'd place a greyscale(?) image? Also, @Broxzier that last image kind of looks like your avatar. Oh wait....
  14. Hello mate and welcome to the site! If ya have questions, do let us know! Enjoy the site.
  15. Good lord. That's a lot more than I thought! That sounds mundo promising! Good luck, I'll be there to help!
  16. Oh my, you FINALLY joined! Welcome to the site mate! I'd critique your work, but you already know how I feel. I am mundo excited to see what you can produce with a little less limitation; because this, my friend, is far from average. Once again, welcome! Happy to see ya here! If you have questions, do ask us! Enjoy.
  17. Yeah, I guess. It may be messy, but it'd be helpful!
  18. I'd personally love this feature. I wish there was a way to get the exact amount of guests you want. Say, some kind of feature like 400 guests + add 37 = 437. Or, I want 2,313 guests, click a button, boom! 2,313 guests. As well as a feature to add a big group, say 700, versus a tiny group of 50. Small Group - Medium Group - Big Group - Very Big Group 50-100 150-250 300-500 700-1000. I have a feeling some sort of feature like this will be added, so I am hopeful.
  19. That's a neat little logo I've never seen before! Huh.
  20. So sorry to hear of your loss @SpiffyJack. It's normal to feel this way, don't let this bring you down further than it already has.
  21. I'm gonna skip this turn again because I am uninspired and also busy. *again* I will do something in this park eventually, just...not yet. @SpiffyJack, you can skip my turn once Jochem is done.
  22. I know that most of my own scenarios work on RCTC. Shameless self sponsoring but it goes like this, After you click the download, this should pop upAfter that, you should be all set for downloading a scenario, a track, and other things, and it should show this,That should help those who want a bunch of new scenarios, tracks, or whatever else in RCTC. If you want to email it to yourself, you can, by all means. You must have the scenario editor expansion pack to download scenarios. For those who do not know, RCTC is an excellent port on to phones and tablets. If you have a bit of spare change, by all means, get the game. It is one of the best ports I have ever seen and like RCT2, it is just as addicting. Good luck, haha.
  23. Scenario 66 is out now as well, and it exactly what you think it is. It's B-r--y -r-d-e <<<Spell it out! 66 - Berdeaux Bridge - Easy, 1,000 guests by year 3. Enjoy!
  24. Next update! **Aguila Loco** - Vekoma SLC - 1997 In 1992, a few short years after El Grande made the ranks at this park, rumours began to arise once more about the possibility of a new coaster to hit the park within three to four years. Speculation arose even further in early 1995 when pictures leaked of land being plowed. The officials at the park contacted a few coaster architect companies. Information poured out from the bystander stalkers that noted that the officials were looking at Arrow Dynamics, the company who produced the park's suspended swinging coaster. As plans had begun in 1992, it was confirmed that Arrow Dynamics would bring the park a 'flying' type coaster. It had been named 'Quetzelqoatl,' but after the ride were finished, and open for only one season, the flying coaster crashed to the ground as an earthquake hit the park in late '93. Many coaster enthusiasts were crushed to know that 'Quetzalqoatl' had failed. it would take time, as park officials, after the collapse of the flying coaster, scrambled to find another coaster to build as the park was losing revenue from it's commercials for Quetzalqoatl. '96 brought promise. Names were strewn about in the head room of the park. Names such as Intamin and Vekoma were tossed around. It was eventually decided that Vekoma would sport a coaster. Enthusiasts wondered what Vekoma would produce this time. Shortly after the new year, leaked images made headway as it captured Vekoma's SLC trains laying sideways on the ground, near many bits of green track. Soon after, even though everyone knew, it was announced anyways. It did not take long to complete and the name 'Aguila Loco' which translates into 'Crazy Eagle' reclaimed the name. As a tribute for Arrow Dynamic's efforts on Quetzalcoatl, they stuck with the 'bird-like' theme, and also painted Aguila Loco's track the same colours as Quetzalqoatl. In 2009, the ride closed for the season for maintenance to repair a piece of track that was wearing too quickly. An entire new coat of paint entranced the now 12 year old ride for the 2010 season. As it stands, it remains the smoothest SLC in existence. **Car Ride** - 1997 Shortly after Aguila Loco opened to the public, Car Ride (Which had been sitting closed, and never opened since 1994) opened to the public for the same season. (Ignore the WIP-ness of this park) That's all for this update! More to come soon! Enjoy.
  25. Thank you
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