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Everything posted by NightHawk

  1. This happened to me too. Just rebuild the entrance & exit. That worked for me.
  2. That's the reason the "8-Cars" trainer got it's name. It had a cheat option to re-enable 8 cars on trains. This function also made it possible to have 1 car trains on lim coasters and such wich normaly require 3 or more.
  3. Yeah, password protected servers are the cancer of openrct2. People are too lazy to care about the group system it seems...
  4. Chairlifts will crash into other cars (at the extreme speed of 14 km/h max :P) and explode when they reach a station.
  5. NightHawk


    I always thought it was a "Victory Lap" the winner did. *g*
  6. So, I was hosting a server with around 10 people about a week ago. I turned on the autosave (1min) feature so no progress would be lost by any server crashes. The next day I played a bit on single player. When I wanted to start up the server again of course the autosaves had been replaced by the maps I played on singleplayer mode. So, all the progress was lost. There really need to be 2 seperate autosave funktions. 1 for single player and 1 for multiplayer. I often just forget I have autosave turned on and loose all my progress on previous parks OR I forget I have it turned off, after 2 hours my server crashes and everything is gone.
  7. That would be illegal so your stuck searching on your own or just buy them for I guess under 5 bucks...
  8. So, It was always annoying on some instances, that lifthills will power trains up again if they roll back. For example, this is a recreation of a common japanese Shuttle-Coaster wich will not work in RCT2 as of yet because of this perticular Problem. The train will be stuck forever moving back and forwards o top of the lift. This would ESPECIALLY be helpfull on coasters like Kingda-Ka, so trains wouldn't be stuck after not making it over the top but rather move back into the station / brakerun again. Or launch coasters with multiple launches till they make it over the top (like Skyscream @ Holiday Park, Germany) Another suggestion: A forwards starting Shuttle Mode. Wich will drop trains once they reach the lifthill top moving FORWARDS out of the station, rather than backwards.
  9. So, I was hosting a server yesterday and noticed some people were able to change trains to other coasters (Loopinc coaster cars on a wooden coaster), change lift speed and so on. However, even as a server host, I can't access the cheats menu.
  10. How can somebody not like that insane wild mouse at blackpool ? lol worst 5 i've ever been on, descending: 1. (El) Condor @ Walibi Holland. = NEVER AGAIN !!! 2. The Bandit @ Movie Park Germany 3. Big Loop @ Heide Park, Germany 4. Alpina Bahn (Travelling Coaster in Germany) 5. Dizz @ Bobbejaanland, Belgium = Just plain boring. So much wasted potential.
  11. I can't find the park for download. It looks so awesome. :(
  12. I can't help, but this is somewhat hilarious... :D
  13. A function i'm missing from the 8-Cars trainer is "8-Cars per Train". This way you could have coasters with only 1 car.I have a recreation of the racing rollercoaster "Cop Car Chase" but it has lim trains with 3 cars. I would need this function to set the number of cars to 2.
  14. Hopefully the function to rotate entrances&exits will be featured in OpenRCT2 soon...i'm not going to do all the trouble with hex and such.
  15. I agree !
  16. Yes, but I can't "do it" in non CSO parks.
  17. I'm missing the "Raise/Lower" option wich was nessesary for merging tracks.
  18. Hello there,I was trying to change a looping-rollercoaster to use LIM Coaster trains instead. However the train is not listed when I try to change it. I can use stuff like a freefall or oldtimers, but no LIM-Coaster train, even though the Lim Coaster itself is present in the parks object list.
  19. Yes, but you can't turn ledges like this into a waterfall...:View image
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