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Everything posted by NightHawk

  1. Cedar-Flags.sv6 Whenever I try to add the Minicoaster with cars or sled vehicles to an existing scenario, the game crashes. I tried: - Removing all Custom Coasters - Removing all variations of the minicoaster in the park and from object list - Set option "Organise by track type (rct1)" to on and off. Adding other rides, coasters and even other types of the minicoaster (like the ones from ww & tt) won't crash. just the "wildcat" car vehicles and the sled ones.
  2. The support is underneath the track, so the swinging cars crash through it, killing every peep instantly.
  3. I think an option would be benefitial to test rides with virtual guests (like real life water dumys),. I see a lot of people creating log flumes, splash boat rides with wayyyyy to short of a splash zone for fully loaded boats.
  4. - Working Lights for Day/Night cycle
  5. Sure your park isn't just located in england ?
  6. Ok I understand. Thanks for clearing that up.
  7. but why are lifts possible ?
  8. Since we do have the cheat to make every coaster piece be a lift allready, we could also need brakes on all pieces. This is especially crucial for diagnoal or slanted brakeruns.
  9. 4D coaster. (Multidimension) Just too many variables to consider with the seat rotations and such.
  10. On youtube. lel it's kind of a tf2 meme, so easy to find.
  11. > 10. No furries
  12. It IS possible. You need to build "dummy" station in between wich have to run in a mode wich wont make the cars go off the track. (for some reason the dummys wont sync being closed like they did in vanilla rct2) It will look something like this: It's pretty complicated to pull of though.
  13. Yes I know. I wasn't asking for blockbrakes speeding trains up to their set speed (like in rct3) . But it would be perfect if you could select the brakespeed like with regular brakes. The speed on blockbrakes in vanilla rct2 is locked to 6km/h.
  14. It would be super helpfull if we could change the speed a blockbrake will use independently like in RCT3. I know there are certain ways to "kinda" do it (have the blockbrake be a lift segment), but in some cases that just messes up other parts of a ride. For example I recreated a standard wild mouse here: The block brakes have 14 km/h lift segments attached to them so the cars won't crawl at snail speed around the corners following, BUT this makes the regular lifthill be unrealisticly fast.
  15. NightHawk

    RCT1 vehicles

    Would it be possible to add the old coaster cars from rct1 to openrct ? (The looping coaster train with the "V" on the front car, the kiddy coaster with ability for steep drops, ...)
  16. So, the Idea of a whitelist I approve, but now I can't join any server. And no, even on new servers i've never been on. Edit: Now I can join them again. Weird O_o
  17. Apart from the 6-Seater wooden rollercoaster & the Heartline coaster, you can't run trains backwards in continuous circuit mode. an option to just turn them around would be perfect.
  18. Not everyone wants to deal with the console.
  19. i'd say at least 20min until they complain. I mean you would celebrate that amount of queue in parks like disneyworld
  20. So, peeps will say "I've queued for ages!" allready after "7" Minutes of waiting and won't say the ride was great afterwards as a result. I think that is pretty insane and unrealistic. I think they should at least have a waiting time of 15 Minutes (or more) until they get pissed like that.
  21. In Regular RCT2, it was possible to sync absent stations with "dummy" station in between. The dummys didn't need to be opened and didn't need any special mode settings, just the checkbox for "sync with nearby station enabled". This doesn't work anymore in openrct2. Even an old savefile where it used to work now doesn't anymore. the trains on the actually used, outer tracks will never start. I could occasinally sync them up by testing the dummys in food stand mode. but they would randomly sync and not sync. Also, Guests wouldn't walk over paths that were build directly over the dummys with zero clearance. they used to don't bother the dummys and walk there anyway in the original game. Another BIG problem: Using the "Allow cars from other rides" cheat, the LIM coaster is missing in the dropdown list. This has bothered me for a long time and probably has been adressed, but It's critical because of the following reason: Im trying to recreate a coaster with track merges. Normaly you can still select a liftspeed if you use a coaster with lifts possible as the main station. Since I can't pick LIM cars from the dropdown menu, I can only directly build a lim station, but then I can't change the liftspeed anymore since the lim coaster normally wouldn't have a lift. This is crucial, since the car won't make the loop without the lift beeing 11kmh. I can't use another train type because the recreation requires a 4 seater with shoulder restraints that can do loops & heartline rolls. Aka: Only the LIM.
  22. Rule#1: Never play TicTacToe with chairlifts !
  23. I just saw this on a server: The server owner just said he "hacked" it, didn't want to explain how. Ride stat still said: 3 Trains 6 Cars.
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